Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

Many on the Left don't think it authoritarian to punish those who's opinions they find unacceptable. They think it is just the right thing to do. So, they do not understand when you point out their hypocrisy on freedom of speech.
Yeah, I think that may be the problem. I think it's possible that they're being sincere, that they really don't see this.

That, to me, is worse than if they were lying.

I can provide direct and clear quotes from Obama, Warren and Sanders, and these folks still don't understand the concept.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

Say doofus, you may want to rethink that thought. Token negro threatened to jail reporters ya know.
To some on the left what Obama did, is perfectly okay. What Trump is doing is not.

...and amazingly they can't see the hypocrisy, partisanship, and intolerance of their position.

Obama never restricted the free Press......non sequitur alert.
Yeah, I think that may be the problem. I think it's possible that they're being sincere, that they really don't see this.

That, to me, is worse than if they were lying.

I can provide direct and clear quotes from Obama, Warren and Sanders, and these folks still don't understand the concept.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.
How is using speech to refute speech an "attack of expression"? Isn't that the exact opposite?
Refuting it is one thing, shutting it down or intimidating it is another.

"I'm going to use my freedom of speech to shut down yours" is a blatant and cynical perversion of the concept.

These people agree:


I guess I don't understand what you are arguing? I totally agree with every quote in your meme.......but, don't see where your view of liberalism has "shut down" speech of people they disagree with?
First, liberalism doesn't shut down speech of people with whom it doesn't agree. The people who do this are illiberal leftist authoritarians, not liberals, and that's why I call them that.

And you really can't think of any examples of conservative speakers being shut down, shouted down, or intimidated? Really? And you can't think of examples of people screaming RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE or something similar instead of engaging in conversation? What do you think the liberals above are talking about, then?

If that's true, I wouldn't even know what to say. That's like when a right winger says "racism no longer exists". I don't even know how to respond.
I think you're confusing racism with institutional racism.
And institutional racism has always existed.
Affirmative Action is a perfect example of institutional racism.
Jim Crow doesn't exist, so that form of institutional racism doesn't exist, despite the claims of Democrats (who created Jim Crow BTW).

Democrats seem to feel that everything is racist.
  • The flag or the National Anthem
  • National security
  • A border wall
  • Deporting illegals
  • Telling jokes about Planet of The Apes
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
How is using speech to refute speech an "attack of expression"? Isn't that the exact opposite?
Refuting it is one thing, shutting it down or intimidating it is another.

"I'm going to use my freedom of speech to shut down yours" is a blatant and cynical perversion of the concept.

These people agree:


I guess I don't understand what you are arguing? I totally agree with every quote in your meme.......but, don't see where your view of liberalism has "shut down" speech of people they disagree with?
First, liberalism doesn't shut down speech of people with whom it doesn't agree. The people who do this are illiberal leftist authoritarians, not liberals, and that's why I call them that.

And you really can't think of any examples of conservative speakers being shut down, shouted down, or intimidated? Really? And you can't think of examples of people screaming RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE or something similar instead of engaging in conversation? What do you think the liberals above are talking about, then?

If that's true, I wouldn't even know what to say. That's like when a right winger says "racism no longer exists". I don't even know how to respond.
I think you're confusing racism with institutional racism.
And institutional racism has always existed.
Affirmative Action is a perfect example of institutional racism.
Jim Crow doesn't exist, so that form of institutional racism doesn't exist, despite the claims of Democrats (who created Jim Crow BTW).

Democrats seem to feel that everything is racist.
  • The flag or the National Anthem
  • National security
  • A border wall
  • Deporting illegals
  • Telling jokes about Planet of The Apes
The Regressive Left has wrecked the word with over-use.

And I'm not talking about institutional racism, I'm talking about everyday, street-level racism.

And of course it still exists. We still have a long way to go there.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

Say doofus, you may want to rethink that thought. Token negro threatened to jail reporters ya know.
To some on the left what Obama did, is perfectly okay. What Trump is doing is not.

...and amazingly they can't see the hypocrisy, partisanship, and intolerance of their position.

Obama never restricted the free Press......non sequitur alert.
Actually he sent armies of lawyers to Fox News all of the time trying to get Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and others fired.
The press simply refused to cover this travesty.
Obama weaponized the IRS, NSA, CIA, and the FBI to attack his political opponents.
This is the only reason that Trump is under investigation for collusion in the first place.

Oh, but Democrats joke that Trump is being delusional.
They still refuse to admit that it happened. Obama never spied on Trump....even though we wouldn't be talking about all of this crap if Obama hadn't committed this act.
It is reflected in the usual shit that passes for comedy on late night liberal programming.

Trump's Iran Threat; Carter Page and Michael Cohen: A Closer Look
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

Say doofus, you may want to rethink that thought. Token negro threatened to jail reporters ya know.
To some on the left what Obama did, is perfectly okay. What Trump is doing is not.

...and amazingly they can't see the hypocrisy, partisanship, and intolerance of their position.

