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Trump's biographer: Trump is no drug user. He doesn’t drink or smoke.Direct quote.

many people are saying he was high on coke and adderall
I can understand the adderall usage with the severe case of ADHD he has, but I thought he had the coke habit kicked. But then again, Sarah probably got him hooked on the pipe when she showed up. Damn shame.
I hear Trump buys his coke in volume.

many people are saying he was high on coke and adderall
Mere rumor.

What is undeniable is that Hillary Clinton drinks a lot and it is very possible that her many years of heavy drinking has compromised her health. And I'm not talking about an occasional beer or glass of wine. She drinks hard liquor and has even bragged about having a vodka drinking contest with John McCain.

We need a president who can stay sober 24/7.
Ahh, I see the biographer is a source of truth. Would you like to know what else he said about Trump? Or who he's voting for and why?

Of course you dont.
Holy Fucking Shit.
Orange Crash is actually blaming the microphone now.

>> "I had a problem with a microphone that didn't work, I don't know if you saw that in the room, but my microphone was terrible," Trump told the hosts. "I think -- I wonder was it set up that way on purpose, my microphone, in the room. They couldn't hear me, you know, it was going on and off, which isn't exactly great...And it was much lower than (Hillary Clinton's). I don't want to believe in conspiracy theories of course, but it was much lower than hers, and it was crackling, and she didn't have that problem." << (CNet)

:wtf: :disbelief:

Good CHRIST this asshole is a sick self-deliusional motherfucker. Can't take responsibility for bankruptcies, can't take responsibilities for failed marriages and frauds, and now he can't even take responsibility for his own nasal congestion???

"A microphone that didn't work"? REALLY??? The whole world heard it.

This man needs to be locked up.
This bullshit that Trump is a coke user is a flat out lie.

It's no secret that I'm not at all keen on Trump, but the idea that he uses coke (or even did for the debate) is, IMO, absurd. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he did in his younger days -- coke was ridiculously popular among his set -- but, on mattes of drug use, I'm a pretty firm believer in "that was then and this is now," until, of course, I come by some real evidence not to think that. For now, however, I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt as goes the cocaine allegation.

Understandable, but how do you explain the characteristic sniffing on the one night he needed to be alert? Do you think he is above taking a little extra something to help him out

I know what I've written in this thread, but just now I heard the news report Trump's latest tweet. The man responded to remarks about his "wee hours" tweets this morning. He responded to the remarks about the time the tweets were made instead of responding to the content of the tweets and the remarks about that content.

That he chose to comment on the least significant of the things said about his early morning tweets is a sign that the man may indeed be on drugs of some sort or suffering from dementia or something other than fully coherent.

I mean really. The only reason the time of day he makes his tweets is something folks remark upon is that what he has to say at those odd hours is preposterous to begin with. The temporal aspect of the remarks made about his "3 a.m." tweets is that folks are astounded that "stupid sh*t" like what he tweeted is what's on his mind at 3 a.m. What kind of would be world leader, leader of the whole world for all intents and purposes, talks about the time of day they say whatever they say?

So, as I said, I don't think the man uses cocaine, but I do think he has dementia. In fact, I'm almost certain he does.
The three posts above are just a few of the ones I've written discussing why I think the man has dementia. I suspect folks think I'm saying that to be insulting to Trump. I do say some things to insult or deride him. My remarks about his having dementia are not among them. Dementia is no joking matter. It happens and one cannot stop it from happening and it does not get better. It's a sad thing. I would not and do not wish that even on Trump, no matter how detestable I find him.
Trumps favorite line when spouting off is "many people are saying" as though that makes the BS his cat anus mouth is spewing a fact.

Well, when it comes to him being a coke head...

MANY people are saying.
This bullshit that Trump is a coke user is a flat out lie.

It's no secret that I'm not at all keen on Trump, but the idea that he uses coke (or even did for the debate) is, IMO, absurd. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he did in his younger days -- coke was ridiculously popular among his set -- but, on mattes of drug use, I'm a pretty firm believer in "that was then and this is now," until, of course, I come by some real evidence not to think that. For now, however, I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt as goes the cocaine allegation.

