Trumps brazen lies.....

Trump is a liar of historic proportions

Why Donald Trump's brazen lies overwhelm the press

But there are liars, and then there's Donald Trump. He may have an inflated opinion of himself, but when it comes to lying, the man has truly reached a level no one else can approach.

If you've watched Trump at all, you've probably had this experience: First he says something outlandish ("If we negotiated the price of drugs, we'd save $300 billion a year"), and you think "That can't possibly be true." Then he moves on to something even more bizarre ("We have the highest taxes anywhere in the world"), and you say, "Now I know that's not true." But he keeps going, offering one ridiculous and false claim after another, until you're left shaking your head in wonder.

Obama is a LIAR and so is Hillary.....

So what's your point?


That we shouldn't be pretending to object to liars while nominating bigger ones.
Trump is a liar of historic proportions

Why Donald Trump's brazen lies overwhelm the press

But there are liars, and then there's Donald Trump. He may have an inflated opinion of himself, but when it comes to lying, the man has truly reached a level no one else can approach.

If you've watched Trump at all, you've probably had this experience: First he says something outlandish ("If we negotiated the price of drugs, we'd save $300 billion a year"), and you think "That can't possibly be true." Then he moves on to something even more bizarre ("We have the highest taxes anywhere in the world"), and you say, "Now I know that's not true." But he keeps going, offering one ridiculous and false claim after another, until you're left shaking your head in wonder.

All of a sudden you left wing nutters care about lies?
Trump is a liar of historic proportions

Why Donald Trump's brazen lies overwhelm the press

But there are liars, and then there's Donald Trump. He may have an inflated opinion of himself, but when it comes to lying, the man has truly reached a level no one else can approach.

If you've watched Trump at all, you've probably had this experience: First he says something outlandish ("If we negotiated the price of drugs, we'd save $300 billion a year"), and you think "That can't possibly be true." Then he moves on to something even more bizarre ("We have the highest taxes anywhere in the world"), and you say, "Now I know that's not true." But he keeps going, offering one ridiculous and false claim after another, until you're left shaking your head in wonder.

All of a sudden you left wing nutters care about lies?

We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
Trump is a liar of historic proportions

Why Donald Trump's brazen lies overwhelm the press

But there are liars, and then there's Donald Trump. He may have an inflated opinion of himself, but when it comes to lying, the man has truly reached a level no one else can approach.

If you've watched Trump at all, you've probably had this experience: First he says something outlandish ("If we negotiated the price of drugs, we'd save $300 billion a year"), and you think "That can't possibly be true." Then he moves on to something even more bizarre ("We have the highest taxes anywhere in the world"), and you say, "Now I know that's not true." But he keeps going, offering one ridiculous and false claim after another, until you're left shaking your head in wonder.

All of a sudden you left wing nutters care about lies?

All of a sudden, conservatives don't?
The sheer magnitude of Trumps lies, boasts, exaggerations and excuses just overwhelm anyone trying to call him to task

By following up with even bigger lies, Trump is running some type of Lying Ponzi Scheme
Hilarious....liberals who can't recognize when Hillary is / has lied yet trying to point out anyone else's lies. If you can't spot Hillary's lies, you have proven you wouldn't recognize a lie if it walked up and bit you in the ass.
Hilarious....liberals who can't recognize when Hillary is / has lied yet trying to point out anyone else's lies. If you can't spot Hillary's lies, you have proven you wouldn't recognize a lie if it walked up and bit you in the ass.

It validates why a few here still blow Obama

They're partisan hacks

Hilarious....liberals who can't recognize when Hillary is / has lied yet trying to point out anyone else's lies. If you can't spot Hillary's lies, you have proven you wouldn't recognize a lie if it walked up and bit you in the ass.

My point exactly. Nobody cares about Drumpf's lies. Those who support him are swayed by his showmanship and nothing more. Those who oppose him realize that he's a fucking idiot regardless of whether or not he's telling the truth. In each case, honesty is irrelevant.
...exactly like with Hillary and her supporters....except Trump hasn't gotten Americans needlessly killed and lied about it.
My point exactly. Nobody cares about Drumpf's lies. Those who support him are swayed by his showmanship and nothing more. Those who oppose him realize that he's a fucking idiot regardless of whether or not he's telling the truth. In each case, honesty is irrelevant.
...exactly like with Hillary and her supporters....except Trump hasn't gotten Americans needlessly killed and lied about it.

Hillary Clinton is a horrible choice for President.

That does not justify picking another horrible choice as President.

And it sure as hell doesn't justify nominating someone on the GOP ticket who is guaranteed to lose to Clinton.

If Trump is nominated, blame yourselves when Clinton wins the White House.
Hillary Clinton is a horrible choice for President. That does not justify picking another horrible choice as President.
I agree with these statements, but I do not agree with the fact that Trump's loss to Hillary is guaranteed.

I think he will go for her jugular, raking her ass over the coals of every single one of her scandals, will play the clip of her claiming she is the best person to answer the 2am phone call before pointing out she got that call as SoS and 4 Americans needlessly died. He will cause that perception people have of Hillary being the least trustworthy to grow even more.

Since he is not a true conservative and does lean left on some issues he will pull Liberals / democrats who do not want to vote for this archaic, criminal, scandalous lying biatch!
You can't complain about Trump's lies and then vote for Hillary. That is hypocrisy at its finest.
The biggest reason Trump is losing so badly to Ubercunt?

Media-Induced stupidity.

We, the good guys, haven't had the opportunity or the inclination to fight back against the lies and prejudice of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media...... Who have made a Cottage Industry of covering Trump so they can mock him and taunt him.

Once the General Election cycle begins and we start advertising, taking away the advantage dimocrap scum have in the DISGUSTING FILTH lying about Trump 24/7, you're going to see that gap shrink to insignificance and then Trump takes the lead in Mid October and never looks back.

Ubercunt is unelectable, IMO.
Lock this thread down. Total violation of the rules.

While you're at it, lock the OP down for continuosly violating those rules


"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor...period"

"...this will save average Americans $2.500 a year..."

You compare giving people healthcare to lying to start an unnecessary war?

By, the way...I kept my doctor

Which war did Trump start? BTW: I couldn't keep my doctor.

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