Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval

Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
Do they die in 6 weeks?

When 80k have died get back with me.
First time I’ve had a problem with Trump
He’s acting too much like a helpless germaphobe rather than being decisive. Letting governors piecemeal, Willy nilly, kick the can just won’t work. 80% of governors are like 80% of the public-needlessly freaked out and doing nothing as they desperately try to avoid doing anything wrong rather than stepping out into the sunshine. Not bold leaders but rather needlessly frightened followers.
Honestly, it’s been here two month and the death rate for total population is still 0.1%. For politicians to not be able to see the reassurance of 99.9% not dead versus 0.1% should show everyone that Health is Not the issue and another agenda is.
54,000 that won't be voting for Biden

That is so not enough for trump to win this year. It may have been in 2016 but this isn't 2016. He didn't get the majority of the popular vote in 2016.

He barely beat Hillary in the electoral college. He received only 36 more electoral votes than required to win. He needed 270 electoral votes. He got 306.

He had the benefit of no political history in 2016. He doesn't have that now. Plus his history of the last 3 years isn't good.

He also had the benefit of most Americans not knowing about how russia helped him in 2016. He doesn't have that benefit anymore. We all know what russia did in 2016 and is doing in the 2020 election. No real American is going to vote for a candidate who has russia helping them. Then lies about it.

In addition to your post, Moscow Mitch earned that moniker because he has refused to bring a Bill by the H. or Rep. to protect our election from foreign intervention. The only reason McConnell has done so, was he knew Putin and other foreign adversaries profiled trump and came to the conclusion he was easily malleable, and Moscow knew Putin didn't want a President Clinton who would continue to pressure Russia's ambitions. Moscow has done nothing to support our country, he puts his power and the majority of his party first, to keep the power he has and abuse it, just like trump has done.
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The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is
Well glad to see you are such a fortune teller.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
This is why he will carry 40 of 50 states. You people are idiots.
We are getting close to a million infections. Very soon more people will have died in months than died during Vietnam. We have more infected people than the next 4 in the to 5 combined. And you're talking about trump carrying 40 states. Go put on a straightjacket.

We already have over a million infections. There are at least 50 unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one as per antibody tests that have been done.
So that insures trumps defeat.

Not really, if you expand the infected to 50 million or more, it really lowers the death rate
trump is going to lose.

what does that matter?

Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
/——-/ As usual you’re trying to confuse the two races. One was for president, the other were for congressional and senate only.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
/——-/ They are all fake, but some polls are more fake than others. A poll of 350 random adults is more fake than one of 1,500 likely voters but both are micro sample of the adult population of 250 million. Random adult polls can include tourists and even illegals. People hang up on pollsters, others lie, they are all just snapshots in time.
Today we know that it was democrat the shitstain obama that paid 3.7 million dollars to the Chinese to develop a virus. The democrats then used this virus to kneecap a booming economy.

You're a classic biddable person. The current virus is not man made, I'm sure you believe what you've posted but those who told you this and those who echo this BIG LIE are deplorable, disgusting and evil.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
/——-/ As usual you’re trying to confuse the two races. One was for president, the other were for congressional and senate only.
It showed nine million more voters going to the Democratic side
First time I’ve had a problem with Trump
He’s acting too much like a helpless germaphobe rather than being decisive. Letting governors piecemeal, Willy nilly, kick the can just won’t work. 80% of governors are like 80% of the public-needlessly freaked out and doing nothing as they desperately try to avoid doing anything wrong rather than stepping out into the sunshine. Not bold leaders but rather needlessly frightened followers.
Honestly, it’s been here two month and the death rate for total population is still 0.1%. For politicians to not be able to see the reassurance of 99.9% not dead versus 0.1% should show everyone that Health is Not the issue and another agenda is.
In my experience, I see Governors doing their homework, consulting with experts, coordinating with other governors.

They seem much more knowledgeable than our President.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

IF--and I mean IF--you actually succeed in destroying his presidency over what was not his fault

You will hate the storm coming your way. Hate it. But you will deserve it SO richly.

As I have said, you will EXPECT us to just line up behind your president. But those days, trust me, are over.

You will hate your tactics turned on you and will cry like the thumb-sucker cowards you are.

Aww Sue is that the best you can come up with, Trump succeeded in bringing out the racist and bigotted Americans back to the forefront. You found a champion in him that we haven't seen since the days of Bull Connor. Trump has been riding the wave of success that was started before he took office, now we will really get to see if he has a clue as to what is going on.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
/——-/ As usual you’re trying to confuse the two races. One was for president, the other were for congressional and senate only.
It showed nine million more voters going to the Democratic side
/——-/ In local elections, you big dope. But if that lets you sleep at night....
First time I’ve had a problem with Trump
He’s acting too much like a helpless germaphobe rather than being decisive. Letting governors piecemeal, Willy nilly, kick the can just won’t work. 80% of governors are like 80% of the public-needlessly freaked out and doing nothing as they desperately try to avoid doing anything wrong rather than stepping out into the sunshine. Not bold leaders but rather needlessly frightened followers.
Honestly, it’s been here two month and the death rate for total population is still 0.1%. For politicians to not be able to see the reassurance of 99.9% not dead versus 0.1% should show everyone that Health is Not the issue and another agenda is.
In my experience, I see Governors doing their homework, consulting with experts, coordinating with other governors.

They seem much more knowledgeable than our President.
/——-/ So the governors of the 7 states that stayed open know more than those that shut down? How about the 17 states that are relaxing the shut down? How does that work?
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

Apparently you're just too stupid to learn. Your silly assed polls are not elections, not even close. Otherwise that bitch Clinton would be in the Whitehouse right now and we'd really be up shits creek without a paddle.
Now sit down and STFU.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

Apparently you're just too stupid to learn. Your silly assed polls are not elections, not even close. Otherwise that bitch Clinton would be in the Whitehouse right now and we'd really be up shits creek without a paddle.
Now sit down and STFU.
Sorry he or she is not stupid. They are trying to sway voters and they know exactly what they are doing.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
Again he has done a great job as President of the UnIted States of America.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

Apparently you're just too stupid to learn. Your silly assed polls are not elections, not even close. Otherwise that bitch Clinton would be in the Whitehouse right now and we'd really be up shits creek without a paddle.
Now sit down and STFU.

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