Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval

Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
/——-/ As usual you’re trying to confuse the two races. One was for president, the other were for congressional and senate only.
It showed nine million more voters going to the Democratic side
/——-/ In local elections, you big dope. But if that lets you sleep at night....
I think you are the big dope, people who use terms like that to define others usually have no ability to write a rebuttal nor an expository response. I noticed you didn't in the post wherein you called another poster a "big dope"

You see, there are local elections in odd years, you know what an odd year is, don't you? In even years 1/3 of the US Senate, and all of the H. or Rep are up to defend their seats. These are not local jobs. They are reported on the National MSM (which is why you seem to be confused) for they are important, as we all saw in 2018.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
He won't be able to do that. He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
He won't be able to do that. He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time.

I don't see Biden as much of a debater against Trump.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
He won't be able to do that. He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time.

I don't see Biden as much of a debater against Trump.
trump will get destroyed in a debate with Biden. Talking shit or talking over reporters who ask questions is not the same as debating.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
He won't be able to do that. He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time.

I don't see Biden as much of a debater against Trump.
trump will get destroyed in a debate with Biden. Talking shit or talking over reporters who ask questions is not the same as debating.

In 2016, Low Energy Jeb, Little Marco and Crooked Hillary all thought they were going to outdebate Trump too.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.

Problem with that is, it was Bush in office when the Great Recession hit and O'bama in office when it normalized.

If you think voters are going to bite on "look how good it used to be before _______", you just ain't never seed no election.
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RCP poll had Hillary up by more than ten points in the fall of 2016 so it seems that "real clear politics ain't as clear as they claim. Notice what's missing is a poll about support for Biden
This ain't 2016. There was no president in 2016 mishandling a pandemic that will have infected over 1 million and killed over 100,000 people by the date of the election.
Trump will live or die based on his performance during this crisis

So far, his performance has been shaky. Most damning is the number of people who don’t trust what he is saying

Remember this, and never forget, RW. This is a worldwide, global Coronavirus Panic. Not just America.

People will see how Mexico, Italy, France, Ireland, Congo, Kenya, Bangladesh all deal with this, and if America is still the World Leader when the dust settles, people will realize that our current leadership is a lot better than having Sleepy Joe groping the queen of England.
I know what this is and I also know that we have more infections than the next 4 of the top five infected countries combined and 1/4ths of all the deaths while not being 1/4 of the earths population. Smaller less affluent countries are doing a better job managing this than we are.

Americas situation is because of trump.

To be exact we're 4.25% of the world's population. With a quarter of the world's CV deaths and a third of its cases. More infected per capita than France, Iran or the UK, and bearing down on Italy. And Rump spent a month ignoring it and another month playing it down. That's not a record that's going to be wiped away with the disinfectant of self-delusion or cries of "hoax".
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trump will get destroyed in a debate with Biden. Talking shit or talking over reporters who ask questions is not the same as debating.
The debates won't matter. Trump will get a huge bump in the polls for his work in finding a cure for Coronavirus.
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
/——-/ As usual you’re trying to confuse the two races. One was for president, the other were for congressional and senate only.
It showed nine million more voters going to the Democratic side
/——-/ In local elections, you big dope. But if that lets you sleep at night....
I think you are the big dope, people who use terms like that to define others usually have no ability to write a rebuttal nor an expository response. I noticed you didn't in the post wherein you called another poster a "big dope"

You see, there are local elections in odd years, you know what an odd year is, don't you? In even years 1/3 of the US Senate, and all of the H. or Rep are up to defend their seats. These are not local jobs. They are reported on the National MSM (which is why you seem to be confused) for they are important, as we all saw in 2018.
/——-/ No, you cornball. They are local because the voters are choosing their Senator for their state and congressmen for their district, not the entire country. The presidential election is national in scope even though voters are choosing their electors. Therefore, more democRATS votes is meaningless, unless you mean Republicans say the election out.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump

Why do you think that Biden will offer "stable leadership"? Do you really think that he will cooperate with the committees and special counsels that will be investigating his alleged corruption from Day One? I think he's going to try and obstruct, although I could be wrong.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump
/----/ Old Joe doesn't know what state he's in. He wouldn't last 5 minutes in a standing debate with Trump. Besides, the effort now is to eliminate him as a candidate and replace him with someone else. Follow the sex scandal.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump
/----/ Old Joe doesn't know what state he's in. He wouldn't last 5 minutes in a standing debate with Trump. Besides, the effort now is to eliminate him as a candidate and replace him with someone else. Follow the sex scandal.
As you gaze out from your Glass House, how are you going to explain Trump advocating injecting disinfectant, windmills causing cancer and George Washington capturing airports?
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump
/----/ Old Joe doesn't know what state he's in. He wouldn't last 5 minutes in a standing debate with Trump. Besides, the effort now is to eliminate him as a candidate and replace him with someone else. Follow the sex scandal.
As you gaze out from your Glass House, how are you going to explain Trump advocating injecting disinfectant, windmills causing cancer and George Washington capturing airports?
/----/ Trump never said you should inject lysol disinfectant. He was talking about UV injections. The therapy has been around for years. Get your Google fixed and see for yourself.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump
/----/ Old Joe doesn't know what state he's in. He wouldn't last 5 minutes in a standing debate with Trump. Besides, the effort now is to eliminate him as a candidate and replace him with someone else. Follow the sex scandal.