Obama never restricted the free Press......non sequitur alert.

Me how an excample of Trump doing it and I’ll show a token negro he mean time, token negro was scared shirtless of the press. He kept them at arms length his whole
Presidency. He even snooped on them and threatened to throw them in jail for doing their job because every time he or his wife spoke his popularity went down.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

Say doofus, you may want to rethink that thought. Token negro threatened to jail reporters ya know.
To some on the left what Obama did, is perfectly okay. What Trump is doing is not.

...and amazingly they can't see the hypocrisy, partisanship, and intolerance of their position.

Obama never restricted the free Press......non sequitur alert.
Actually he sent armies of lawyers to Fox News all of the time trying to get Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and others fired.
The press simply refused to cover this travesty.
Obama weaponized the IRS, NSA, CIA, and the FBI to attack is political opponents.
This is the only reason that Trump is under investigation for collusion.

Oh, but Democrats joke that Trump is being delusional.
They still refuse to admit that it happened.
It is reflected in the usual shit that passes for comedy on late night liberal programming.

Trump's Iran Threat; Carter Page and Michael Cohen: A Closer Look

Don’t forget the snooping.

2013 Department of Justice investigations of reporters - Wikipedia

In 2013, the United States Department of Justice, under Attorney General Eric Holder, came under scrutiny from the media and some members of Congress for subpoenaingphone records from the Associated Press (AP) and naming Fox News reporter, James Rosen, a "criminal co-conspirator" under the Espionage Act of 1917 in order to gain access to his personal emails and phone records

Token Negro is such a slimy bastard.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

You are all kinds of whack.

How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

You are all kinds of whack.

How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?

Why else is he doing it?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

Say doofus, you may want to rethink that thought. Token negro threatened to jail reporters ya know.
To some on the left what Obama did, is perfectly okay. What Trump is doing is not.

...and amazingly they can't see the hypocrisy, partisanship, and intolerance of their position.

Obama never restricted the free Press......non sequitur alert.

They self-restricted for his benefit, as they continue to do for the Democrats.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

You are all kinds of whack.

How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?

Why else is he doing it?

Irrelevant to the question. How is removing security clearance restricting their speech?
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.
You just, again, completely distorted my views.

This is why I no longer burn a lot of time trying to communicate with zealots on the internet: I don't know if you're this dishonest, or just that detached from reality.

In other words, you cannot explain your obvious, you won't. Congratulations.
And you do it again.

You fabricate my views and then complain that I don't defend them.

The troubling thing here is that I don't think you even realize this. I think it may be that you're being sincere here.

Your views involve some fictitious group you call the "regressive left" (which is about as real as Sasquatch) and the POTUS (who is a real, live human being who sits atop of the Executive Branch). You then EQUATE the power of this fictitious group and put them on the same level as the top executive in the country.

That is genuinely bat-**** crazy.

Sorry son, just exercising my free speech rights to call bull**** on your nonsense.
Okie doke.

By the way, the term "Regressive Left" was coined by a liberal Muslim Brit, Maajid Nawaz, and advanced by other liberals, below.

So enjoy your little reality. I'm sure it's very comfy. I'll keep agreeing with real liberals.



Given the Regressive Left's commitment to Political Correctness, to shutting down speech at (of all places) American Universities, and its authoritarian addiction to punishing anyone who dares to say anything they don't like about anything in any situation, it has a long, long way to go before it can complain about Freedom of Speech.
As the audience roars with approval...


The hilarious (and tragic) thing is that these goddamned "Politically Correct" Leftie LibTards actually think they're fooling anybody with such drivel.

Their own kind drink deeply of the Kool-Aid, but the rest of the country knows better than to actively seek and practice Cultural Suicide like those dumb-a$$e$.
Last edited:
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

You are all kinds of whack.

How is he silencing John Brennan and the others?

Why else is he doing it?

Irrelevant to the question. How is removing security clearance restricting their speech?
At some (possibly subconscious) level, Regressives know how anti-freedom of expression they are. So they look for any excuse, no matter how far they have to stretch, to equate themselves with others in an effort to dilute their own actions.
Yeah, I think that may be the problem. I think it's possible that they're being sincere, that they really don't see this.

That, to me, is worse than if they were lying.

I can provide direct and clear quotes from Obama, Warren and Sanders, and these folks still don't understand the concept.
Agreed. One could conclude from this, that they aren't very smart.
No, I don't think it's about intelligence. I think it's ideology, which is like an affliction.
Explain "punish".......
Getting someone fired. Ruining someone's career. "Hate Speech" laws.

I really had to say that?
Getting someone fired? Ruining someone's career? What the hell are you talking about?

On one are disavowing the government's restriction of hate speech through interpretation of law (designed for public peace).....but, on the other had you don't care about Trump restriction of free speech by limiting some Press members' access to information (designed to accommodate one political party). Again....a complete double standard.

They don't get it.

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