Trump's Big Lie is the Defines the Character of our Electorate

Is Biden the Legitimately Elected President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
Sometimes it can be hard to accept a loss, or accept the cruel reality of facts.

Some people just can't do it at all. These people are the weak of the world and they lack character.
I think Trump's Big Lie of fake election fraud defines who we are as people and Americans.

Some Republicans just can not admit Trump lost and there was no fraud and they are willing to go down with this ship in denial, looking very foolish as the Big Lie gets destroyed more and more (even Trumps own attorneys are now admitting there was no fraud).
Some republicans (like all the people at Fox News and Trump's own attorney Jenna Ellis) can admit trump lost the election, at least some can accept reality.
Pretty much all dems know Trump lost the elections and there was no fraud.

I think people that can't admit and accept that Trump lost the election and there was no fraud have serious issues and have absolutely no credibility at all, this denial of facts exposes these people for being weak and childish. Its like a 4 year old child that loses a game and throws a tantrum (or an Insurrection at the Capitol...).

This issue defines who you are as a person and a voter.
How can people try to claim they have credibility and character, if they can't admit Trump lost the election?

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ....Can't you find anything new twaddle on about?

I agree.

It really says something to the total lack of character of the modern day republican. These people are little children, they just can't admit Trump lost and they look stupid AF because of that.

This shows how Republicans are the party of children that can't accept reality and throw tantrums (or riots) when they lose.

If a child behaved this way they would be scolded, when adults behave they way... it says something about them, and their lack of character.
How about you two faggots go get a room?
If you’re 18 and can’t figure out how to get to a polling place you’re retarded and shouldn’t be voting. The conservative students don’t complain about it. Just you assholes.
The age of 18 in WW I and II, Korea and Vietnam took the lives of too many teenagers, thus, they have the absolute right to vote!
They’re way outnumbered. You’re just making excuses why you want to make it harder for liberals to vote.

Eat a dick.

Ps. usually these moves backfire. They show up because you did this.

Texas would be blue if everyone voted. I mean every citizen.
Well if they show up there’s no problem is there? Idiot.
are you serious??

Are you really serious here???

You answer shows how truly pathetic you people are.

All those people conceded their elections and none of them incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on total bullshit lies.
See how that works
There was no insurrection you hyper ventilating moron. And yes there were riots by you stupid fucks when Trump won. STFU
More proof that MAGA republicans are the trash of America.

I guess you must be cranky after they ran out of hot water at the trailer park.
Not a republican, let alone a MAGA one.

And you two assclowns are still insufferable faggots.
It's not, however, Trumpism is faux conservatism - It is much closer to fascism than conservatism!

"Fascism refers to a specific way of organizing a society: under fascism, a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people in that society, and allows no dissent or disagreement."

That sounds to me a whole lot more like today's democrats, than anything Trump was saying in office...
Not a republican, let alone a MAGA one.

And you two assclowns are still insufferable faggots.
Whatever you are, you have made a total fool of yourself and represent the trash of America.

When does you sentence start for rioting at the Capitol with the other trash on Jan 6th?
Did you cry like a pussy when you got sentenced, like the other trash Trumpers??
Whatever you are, you have made a total fool of yourself and represent the trash of America.

When does you sentence start for rioting at the Capitol with the other trash on Jan 6th?
Did you cry like a pussy when you got sentenced, like the other trash Trumpers??
Are you really this big of a fucking bore IRL?
"Fascism refers to a specific way of organizing a society: under fascism, a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people in that society, and allows no dissent or disagreement."

That sounds to me a whole lot more like today's democrats, than anything Trump was saying in office...
No it doesn't; your first paragraph is wrong!

Fascism is Germany under Hitler. fascism is the government in the large number of different countries.

Take a course in Poli Sci 102. Then you won't be so damn ignorant.
No it doesn't; your first paragraph is wrong!

Fascism is Germany under Hitler. fascism is the government in the large number of different countries.

Take a course in Poli Sci 102. Then you won't be so damn ignorant.
I guess Webster is wrong? And your answer is to go get some indoctrination?
You seem to be arguing that conservatism is a sickness...
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read “liberalism is a mental disease” around here, but it’s a lot.

What’s your point? Does that mean you guys are trying to make liberalism illegal? I don’t get it.
And back then they had to get to a polling place as well. Stop being little *****.
You're an idiot. 21 was the age to vote during all of the wars noted in my post. Then, on July 1, 1971, our Nation ratified the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, lowering the voting age to 18.

Maybe you flunked civics, or maybe you didn't attend High School before this date above, and not read the Newspapers or watch TV News. In any case you are either damn ignorant or a damn liar.

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