Trump’s choice of Vance was a brilliant move. Here’s why.

Roy C

Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
Many other choices would not have worked for Donald Trump. He recognized that Pence was not the hatchet man he needed.

Recent VP choices did not cut it for their boss. Biden, Cheney, Palin, etc. did not have hatchets. Paul Ryan was a soccer wuss. Hillary is hatchet, but most Americans don’t want a bull dyke.

Other politicians who would not have worked for Trump.

--Rand Paul. A great conservative who is likely eyeing the top spot later. Medical doctor Rand needs to go after more filth bags like “doctor” Fauci.

--Marco Rubio. Has Paul Ryan syndrome.

--Kristi Noem. A hot babe (for her age), but a woman does not work as hatchet man. Especially a hot one.

Comments? Insights? Flame away, Marxists!
Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
If Vance is a hatchet man, then he needs his blade sharpened...a lot. Because an empty suit created by a billionaire picked as a running mate by a faux billionaire that won't expand the base, is kinda useless.
So far, Vance is proving to be a liability. Vance was Jr's idea. I'm guessing daddy isn't too happy right about now. :)
If Vance is a hatchet man, then he needs his blade sharpened...a lot. Because an empty suit created by a billionaire picked as a running mate by a faux billionaire that won't expand the base, is kinda useless.
So far, Vance is proving to be a liability. Vance was Jr's idea. I'm guessing daddy isn't too happy right about now. :)
Weak spin. Limp wrister. Next!
Truth, troll.
Let's see if you have any game and can answer the bell.

Okay, Jacqueline. You did not condemn Biden molesting kids. The hatchet men should be carving up your type because you are:

I thought DeSantis might gain a little more traction, but no one seems to do but Trump. I don't really follow this much. Any insight on the DeSantis future?
Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
Vance would be much more intimidating without all that eye makeup. With it, he's just weird.
Did Harris make a pick yet? Obviously, Pete Buttfag is not someone to face China or have nuclear codes. Why? He's a fag, or course.

Roy Cooper is a meek wimp.

Who else?
Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
Did you say trump is getting too old?
Many other choices would not have worked for Donald Trump. He recognized that Pence was not the hatchet man he needed.

Recent VP choices did not cut it for their boss. Biden, Cheney, Palin, etc. did not have hatchets. Paul Ryan was a soccer wuss. Hillary is hatchet, but most Americans don’t want a bull dyke.

Other politicians who would not have worked for Trump.

--Rand Paul. A great conservative who is likely eyeing the top spot later. Medical doctor Rand needs to go after more filth bags like “doctor” Fauci.

--Marco Rubio. Has Paul Ryan syndrome.

--Kristi Noem. A hot babe (for her age), but a woman does not work as hatchet man. Especially a hot one.

Comments? Insights? Flame away, Marxists!
JD Vance is a liability and everyone knows it.

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