Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval

First time I’ve had a problem with Trump
He’s acting too much like a helpless germaphobe rather than being decisive. Letting governors piecemeal, Willy nilly, kick the can just won’t work. 80% of governors are like 80% of the public-needlessly freaked out and doing nothing as they desperately try to avoid doing anything wrong rather than stepping out into the sunshine. Not bold leaders but rather needlessly frightened followers.
Honestly, it’s been here two month and the death rate for total population is still 0.1%. For politicians to not be able to see the reassurance of 99.9% not dead versus 0.1% should show everyone that Health is Not the issue and another agenda is.

He's passing the responsibility to individual states because he doesn't want to get the blame for opening things back up if the virus takes off again.
I'll be voting for Trump, but he is such a dumbshit when it comes to connecting to the people, and being able to ease the nation's fears.

In most countries during a crisis, the people rally around the nation's leader. Look how the country rallied around Roosevelt, or how the British rallied around Churchill, then famously threw him out of office after the war ended. Or look how the country massively rallied and supported Bush after 9/11. The list goes on and on.

Trump however, is absolutely clueless. The more he speaks, the more his approval rating drops. All's he needed to do was make a good emotional connection to the people in the early stages of the crisis. Instead, he went in the other direction.

He could have so easily at his first press conference announce to the country that the severity of the virus was much worse than we all realized, he could have confessed that the country was not ready for a Spanish Flu-size outbreak, and that we've all been caught flat-footed, without the supply of needs to fight off a pandemic, but that the country would gear-up and prepare for a fight. He could have looked into the camera and warned the country we were likely to enter a very dangerous and difficult time, and he could have pleaded with the nation, that we all needed to throw out our differences, come together, and help one another.
Each press conference he could have shown an emotional side that Americans would respond to. Instead, he passes the buck, get's defensive and attacks the media, and gives few people useful information.

I'll vote for him, but without a miraculous change and turnaround he's going to lose, and this time I don't give a fuck who he points his finger at, it will be 100% his fault. Not because of any of his policies, but because he has failed to do what ANY leader knows they must do in a time of crisis. They must instill confidence, they must show that they genuinely care about the wellbeing of every single person they are leading, and they must show them that although there will be tough moments, tough days, together we will all win the fight.

It absolutely makes me furious, because this is all so uneccessary, I could do it, many of you here could as well. It just takes an emotional connection, but Trump is simply clueless how to do it.
I'll be voting for Trump, but he is such a dumbshit when it comes to connecting to the people, and being able to ease the nation's fears.

In most countries during a crisis, the people rally around the nation's leader. Look how the country rallied around Roosevelt, or how the British rallied around Churchill, then famously threw him out of office after the war ended. Or look how the country massively rallied and supported Bush after 9/11. The list goes on and on.

Trump however, is absolutely clueless. The more he speaks, the more his approval rating drops. All's he needed to do was make a good emotional connection to the people in the early stages of the crisis. Instead, he went in the other direction.

He could have so easily at his first press conference announce to the country that the severity of the virus was much worse than we all realized, he could have confessed that the country was not ready for a Spanish Flu-size outbreak, and that we've all been caught flat-footed, without the supply of needs to fight off a pandemic, but that the country would gear-up and prepare for a fight. He could have looked into the camera and warned the country we were likely to enter a very dangerous and difficult time, and he could have pleaded with the nation, that we all needed to throw out our differences, come together, and help one another.
Each press conference he could have shown an emotional side that Americans would respond to. Instead, he passes the buck, get's defensive and attacks the media, and gives few people useful information.

I'll vote for him, but without a miraculous change and turnaround he's going to lose, and this time I don't give a fuck who he points his finger at, it will be 100% his fault. Not because of any of his policies, but because he has failed to do what ANY leader knows they must do in a time of crisis. They must instill confidence, they must show that they genuinely care about the wellbeing of every single person they are leading, and they must show them that although there will be tough moments, tough days, together we will all win the fight.

It absolutely makes me furious, because this is all so uneccessary, I could do it, many of you here could as well. It just takes an emotional connection, but Trump is simply clueless how to do it.
2020 Trump again.
Bush saw his approval drop from the mid 50s to below 30 percent because of a collapsed economy.