Understandable, but how do you explain the characteristic sniffing on the one night he needed to be alert? Do you think he is above taking a little extra something to help him out

I know what I've written in this thread, but just now I heard the news report Trump's latest tweet. The man responded to remarks about his "wee hours" tweets this morning. He responded to the remarks about the time the tweets were made instead of responding to the content of the tweets and the remarks about that content.

That he chose to comment on the least significant of the things said about his early morning tweets is a sign that the man may indeed be on drugs of some sort or suffering from dementia or something other than fully coherent.

I mean really. The only reason the time of day he makes his tweets is something folks remark upon is that what he has to say at those odd hours is preposterous to begin with. The temporal aspect of the remarks made about his "3 a.m." tweets is that folks are astounded that "stupid sh*t" like what he tweeted is what's on his mind at 3 a.m. What kind of would be world leader, leader of the whole world for all intents and purposes, talks about the time of day they say whatever they say?

So, as I said, I don't think the man uses cocaine, but I do think he has dementia. In fact, I'm almost certain he does.
The three posts above are just a few of the ones I've written discussing why I think the man has dementia. I suspect folks think I'm saying that to be insulting to Trump. I do say some things to insult or deride him. My remarks about his having dementia are not among them. Dementia is no joking matter. It happens and one cannot stop it from happening and it does not get better. It's a sad thing. I would not and do not wish that even on Trump, no matter how detestable I find him.

"Dementia", to me suggests a physical or at least physiological condition as in Alzheimer's or senility -- physiological/chemical changes that occur through no fault of, or control by, the subject who suffers from it.

Rump's behaviour however isn't something that is a recent development, but rather a continuous line he's been following all his life. That indicates established behavioral pattern, rather than some internal chemical imbalance. In other words it's elective, and it festers the longer it goes on uncorrected (which is part of why it's vital to correct the record when he intentionally invents an alternate past).

That's mental illness, and in his case incapacitating. It's why I keep calling it self-delusion. It's a behavioural choice. Unlike a physiological imbalance it's not something the patient suffers from, but rather a pattern he chooses, simply because he can't bear to face the reality.

He learned this self-destructive pattern, apparently, from this guy. And it was never corrected. Which is not the same thing as saying no one ever tried -- the self-deluder, like an alcoholic or addict, has to take self-responsibility, something Rump has never engaged in.
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Look at the Orange Jesus eyes.

They're very puffy.

Eyebags are the Number 1 sign of hypertension.

If you're over 70 with high blood pressure, then it's a good idea to stay away from drugs & booze.
Tell that to a whole bunch of your Dem party leaders..

Yes there are many of them that do coke. I happened to observe one taking a snort from their desk one day as I took a peek in their office to say hi. That along with seeing a few higher than kites and previously knowing a person who is a supplier for some of them.
This bullshit that Trump is a coke user is a flat out lie.

It's no secret that I'm not at all keen on Trump, but the idea that he uses coke (or even did for the debate) is, IMO, absurd. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he did in his younger days -- coke was ridiculously popular among his set -- but, on mattes of drug use, I'm a pretty firm believer in "that was then and this is now," until, of course, I come by some real evidence not to think that. For now, however, I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt as goes the cocaine allegation.

Understandable, but how do you explain the characteristic sniffing on the one night he needed to be alert? Do you think he is above taking a little extra something to help him out

I know what I've written in this thread, but just now I heard the news report Trump's latest tweet. The man responded to remarks about his "wee hours" tweets this morning. He responded to the remarks about the time the tweets were made instead of responding to the content of the tweets and the remarks about that content.

That he chose to comment on the least significant of the things said about his early morning tweets is a sign that the man may indeed be on drugs of some sort or suffering from dementia or something other than fully coherent.

