Trump's Big Lie takes another hit

Of course, that’s not the point – conservatives know this; they know Trump won't be 'reinstated.'

The purpose of the lie that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ is to exhibit conservatives’ disdain for democracy and their contempt for the political process; to sow doubt and uncertainty about the political process designed to undermine and hobble democracy, perceived as beneficial to Republicans.

The lower the voter turnout, the better Republican candidate do – that’s what Republicans are counting on this November.
Conservatives have been telling us for years how much they hate when "more people" vote -- which is why they have always been dedicated to putting up obstacles to bring about lower voter's almost like they know their policies suck and would never win majority support
Conservatives are enemies of democracy and seek to destroy it in an effort to establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule
Lefty loons wish the US was a Democracy because they want the East and West Coast to control the country, or your one of the dumb mother fuckers who actually believe the US is a Democracy.

Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch
Lefty loons wish the US was a Democracy because they want the East and West Coast to control the country, or your one of the dumb mother fuckers who actually believe the US is a Democracy.
Then what's up with all the voting?
The draft picks?
The class president.
The laws?
What a dumbass.
Democracy is not freedom.
Yes, it is you moron.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch
Lefty loons wish the US was a Democracy because they want the East and West Coast to control the country, or your one of the dumb mother fuckers who actually believe the US is a Democracy.

Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch
We get it bro, you hate America and you hate American democracy..we know this already.....

Then what's up with all the voting?
The draft picks?
The class president.
The laws?
What a dumbass.

Yes, it is you moron.
What ? You came up with shit that has fuck all to do with how the US governs, class president, draft picks ? Maybe you shouldn't call others dumbass or moron, because after this post it kind of looks like your projecting or something.

The Pledge of Allegiance​

I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.
What ? You came up with shit that has fuck all to do with how the US governs, class president, draft picks ?
You're a fucking moron.
How do you think laws get passed ?
The same way draft picks and class presidents are chosen.

Majority rules you fucking idiot.
Maybe you shouldn't call others dumbass or moron, because after this post it kind of looks like your projecting or something.
You're brain dead.
Show me the word democracy in the constitution?
Show me where in the Constitution does it give the VP the power to overturn an election??

Because no matter if you want to call it a democracy, or republic or oligarchy --won't change the fact that you dumb asses were trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in history....

Can you tell me why a VP Kamala Harris shouldn't be prevented from doing the same thing you wanted Mike Pence to do? I know you won't answer that question without deflecting, which basically makes my point...
I love the Constitution and the Constitutional Republic it governs and hate those who want the US to be a Democracy. I loath the complete imbeciles who believe the US has ever been one.
Cool, now tell me why VP Kamala Harris can't refuse to certify the election and instead send in fake electors and declare herself the winner in 2024 -- if she doesn't like the results of the election...where in the Constitution does it allow forged election certificates to be used??

You're a fucking moron.
How do you think laws get passed ?
The same way draft picks and class presidents are chosen.

Majority rules you fucking idiot.

You're brain dead.
We aren't a democracy we are a elected representative Republic.
Maybe you can show me HOW the constitution was written, moron?

Who decided?
The minority?
Dear dumbass I asked you to show me where you can find the word democracy in the US Constitution? Democracy vs Republic - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Show me where in the Constitution does it give the VP the power to overturn an election??

Because no matter if you want to call it a democracy, or republic or oligarchy --won't change the fact that you dumb asses were trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in history....

Can you tell me why a VP Kamala Harris shouldn't be prevented from doing the same thing you wanted Mike Pence to do? I know you won't answer that question without deflecting, which basically makes my point...
Dodge bitch where is the word democracy in the US Constitution?
We aren't a democracy we are a elected representative Republic.

Dear dumbass I asked you to show me where you can find the word democracy in the US Constitution? Democracy vs Republic - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Even your attempt to try to highlight the differences between democracy and republic exposes you as being full of shit...

Republic: Republics are in opposition to rulership by a single person....

We know that is bullshit because your entire party is devoted to the whims of one man, and was more than ok with allowing that one man to overturn the will of millions of votes -- just because the results hurt his feelings....

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