Maybe the Democrat leadership can get Sleepy Joe to stand down in favor of his son and heir, the next Patriarch of the Biden clan, Hunter Biden?

Hunter has been exonerated by the libs of any and all indiscretions. As a retired Naval officer, Hunter can appear in uniform and saluted as the successor to Admiral Nimitz.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
That’s kind of a hard sell when you have a 20 percent unemployment rate and people’s 401 K in the dump.

Well, my economy used to be good

Yea well a pandemic will do that .But that doesn't mean people will flock to creepy Joe. The mother fucker can't even compose a sentence or keep his hands off of children.

Biden will offer stable leadership and a return to normalcy

People are tired of the constant drama, petty feuds and misinformation coming from Trump
/----/ Old Joe doesn't know what state he's in. He wouldn't last 5 minutes in a standing debate with Trump. Besides, the effort now is to eliminate him as a candidate and replace him with someone else. Follow the sex scandal.
As you gaze out from your Glass House, how are you going to explain Trump advocating injecting disinfectant, windmills causing cancer and George Washington capturing airports?
/----/ Trump never said you should inject lysol disinfectant. He was talking about UV injections. The therapy has been around for years. Get your Google fixed and see for yourself.View attachment 328693

Nice try....
But Trump said inject disinfectants
Then he said he was being sarcastic

Ramblings of a man suffering dementia
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
He won't be able to do that. He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time.
/----/ " He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time. "
Joe Biden quote: ""And, in addition to that, in addition to that we have to make sure that we, we are in a position that we are, well met me go the second thing, I've spoken enough on that,"
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
/——-/ Another Fake Poll. It’s all you got. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

The polls weren't fake when you you guys were bragging how trumps approval was rising not long ago, so they aren't fake now. Your whining about fake news every time it shows trump failure, IS ALL YOU GOT.
Sure they were. I always say polls are fake. Just like you are fake.
Was the 2018 election where Democrats received nine million more votes than Republicans fake?
Hillary only received three million more votes, what does nine million tell you?
/——-/ As usual you’re trying to confuse the two races. One was for president, the other were for congressional and senate only.
It showed nine million more voters going to the Democratic side
/——-/ In local elections, you big dope. But if that lets you sleep at night....
I think you are the big dope, people who use terms like that to define others usually have no ability to write a rebuttal nor an expository response. I noticed you didn't in the post wherein you called another poster a "big dope"

You see, there are local elections in odd years, you know what an odd year is, don't you? In even years 1/3 of the US Senate, and all of the H. or Rep are up to defend their seats. These are not local jobs. They are reported on the National MSM (which is why you seem to be confused) for they are important, as we all saw in 2018.
/——-/ No, you cornball. They are local because the voters are choosing their Senator for their state and congressmen for their district, not the entire country. The presidential election is national in scope even though voters are choosing their electors. Therefore, more democRATS votes is meaningless, unless you mean Republicans say the election out.

Do you have reading comprehensive difficulties? I suppose denial, a defense mechanism may be a work here. Ever even year, all of the members of the H. or Rep. and 1/3 of the Senate are up for reelection, these are known as General Elections.

Thus these votes impact the nation, in recent decades this means the difference of a Fiscally Responsible policies when the Democrats are in power, and Fiscal Conservatism policies (trickle down) when the Republicans are in power.

Consider why we are today in such a serious recession now, it is because Joe the Plumber, that is the vast numbers of working men and women, are not out shopping, buying and working in jobs which keep dollars circulating across their communities. Their impact allows for profits and allows smart people the ability to expand, hiring more and buying more from corporations; unfortunately the Tax "Reform" written by Ryan and signed by trump is a fraud, because 1/3 of the tax relief goes to the working men and women for 10 years and then sunsets, and 2/3 of the not needed relief without any strings on how it is spent comes with no sunset in sight.

BTW, Corporations are not people, they do not get a virus, suffer and some die. Corporations which do not adjust to changing circumstances do go out of business, and we can see how the major oil companies have invested in green and renewable energy, and Automobile Corporations are investing in Electric and other vehicle operating systems.

The Republican Party is in a reactionary state, and the Democratic Party is progressive; R's react, and D's are proactive. It is really that simple.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

No he can run on "look how good the economy was before the China pandemic" which is all he needs to do. Remind people how bad it was under Obama and how good it was under him until a once in a lifetime pandemic hit.
He won't be able to do that. He'll get chewed up and exposed by the guy who was vice president during that time.

I don't see Biden as much of a debater against Trump.
trump will get destroyed in a debate with Biden. Talking shit or talking over reporters who ask questions is not the same as debating.

In 2016, Low Energy Jeb, Little Marco and Crooked Hillary all thought they were going to outdebate Trump too.
Hillary beat the shit out of trump in those debates. She lost by electoral votes, not by the vote of the people. Had Comey not re opened the email investigation, trump was dead. Don't forget that.

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