I mean really. The only reason the time of day he makes his tweets is something folks remark upon is that what he has to say at those odd hours is preposterous to begin with. The temporal aspect of the remarks made about his "3 a.m." tweets is that folks are astounded that "stupid sh*t" like what he tweeted is what's on his mind at 3 a.m. What kind of would be world leader, leader of the whole world for all intents and purposes, talks about the time of day they say whatever they say?

So, as I said, I don't think the man uses cocaine, but I do think he has dementia. In fact, I'm almost certain he does.
The three posts above are just a few of the ones I've written discussing why I think the man has dementia. I suspect folks think I'm saying that to be insulting to Trump. I do say some things to insult or deride him. My remarks about his having dementia are not among them. Dementia is no joking matter. It happens and one cannot stop it from happening and it does not get better. It's a sad thing. I would not and do not wish that even on Trump, no matter how detestable I find him.

"Dementia", to me suggests a physical or at least physiological condition as in Alzheimer's or senility -- physiological/chemical changes that occur through no fault of, or control by, the subject who suffers from it.

Rump's behaviour however isn't something that is a recent development, but rather a continuous line he's been following all his life. That indicates established behavioral pattern, rather than some internal chemical imbalance. In other words it's elective, and it festers the longer it goes on uncorrected (which is part of why it's vital to correct the record when he intentionally invents an alternate past).

That's mental illness, and in his case incapacitating. It's why I keep calling it self-delusion. It's a behavioural choice. Unlike a physiological imbalance it's not something the patient suffers from, but rather a pattern he chooses, simply because he can't bear to face the reality.

He learned this self-destructive pattern, apparently, from this guy. And it was never corrected. Which is not the same thing as saying no one ever tried -- the self-deluder, like an alcoholic or addict, has to take self-responsibility, something Rump has never engaged in.

I don't really want to get into a dementia discussion. Suffice to say that dementia isn't a disease and that it manifests itself in a number of ways and not every person who suffers from it manifests the same way. I've noticed that in my mother's case, though her reasoning is "wack" these days, and that is due to the dementia (she's a doctor), in social situations that don't call for much reasoning at all and one could just "politely mingle," Mother can no longer do that because she no longer has a filter, so all her smugly imperious thoughts come rolling right out of mouth. In that regard, she behaves/speaks just like a impertinent teenager or pre-teen.

It's my understanding from Mother's doctors that different "things" fade first, second, and so on, and in different degrees for each person, even though what mental faculties ebb are pretty consistent among people overall. With Mother, the "filter" faded after the critical thinking acuity did.

With Trump, it may be that bits of the "filter" and bits of the critical thinking are both fading, but it's hard to know which one has faded more. It's hard, indeed impossible, for folks who don't know one very well, to tell, particularly since everyone is given a presumption of not suffering from dementia until the condition is really obvious.

Before closing, I want to implore everyone here to read this --- AAIC 2016 -- especially if you are male or if you care about someone who is. Make of that what you will as goes Trump, but him, his candidacy, and politics aren't why I have provided the link, even though I do not want, and wouldn't willfully choose, a dementia or Alzheimer's suffering person in the White House. (To want that is just ridiculous, no matter one's political leanings.) I'm noting it here, because it's information everyone should know for I don't see the decline in cognitive ability as anything to joke about. (Unlike much of what I link to, the content found in this paragraph's link is both easy and pretty quick to read.)
This bullshit that Trump is a coke user is a flat out lie. I know D's are running scared when they come up with crap like this.

It's obvious that they're just throwing shit against the wall and praying something will stick. I've seen a couple of left wing media outlets trying to make it seem like the biographer is dropping a bombshell about Trump's business dealings with a man who was busted for dealing coke and grass.

This is nothing new. In a couple of minutes I found a Smoking Gun article from February. It's all been out there. Nothing new.

Well except for claims that Trump "protected" this man. That's bullshit too. He wrote a letter to a Judge asking for leniency for him in his sentencing.

Now how did I found out about that? From his biographer's article at the Daily Mail. From July! I guess you could look at these so called bombshells being dropped for forever now. It's also being insinuated that Trump's sister handled the case.