It led to a huge Obama victory.

Can Trump survive a similar drop?

And conversely, earlier in his tenure Bush saw his approval up around 88 just after 9/11 (or as Rump calls it, "7/11") in the face of a national crisis. Rump, given a similar national crisis, couldn't even smell a 55.
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The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

People will yearn for the days of Obama
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

People will yearn for the days of Obama
Obama lol now that’s funny haha
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.

More than 80,000 will die from Covid-19, mostly victims of incompetent POTUS leadership.

It is also probable that more have died than have been counted because many will have died home alone.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.

More than 80,000 will die from Covid-19, mostly victims of incompetent POTUS leadership.

It is also probable that more have died than have been counted because many will have died home alone.
Who runs nyc? Detroit? Asking for a friend
Does anybody really know anybody that’s going to vote for Joe Biden?

I'm in Oregon where he'll easily win, so no doubt I'm acquainted with many who will vote for the drooler. I do have at least one friend/coworker who absolutely will vote for him. Most in my immediate sphere however will be voting for Trump.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

People will yearn for the days of Obama

Hopefully, unlike you, most will have the intelligence to know that the high unemployment #'s are due to a specific crisis, and NOT due to any of Trump's economic policies.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

You ghouls.

You don't care how much pain and suffering Americans experience as long as Orange Man Bad can be booted out of office.

You are the creepy crawlies found under rocks

So when you gonna slither back under YOURS?
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RCP poll had Hillary up by more than ten points in the fall of 2016 so it seems that "real clear politics ain't as clear as they claim. Notice what's missing is a poll about support for Biden
This ain't 2016. There was no president in 2016 mishandling a pandemic that will have infected over 1 million and killed over 100,000 people by the date of the election.
Trump will live or die based on his performance during this crisis

So far, his performance has been shaky. Most damning is the number of people who don’t trust what he is saying

Remember this, and never forget, RW. This is a worldwide, global Coronavirus Panic. Not just America.

People will see how Mexico, Italy, France, Ireland, Congo, Kenya, Bangladesh all deal with this, and if America is still the World Leader when the dust settles, people will realize that our current leadership is a lot better than having Sleepy Joe groping the queen of England.
I know what this is and I also know that we have more infections than the next 4 of the top five infected countries combined and 1/4ths of all the deaths while not being 1/4 of the earths population. Smaller less affluent countries are doing a better job managing this than we are.

Americas situation is because of trump.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

People will yearn for the days of Obama

Hopefully, unlike you, most will have the intelligence to know that the high unemployment #'s are due to a specific crisis, and NOT due to any of Trump's economic policies.
trump had no economic policies. He took credit for low unemployment when unemployment was at 4.7 percent and falling when he took over.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

People will yearn for the days of Obama
You really are fooling yourself if you think either one of those. There is still plenty of time for the economy to improve before the election. It may not be back to where it was before but I think he will have most thinking that it will continue on an up ward trajectory.
No one but a few crazies would yearn for the days of 44. When reporters were having their computers and emails confiscated like the brown shirt Nazi party was in charge.
RCP poll had Hillary up by more than ten points in the fall of 2016 so it seems that "real clear politics ain't as clear as they claim. Notice what's missing is a poll about support for Biden
This ain't 2016. There was no president in 2016 mishandling a pandemic that will have infected over 1 million and killed over 100,000 people by the date of the election.
Trump will live or die based on his performance during this crisis

So far, his performance has been shaky. Most damning is the number of people who don’t trust what he is saying

Remember this, and never forget, RW. This is a worldwide, global Coronavirus Panic. Not just America.

People will see how Mexico, Italy, France, Ireland, Congo, Kenya, Bangladesh all deal with this, and if America is still the World Leader when the dust settles, people will realize that our current leadership is a lot better than having Sleepy Joe groping the queen of England.
I know what this is and I also know that we have more infections than the next 4 of the top five infected countries combined and 1/4ths of all the deaths while not being 1/4 of the earths population. Smaller less affluent countries are doing a better job managing this than we are.

Americas situation is because of trump.

So you disagree with America's Lockdown Policies?

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