Trumps coal come back ..

Shit, I've had to change trades several times in my life. I saw where the ball was bouncing and got ahead of it.

I learned to do that in the military. Adapt, improvise, and overcome.

Only a fool believes he can't get through life successfully today without having to constantly train, train, train, and train.

Technology moves at the speed of light. Keep up!

Good for you. IS that how you rationalize not caring about people who aren't in that position?
If I was a coal miner's son, I would get the fuck out of Dodge. I couldn't wait!

It's the sensible thing to do.

What if you are 50, and just need 5 more years to retire with a nice pension?
A 50 year old coal miner's son?

He should have left when Trump advised him to do so in that Playboy interview!

I guess he didn't have "it".

You didn't answer the question.

What should the 50 year old miner do?
I can't feel sorry for someone who wants to retire at age 55. We should all be working until we are at least 70.

I can't help it if the 50 year old doesn't have "it", and didn't see this coming. He must be like miketx who doesn't believe in "squiggly lines" and decides there must be real gold bricks in that briefcase the huckster is holding.

I didn't ask you to feel sorry for him. I asked you what he should do, in your opinion.
He should to to school and get a new skill.


And don't plan on retiring at 55.

That's what.

I've done it. No excuses.
Because people have the experience and training and your mine is not set up for robots.

Your dislike of people without college degrees is a personal problem. Of yours. Get over it.
Your mine is not set up for robots?

Oh my.

This truck is the size of a house and doesn’t have a driver

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None of that justifies giving up on those jobs now.
The best thing coal miners can do is surrender to reality and start moving into other fields as soon as possible.

Or suffer some more.

You want them to deny reality and suffer more.

That's just stupid.

The miners that could easily retrain or pick up and move, have probably mostly done so.

THe average coal mining salary is 60 k a year.

That's almost twice the average for a high school grad in this country, and that's not considering the region.

You are the one that wants them to accept a major decline in life style, when there is a good chance they don't have to.
Moving on to higher paying and more reliable jobs is a major decline in life style? Really?

You are getting downright weird, now.
More "reliable" jobs?

It's not that the job is reliable. It's that the skills are flexible.
Shit, I've had to change trades several times in my life. I saw where the ball was bouncing and got ahead of it.

I learned to do that in the military. Adapt, improvise, and overcome.

Only a fool believes he can't get through life successfully today without having to constantly train, train, train, and train.

Technology moves at the speed of light. Keep up!

Good for you. IS that how you rationalize not caring about people who aren't in that position?
I'm not going to pity someone who buys a fake promise. Sorry. There comes a time when a person has to take responsibility for themselves. If you waited until 50 to act, that's not my fault.

Trump isn't the first one to lie to these people. Let's pray every day he is the last.
Trump is holding out false hope for the 50 year old miner. And the 40 year old miner. And the 30 year old miner.

This is one of many reasons why I fucking hate that fucking liar with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

The 50 year old certainly has a good chance of getting to retirement age.

The 40 year old too.

The 30 year old, should be saving a LOT, and considering options.

BUT, 2 per cent of the work force is still in farming. Hell, someone still makes horsewhips out there.

And 60 k is a real good job for someone with no college.
Shit, I've had to change trades several times in my life. I saw where the ball was bouncing and got ahead of it.

I learned to do that in the military. Adapt, improvise, and overcome.

Only a fool believes he can't get through life successfully today without having to constantly train, train, train, and train.

Technology moves at the speed of light. Keep up!

Good for you. IS that how you rationalize not caring about people who aren't in that position?
I'm not going to pity someone who buys a fake promise. Sorry. There comes a time when a person has to take responsibility for themselves. If you waited until 50 to act, that's not my fault.

Trump isn't the first one to lie to these people. Let's pray every day he is the last.

Pity? NOt what I asked.

THat you can't accurately respond to my post, is a sign that you are the one suffering from logical fallacies and confirmation biases and ect.

A man who has 30 years in the mines? YOu are saying he has not taken responsibility for himself?

I strongly urge you to say that to his face.
If I was a coal miner's son, I would get the fuck out of Dodge. I couldn't wait!

It's the sensible thing to do.

What if you are 50, and just need 5 more years to retire with a nice pension?
A 50 year old coal miner's son?

He should have left when Trump advised him to do so in that Playboy interview!

I guess he didn't have "it".

You didn't answer the question.

What should the 50 year old miner do?
I can't feel sorry for someone who wants to retire at age 55. We should all be working until we are at least 70.

I can't help it if the 50 year old doesn't have "it", and didn't see this coming. He must be like miketx who doesn't believe in "squiggly lines" and decides there must be real gold bricks in that briefcase the huckster is holding.
We should all be working until 70? Oh God, and I retired at 63. Oops.
If I was a coal miner's son, I would get the fuck out of Dodge. I couldn't wait!

It's the sensible thing to do.

What if you are 50, and just need 5 more years to retire with a nice pension?
A 50 year old coal miner's son?

He should have left when Trump advised him to do so in that Playboy interview!

I guess he didn't have "it".

You didn't answer the question.