Not so.

"The Weichselbaum case was moved to New Jersey and assigned to Judge Maryanne Trump Barry – Trump’s older sister.

She removed herself, thereby sending a powerful message that this was a case with potential to embarrass the bench.

Trump wrote a letter to the replacement judge asking for leniency. In contrast to lengthy sentences passed on bit players on the same indictment, Weichselbaum got three years. "

How Trump made the Mob an offer they could not refuse
*sniff. *sniff. *sniff
This bullshit that Trump is a coke user is a flat out lie.
Got any evidence to prove your your TDS induced accusations?

It's no secret that I'm not at all keen on Trump, but the idea that he uses coke (or even did for the debate) is, IMO, absurd. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he did in his younger days -- coke was ridiculously popular among his set -- but, on mattes of drug use, I'm a pretty firm believer in "that was then and this is now," until, of course, I come by some real evidence not to think that. For now, however, I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt as goes the cocaine allegation.

Understandable, but how do you explain the characteristic sniffing on the one night he needed to be alert? Do you think he is above taking a little extra something to help him out

I know what I've written in this thread, but just now I heard the news report Trump's latest tweet. The man responded to remarks about his "wee hours" tweets this morning. He responded to the remarks about the time the tweets were made instead of responding to the content of the tweets and the remarks about that content.

That he chose to comment on the least significant of the things said about his early morning tweets is a sign that the man may indeed be on drugs of some sort or suffering from dementia or something other than fully coherent.

I mean really. The only reason the time of day he makes his tweets is something folks remark upon is that what he has to say at those odd hours is preposterous to begin with. The temporal aspect of the remarks made about his "3 a.m." tweets is that folks are astounded that "stupid sh*t" like what he tweeted is what's on his mind at 3 a.m. What kind of would be world leader, leader of the whole world for all intents and purposes, talks about the time of day they say whatever they say?

So, as I said, I don't think the man uses cocaine, but I do think he has dementia. In fact, I'm almost certain he does.
The three posts above are just a few of the ones I've written discussing why I think the man has dementia. I suspect folks think I'm saying that to be insulting to Trump. I do say some things to insult or deride him. My remarks about his having dementia are not among them. Dementia is no joking matter. It happens and one cannot stop it from happening and it does not get better. It's a sad thing. I would not and do not wish that even on Trump, no matter how detestable I find him.

"Dementia", to me suggests a physical or at least physiological condition as in Alzheimer's or senility -- physiological/chemical changes that occur through no fault of, or control by, the subject who suffers from it.

Rump's behaviour however isn't something that is a recent development, but rather a continuous line he's been following all his life. That indicates established behavioral pattern, rather than some internal chemical imbalance. In other words it's elective, and it festers the longer it goes on uncorrected (which is part of why it's vital to correct the record when he intentionally invents an alternate past).

That's mental illness, and in his case incapacitating. It's why I keep calling it self-delusion. It's a behavioural choice. Unlike a physiological imbalance it's not something the patient suffers from, but rather a pattern he chooses, simply because he can't bear to face the reality.

He learned this self-destructive pattern, apparently, from this guy. And it was never corrected. Which is not the same thing as saying no one ever tried -- the self-deluder, like an alcoholic or addict, has to take self-responsibility, something Rump has never engaged in.
This bullshit that Trump is a coke user is a flat out lie.

It's no secret that I'm not at all keen on Trump, but the idea that he uses coke (or even did for the debate) is, IMO, absurd. I wouldn't be surprised to find that he did in his younger days -- coke was ridiculously popular among his set -- but, on mattes of drug use, I'm a pretty firm believer in "that was then and this is now," until, of course, I come by some real evidence not to think that. For now, however, I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt as goes the cocaine allegation.

Understandable, but how do you explain the characteristic sniffing on the one night he needed to be alert? Do you think he is above taking a little extra something to help him out

I know what I've written in this thread, but just now I heard the news report Trump's latest tweet. The man responded to remarks about his "wee hours" tweets this morning. He responded to the remarks about the time the tweets were made instead of responding to the content of the tweets and the remarks about that content.

