Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

You are all kinds of whack.

I prefer brainwashed, allthough I guess it's possible someone actually pays for this crap... but you have to admire his total devotion to the "truth"...
How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?

Security clearances are free speech (just like $$$), it says so in the holy constitution and the orange menace is violating it by taking those clearances away

One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

Say doofus, you may want to rethink that thought. Token negro threatened to jail reporters ya know.
To some on the left what Obama did, is perfectly okay. What Trump is doing is not.

...and amazingly they can't see the hypocrisy, partisanship, and intolerance of their position.

Obama never restricted the free Press......non sequitur alert.
You just admitted you don't know the facts.

Why is it you are so uninformed? Could it be your media sources you keeping you dumb?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

GTFO it's the liberals who want to bring back the fairness doctrine not the cons.

He is attacking the fucking liberal media who has had a monopoly on it for the past 40 years

Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
Okie doke.

By the way, the term "Regressive Left" was coined by a liberal Muslim Brit, Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other liberals, below.

So enjoy your little reality. I'm sure it's very comfy. I'll keep agreeing with real liberals.



THAT is your argument? Still trying to figure out how any ideological group of people is equated to the top executive in the country? You haven't explained that one because.....well, it is a REALLY stupid argument to defend.
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
AGAIN...this post clearly indicates you are terribly uninformed.

Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.

Your voice is not alone. I haven't been following the discussion; has he claimed you made his point for him yet?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
/——/ You’re confused Spanky. And did you have any fake outrage when Obozo banned Fox News?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

GTFO it's the liberals who want to bring back the fairness doctrine not the cons.

He is attacking the fucking liberal media who has had a monopoly on it for the past 40 years


Lie based on opinion.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
How about this? Ideology TRUMPS intelligence.

It does. A perfectly intelligent person can become infected.

And when it infects, it literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes. I'm not kidding.
I figure if your sense of right and wrong is faulty, it's easy to be 'infected'.
I've done a lot of reading the subconscious, and the prevailing view is that, through our subconscious, we humans can talk ourselves into some pretty amazing things. And, it's a process: We begin with a general belief, we then expose ourselves more and more to it, and then we ultimately isolate ourselves within it.

At that point, opinion becomes reality, regardless of how distorted that opinion may be.

FURTHER, we then apply that same process across the board, and that's when the infection takes complete hold.
This is how Nazis convinced enough Germans that Jews needed to be eradicated.
This is no mistake.
The Left is using CNN and MSNBC to turn the public into a bunch of angry assholes willing to attack total strangers in the street simply for wearing a red hat.
Luckly CNN and MSNBC doesn't have that big of a following in most of the country.
But in liberal hot spots, you risk serious injury if you walk down the street taking advantage of your 1st Amendment rights......and this is by design.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
/——/ You’re confused Spanky. And did you have any fake outrage when Obozo banned Fox News?

Complete lie....never happened.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

You are all kinds of whack.

How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?
He's suggesting that the traitors who are calling him a traitor need to have their security clearances pulled.
Then in the same breath they say that they aren't using them anymore, but THIS IS SO PETTY!!!
Nevermind that being critical of the current administration purely for political purposes is the very definition of being petty.
Last edited:
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
AGAIN...this post clearly indicates you are terribly uninformed.


Sure....because you say it is. The calling card of the Trump cult follower.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

You are all kinds of whack.

How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?
He's suggesting that the traitors who are calling him a traitor need to have their security clearances pulled.
Then in the same breath they say that they aren't using them anymore, but THIS IS SO PETTY!!!

You mean siding with a foreign dictator who is attacking your country over the top United States police force does NOT get you a free American flag?!?!?! Gee.....who knew??!

Sure, it's Brennan's fault for calling out unAmerican behavior?!?! God, what a stupid argument.

I notice you call Brennan a traitor....but, then chastise his calling Trump a traitor?!?!? Please explain that "logic"?
Last edited:
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
How about this? Ideology TRUMPS intelligence.