What should the 50 year old miner do?
I can't feel sorry for someone who wants to retire at age 55. We should all be working until we are at least 70.

I can't help it if the 50 year old doesn't have "it", and didn't see this coming. He must be like miketx who doesn't believe in "squiggly lines" and decides there must be real gold bricks in that briefcase the huckster is holding.
We should all be working until 70? Oh God, and I retired at 63. Oops.

Yeah, I let that one pass, to stay on topic.

BUt if someone can retire early, more power to them.
Trump is holding out false hope for the 50 year old miner. And the 40 year old miner. And the 30 year old miner.

This is one of many reasons why I fucking hate that fucking liar with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

The 50 year old certainly has a good chance of getting to retirement age.

The 40 year old too.

The 30 year old, should be saving a LOT, and considering options.

BUT, 2 per cent of the work force is still in farming. Hell, someone still makes horsewhips out there.

And 60 k is a real good job for someone with no college.
If you don't own the horsewhip factory, you aren't going to be in the 2 percent who still have jobs a decade from now.

The two percent still in farming are large corporations, and little guys slowly getting crushed by the corporations.

The 40 year old has very little chance of retiring as a coal miner. The 30 year old is facing astronomical odds.

If the 50 year old thinks he can retire at 55, then why should I even feel sorry for him? Most Americans will have to work until 70.

It's like I tell my kids. In a few decades, most of the cars on the road will be automated. Most Americans won't even own a car.

It's about efficiency. I use my car two hours a day. That's a mere 8 percent efficiency. That means my car is idle 92 percent of the time.

If cars were automated, we could increase efficiency to close to 100 percent, excluding travel time between clients. You call an automated car when you need one. The automated car is being used 24/7.

Bye-bye taxi driver jobs. Bye-bye a shitload of other automotive related jobs. And they won't be replaced by an equal number of jobs.

So the smart forward-looking person will be the one who gets busy creating an automated car service.

He'll be filthy rich while former taxi drivers will be struggling.

Trump's the kind of asshole who promises to save taxi jobs. Instead, he should be pointing us forward. That's what visionaries do.

Trump's an idiot. He only knows how to be a huckster.
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
You know what else won't go out of business?


T-shirt making might be automated, but what you put on them requires creativity.

I do that as a side business. I make a lot of shit on the side that sells incredibly well.

Trump is holding out false hope for the 50 year old miner. And the 40 year old miner. And the 30 year old miner.

This is one of many reasons why I fucking hate that fucking liar with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

The 50 year old certainly has a good chance of getting to retirement age.

The 40 year old too.

The 30 year old, should be saving a LOT, and considering options.

BUT, 2 per cent of the work force is still in farming. Hell, someone still makes horsewhips out there.

And 60 k is a real good job for someone with no college.
If you don't own the horsewhip factory, you aren't going to be in the 2 percent who still have jobs a decade from now.

The two percent still in farming are large corporations, and little guys slowly getting crushed by the corporations.

The 40 year old has very little chance of retiring as a coal miner. The 30 year old is facing astronomical odds.

If the 50 year old thinks he can retire at 55, then why should I even feel sorry for him? Most Americans will have to work until 70.

It's like I tell my kids. In a few decades, most of the cars on the road will be automated. Most Americans won't even own a car.

It's about efficiency. I use my car two hours a day. That's a mere 8 percent efficiency. That means my car is idle 92 percent of the time.

If cars were automated, we could increase efficiency to close to 100 percent, excluding travel time between clients. You call an automated car when you need one. The automated car is being used 24/7.

Bye-bye taxi driver jobs. Bye-bye a shitload of other automotive related jobs. And they won't be replaced by an equal number of jobs.

So the smart forward-looking person will be the one who gets busy creating an automated car service.

He'll be filthy rich while former taxi drivers will be struggling.

Trump's the kind of asshole who promises to save taxi jobs. Instead, he should be pointing us forward. That's what visionaries do.

Trump's an idiot. He only knows how to be a huckster.

Again with the pity shit.

Moving forward does not require throwing everyone not a in STEM jobs under the bus.

The self driving cars are already being tested. No taxi driver is going to be raising the capital to compete with that.