That he chose to comment on the least significant of the things said about his early morning tweets is a sign that the man may indeed be on drugs of some sort or suffering from dementia or something other than fully coherent.

I mean really. The only reason the time of day he makes his tweets is something folks remark upon is that what he has to say at those odd hours is preposterous to begin with. The temporal aspect of the remarks made about his "3 a.m." tweets is that folks are astounded that "stupid sh*t" like what he tweeted is what's on his mind at 3 a.m. What kind of would be world leader, leader of the whole world for all intents and purposes, talks about the time of day they say whatever they say?

So, as I said, I don't think the man uses cocaine, but I do think he has dementia. In fact, I'm almost certain he does.
The three posts above are just a few of the ones I've written discussing why I think the man has dementia. I suspect folks think I'm saying that to be insulting to Trump. I do say some things to insult or deride him. My remarks about his having dementia are not among them. Dementia is no joking matter. It happens and one cannot stop it from happening and it does not get better. It's a sad thing. I would not and do not wish that even on Trump, no matter how detestable I find him.

"Dementia", to me suggests a physical or at least physiological condition as in Alzheimer's or senility -- physiological/chemical changes that occur through no fault of, or control by, the subject who suffers from it.

Rump's behaviour however isn't something that is a recent development, but rather a continuous line he's been following all his life. That indicates established behavioral pattern, rather than some internal chemical imbalance. In other words it's elective, and it festers the longer it goes on uncorrected (which is part of why it's vital to correct the record when he intentionally invents an alternate past).

That's mental illness, and in his case incapacitating. It's why I keep calling it self-delusion. It's a behavioural choice. Unlike a physiological imbalance it's not something the patient suffers from, but rather a pattern he chooses, simply because he can't bear to face the reality.

He learned this self-destructive pattern, apparently, from this guy. And it was never corrected. Which is not the same thing as saying no one ever tried -- the self-deluder, like an alcoholic or addict, has to take self-responsibility, something Rump has never engaged in.

I don't really want to get into a dementia discussion. Suffice to say that dementia isn't a disease and that it manifests itself in a number of ways and not every person who suffers from it manifests the same way. I've noticed that in my mother's case, though her reasoning is "wack" these days, and that is due to the dementia (she's a doctor), in social situations that don't call for much reasoning at all and one could just "politely mingle," Mother can no longer do that because she no longer has a filter, so all her smugly imperious thoughts come rolling right out of mouth. In that regard, she behaves/speaks just like a impertinent teenager or pre-teen.

It's my understanding from Mother's doctors that different "things" fade first, second, and so on, and in different degrees for each person, even though what mental faculties ebb are pretty consistent among people overall. With Mother, the "filter" faded after the critical thinking acuity did.

With Trump, it may be that bits of the "filter" and bits of the critical thinking are both fading, but it's hard to know which one has faded more. It's hard, indeed impossible, for folks who don't know one very well, to tell, particularly since everyone is given a presumption of not suffering from dementia until the condition is really obvious.

Before closing, I want to implore everyone here to read this --- AAIC 2016 -- especially if you are male or if you care about someone who is. Make of that what you will as goes Trump, but him, his candidacy, and politics aren't why I have provided the link, even though I do not want, and wouldn't willfully choose, a dementia or Alzheimer's suffering person in the White House. (To want that is just ridiculous, no matter one's political leanings.) I'm noting it here, because it's information everyone should know for I don't see the decline in cognitive ability as anything to joke about. (Unlike much of what I link to, the content found in this paragraph's link is both easy and pretty quick to read.)

All good info but it doesn't really contrast my point that Rump's behaviour, as opposed to that of a progressively "fading" Alzheimer's sufferer, is not something that "happened" to him. It's a course he consciously chose, long ago. It's nothing in any way of recent vintage -- it's who he is and always has been. That's my point.

And it's why I continually demean him for it --- it's not something he can't help; he acts this way because he wants to.

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