It does. A perfectly intelligent person can become infected.

And when it infects, it literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes. I'm not kidding.
I figure if your sense of right and wrong is faulty, it's easy to be 'infected'.
I've done a lot of reading the subconscious, and the prevailing view is that, through our subconscious, we humans can talk ourselves into some pretty amazing things. And, it's a process: We begin with a general belief, we then expose ourselves more and more to it, and then we ultimately isolate ourselves within it.

At that point, opinion becomes reality, regardless of how distorted that opinion may be.

FURTHER, we then apply that same process across the board, and that's when the infection takes complete hold.
This is how Nazis convinced enough Germans that Jews needed to be eradicated.
This is no mistake.
The Left is using CNN and MSNBC to turn the public into a bunch of angry assholes willing to attack total strangers in the street simply for wearing a red hat.
Luckly CNN and MSNBC doesn't have that big of a following in most of the country.
But in liberal hot spots, you risk serious injury if you walk down the street taking advantage of your 1st Amendment rights......and this is by design.
This is working effectively on both ends of the spectrum.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
AGAIN...this post clearly indicates you are terribly uninformed.


Sure....because you say it is. The calling card of the Trump cult follower.

I am no Trump cult follower, but I know BS when I see it. Why would you assume I am a Trump cult follower? This too indicates ignorance...anyone who disagrees with you, must be a partisan on the other side.

You just admitted not knowing the Regressive Left exists. That tells me you are uninformed.
In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
AGAIN...this post clearly indicates you are terribly uninformed.


Sure....because you say it is. The calling card of the Trump cult follower.

I am no Trump cult follower, but I know BS when I see it. Why would you assume I am a Trump cult follower? This too indicates ignorance...anyone who disagrees with you, must be a partisan on the other side.

You just admitted not knowing the Regressive Left exists. That tells me you are uninformed.

Then you DON'T agree with Trump removal of free press credentials or putting national security at risk by eliminating security clearance of whom he views as political rivals? At least we agree there.....

The funny part in all of this is you claim to be a "Libertarian"....yet you support the current Administration's moves toward authoritarian governance. More sad than funny, actually.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
Trump the thin skinned tinpot dictator.
...That tells me you are uninformed.

You misunderstand, the #resistance is perfectly informed by the deep state propaganda put out by the 'free speech' MSM and this is a perfect example of what that propaganda hopes to achieve, lots of brainwashed minions repeating the same lies over and over again until the 'normal' people (who aren't addicted to politics) start believing it too because where there's smoke there has to be fire....

And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
AGAIN...this post clearly indicates you are terribly uninformed.


Sure....because you say it is. The calling card of the Trump cult follower.

I am no Trump cult follower, but I know BS when I see it. Why would you assume I am a Trump cult follower? This too indicates ignorance...anyone who disagrees with you, must be a partisan on the other side.

You just admitted not knowing the Regressive Left exists. That tells me you are uninformed.

Then you DON'T agree with Trump removal of free press credentials or putting national security at risk by eliminating security clearance of whom he views as political rivals? At least we agree there.....

The funny part in all of this is you claim to be a "Libertarian"....yet you support the current Administration's moves toward authoritarian governance. More sad than funny, actually.
I do know this, your OP is foolishness, as is this most recent post of yours.

Taking their clearance is NOT taking their free speech rights. Stop watching CNN. It is making you dumb.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

GTFO it's the liberals who want to bring back the fairness doctrine not the cons.

He is attacking the fucking liberal media who has had a monopoly on it for the past 40 years


Lie based on opinion.

Bullshit, look at the parrots left attack on ONE network fox on here, Look at posters like Franco who admit they want the fairness doctrine back..

Look at Kerry's attack on social media. Look at Berkeley trying to quash free speech by cons..

It is you turds that want to destroy the 1st amendment , Trump is just trolling you guys and you can't handle it.


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