You are the one offering false hope.
Diversify? In what? Crime is out of the question, and when can you get miserable in the heat here in Florida but working for charitable purposes at Spring through Fall festivals?
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
What line of work are you in?
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
What line of work are you in?
Here is a list of my jobs.
I started working at my parents plumbing company at about 8 or 9 back in the shop sorting plumbing elbows and nipples and put them into the correct bins that plumbers messed up.
I worked on Christmas, Thanksgiving vacations and during the Summer.
At 12, I got my Social Security card so while I worked, my parents company paid me as a regular employee. My jobs became more complicated as I grew older.
There was no law against kids doing this kind of work more than 50 years ago.
At 18, I left and moved far away.
I worked as a bus boy getting a buck sixty five an hour, minimum wage.
then as dishwasher
then as fry cook,
then as dinner cook, staying after work and learning each job.
After traveling around and doing different jobs for a couple of years,
I joined the military,
was stationed in Germany as 82Charlie (forward observer, was honor graduate at Fort Sill)
Then moved to S2.
Got out,
Went to a technical school,
Started working in a factory as an assembler
went to night school on the GI bill.
Earned an engineering degree from a University in Chicago.
Eventually, earned a bunch of Patents and became a Senior Design Engineer and worked in manufacturing.
Retired in July of 2016.
That is my entire work history from around 1960 to now.
And in all those years, I paid into Social Security and paid taxes.
Sure I was helped by the Government, but I paid my dues. I earned the help I got by serving and working for it.
I have walked the walk.
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
What line of work are you in?
Here is a list of my jobs.
I started working at my parents plumbing company at about 8 or 9 back in the shop sorting plumbing elbows and nipples and put them into the correct bins that plumbers messed up.
I worked on Christmas, Thanksgiving vacations and during the Summer.
At 12, I got my Social Security card so while I worked, my parents company paid me as a regular employee. My jobs became more complicated as I grew older.
There was no law against kids doing this kind of work more than 50 years ago.
At 18, I left and moved far away.
I worked as a bus boy getting a buck sixty five an hour, minimum wage.
then as dishwasher
then as fry cook,
then as dinner cook, staying after work and learning each job.
After traveling around and doing different jobs for a couple of years,
I joined the military,
was stationed in Germany as 82Charlie (forward observer, was honor graduate at Fort Sill)
Then moved to S2.
Got out,
Went to a technical school,
Started working in a factory as an assembler
went to night school on the GI bill.
Earned an engineering degree from a University in Chicago.
Eventually, earned a bunch of Patents and became a Senior Design Engineer and worked in manufacturing.
Retired in July of 2016.
That is my entire work history from around 1960 to now.
And in all those years, I paid into Social Security and paid taxes.
Sure I was helped by the Government, but I paid my dues. I earned the help I got by serving and working for it.
I have walked the walk.
All that promise and you're still being stupid. smh

When are you going to start understanding why the majority of Americans voted against Hillary?
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
What line of work are you in?
Here is a list of my jobs.
I started working at my parents plumbing company at about 8 or 9 back in the shop sorting plumbing elbows and nipples and put them into the correct bins that plumbers messed up.
I worked on Christmas, Thanksgiving vacations and during the Summer.
At 12, I got my Social Security card so while I worked, my parents company paid me as a regular employee. My jobs became more complicated as I grew older.
There was no law against kids doing this kind of work more than 50 years ago.
At 18, I left and moved far away.
I worked as a bus boy getting a buck sixty five an hour, minimum wage.
then as dishwasher
then as fry cook,
then as dinner cook, staying after work and learning each job.
After traveling around and doing different jobs for a couple of years,
I joined the military,
was stationed in Germany as 82Charlie (forward observer, was honor graduate at Fort Sill)
Then moved to S2.
Got out,
Went to a technical school,
Started working in a factory as an assembler
went to night school on the GI bill.
Earned an engineering degree from a University in Chicago.
Eventually, earned a bunch of Patents and became a Senior Design Engineer and worked in manufacturing.
Retired in July of 2016.
That is my entire work history from around 1960 to now.
And in all those years, I paid into Social Security and paid taxes.
Sure I was helped by the Government, but I paid my dues. I earned the help I got by serving and working for it.
I have walked the walk.
All that promise and you're still being stupid. smh

When are you going to start understanding why the majority of Americans voted against Hillary?
Uh, hello, knock knock.
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million.
Add in the 7 million who voted independent and Trump lost by 10 million.
And now?


As the investigations move forward, Trump's negatives will only grow.
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
What line of work are you in?
Here is a list of my jobs.
I started working at my parents plumbing company at about 8 or 9 back in the shop sorting plumbing elbows and nipples and put them into the correct bins that plumbers messed up.
I worked on Christmas, Thanksgiving vacations and during the Summer.
At 12, I got my Social Security card so while I worked, my parents company paid me as a regular employee. My jobs became more complicated as I grew older.
There was no law against kids doing this kind of work more than 50 years ago.
At 18, I left and moved far away.
I worked as a bus boy getting a buck sixty five an hour, minimum wage.
then as dishwasher
then as fry cook,
then as dinner cook, staying after work and learning each job.
After traveling around and doing different jobs for a couple of years,
I joined the military,
was stationed in Germany as 82Charlie (forward observer, was honor graduate at Fort Sill)
Then moved to S2.
Got out,
Went to a technical school,
Started working in a factory as an assembler
went to night school on the GI bill.
Earned an engineering degree from a University in Chicago.
Eventually, earned a bunch of Patents and became a Senior Design Engineer and worked in manufacturing.
Retired in July of 2016.
That is my entire work history from around 1960 to now.
And in all those years, I paid into Social Security and paid taxes.
Sure I was helped by the Government, but I paid my dues. I earned the help I got by serving and working for it.
I have walked the walk.
All that promise and you're still being stupid. smh

When are you going to start understanding why the majority of Americans voted against Hillary?
Uh, hello, knock knock.
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million.
Add in the 7 million who voted independent and Trump lost by 10 million.
And now?


That's not the way it works. And you know that. Stop lying.

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