trump's China So Called Ban Useless. Most East Coast Virus Came From Europe

This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

This smells like China funded "research" to me.

We're going to be seeing far more Chinese propaganda like this coming up. And luckily for the CHICOMs, there are more than enough Americans willing to help them spread their misinformation.

China is currently ramping up a propaganda war. Beijing’s war strategy is simple: Shift away from themselves all blame for the outbreak, the botched initial response, and its early spread into the broader world. At stake is China’s global reputation, as well as the potential of a fundamental shift away from China for trade and manufacturing.

Also at risk is the personal legacy of General Secretary Xi Jinping, who has staked his legitimacy on his technocratic competence. If the liberal one half of our society and our biased news media doesn't figure this out in a hurry, we're liable to be fucked three ways to Sunday.

I"m seriously not joking here.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

It didn't make a difference on the east coast.

Not only did trump allow people from all over the world to come here, he didn't do much of anything to test, quarantine or track them.

Because of that, the virus ran wild.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

It didn't make a difference on the east coast.

Not only did trump allow people from all over the world to come here, he didn't do much of anything to test, quarantine or track them.

Because of that, the virus ran wild.

So you know for a fact how many of those of the east coast contacted their virus from a Chinese person, and how many were infected by a European?

You must be a wizard.
trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

He did genius. You've been misleading since you posted the news. Italy, Spain, France, UK, and Germany are hit the worst in Europe.

"Despite examining different examples of the outbreak, researchers from both teams reached largely the same conclusions about its origins, the Times reported.

“The majority is clearly European,” Dr. Harm van Bakel, a geneticist and co-author of the Icahn School’s study, told the newspaper.

Travelers likely carrying the virus had already been arriving in New York from Europe before Jan. 31, when President Trump limited entry by foreign nationals who’d been in China and March 11, when the president announced plans to block travelers from most parts of Europe, the Times reported.

On March 19, the newspaper reported that travelers arriving from Europe – where outbreaks in Italy and Spain were severe – were being asked at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport only if they had been to China or Iran, not if they had visited the hardest-hit nations in Europe.

“People were just oblivious,” Dr. Adriana Heguy of the NYU research team told the Times.

Researchers need to track the history of the virus so they will be able to develop vaccines and modify them as the virus mutates into other forms, the report said."

If one COVID-19 strain is worse than the other, then we should find out with more testing. Clearly, Europe has more cases now than China.
So a virus known to originate in CHINA, should have prompted Trump to immediately ban all travel from Europe and other places ?

The left is insane folks, I don't know of any other way to put it.
The question this dumb as fuck liberal POS OP should've been asking is...

Is there an European COVID-19 virus?

Italy, Spain, France, UK, and Germany are hit the worst in Europe. There are more deaths there than anywhere else in the world right now. Austria and Germany may lift their lockdown April 15th. New York and New Jersey are getting the European COVID-19.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

It didn't make a difference on the east coast.

Not only did trump allow people from all over the world to come here, he didn't do much of anything to test, quarantine or track them.

Because of that, the virus ran wild.

This is sarcasm, right ?
Because had he tried to do anything like this, your side would have went completely nuts, and you'd be protesting in the streets about Trump's xenophobia !

Jesus Christ, you've got your nerve !
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

It didn't make a difference on the east coast.

Not only did trump allow people from all over the world to come here, he didn't do much of anything to test, quarantine or track them.

Because of that, the virus ran wild.

It's easy to know that now, isn't it, Captain Hindsight? At the time, the threat was on the west coast. That is where Patient Zero was, a woman who flew into Seattle from China, and so he acted and was called xenophobic and racist for it. Then the infection started spreading throughout Europe with Italy being the hot zone based on a couple from Wuhan who went to Milan. Once it became clear it wasn't being contained in Europe he stopped flights from there as well.

If you have a crystal ball perhaps you should loan it out to the federal government.
Iets see when Trump banned travel from China the left had a fit. Now they claim he did not do it soon enough, then when he banned travel from Europe again the left had a fit,, now they claim he did not do it soon enough. HYPOCRITES
Iets see when Trump banned travel from China the left had a fit. Now they claim he did not do it soon enough, then when he banned travel from Europe again the left had a fit,, now they claim he did not do it soon enough. HYPOCRITES
Kings and Queens of 50/50 hindsight second guessing is what the Left specializes in.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

Direct us to any post YOU made that said we should have blocked travel from Europe. Monday morning quarterbacks are the least compelling people on the planet.

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