Trumps coal come back ..

The far left will believe anything their rich white far left masters tell them to believe.

But which far left site will they believe?

Analysis | The Energy 202: Coal production is actually up under Trump. Should he get credit?

Read your Fucking article:

Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really.

The long answer to the first, energy analysts say, is that economic factors at home and abroad — and all largely beyond Trump's control — play a bigger role in explaining that year-over-year increase than the changing of the presidential guard. Potentially to the president's surprise, China even helped out a bit with the increase.

We have said this all along, Coal Production is set by the market not by government...
Back in the day when America was great, coal was the preferred energy source.

We need to get back to those glorious days of yore.

And a secretary knew if she wanted to keep her job a BJ in the morning really pepped up the boss...
The far left will believe anything their rich white far left masters tell them to believe.

But which far left site will they believe?

Analysis | The Energy 202: Coal production is actually up under Trump. Should he get credit?

Read your Fucking article:

Why is coal production up if the fuel is supposed to be on its way out? Should we give credit to Trump for that bump?

The short answer to that second question is no, not really.

The long answer to the first, energy analysts say, is that economic factors at home and abroad — and all largely beyond Trump's control — play a bigger role in explaining that year-over-year increase than the changing of the presidential guard. Potentially to the president's surprise, China even helped out a bit with the increase.

We have said this all along, Coal Production is set by the market not by government...

Coal is going to be a major source of power for a long time to come. Giving up on these jobs and these people is stupid and wrong.
I'm sure the elite class will see paying more for coal than natural gas as a status symbol.

I bet Trump even converts all of his properties to coal powered ..
I'm sure the elite class will see paying more for coal than natural gas as a status symbol.

I bet Trump even converts all of his properties to coal powered ..

Coal is a major industry, and it offers a large number of high paying jobs in rural areas that need them.

Throwing them under the bus for political reasons is wrong and counter productive.
I'm sure the elite class will see paying more for coal than natural gas as a status symbol.

I bet Trump even converts all of his properties to coal powered ..

Coal is a major industry, and it offers a large number of high paying jobs in rural areas that need them.

Throwing them under the bus for political reasons is wrong and counter productive.

coal mining jobs have been declining for decades - of course statistical facts mean nothing to idiots

we arent talking about coal production either ..
I'm actually pushing my kids to become automated car service owners. I am pushing them into high school business classes, and tech classes.

They need to be prepared. I don't even think what I do will be around when they grow up.
Some things will never be automated.
Like being a plumber.
Or being a technician. No matter how many robots are made to fix robots, there will always be a technician to fix the robot that fixes robots.
Plumber. I've pointed that out to my son a million times. We will always need plumbers.

And to a certain extent electricians. But even their construction jobs will be mostly automated before too long. An electrr
accept that france and germany are buying coal. many other companies are. why are you against employment?

You were not directing your post to me but I am taking this opportunity to correct my opening post. I have nothing against using coal as an energy source. Not all countries are as fortunate as we are when it comes to coal. But the truth remains, my grandchildren will be reading about coal in their history books, not using it as an energy source.

For the sake of our grandchildren we need to think beyond coal and discover new energy sources before we are forced to do so.

as I se it :)-
best of luck to the miners, holding on to something is important.

Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining

as long as natural gas is so abundant, cheap, and clean, Trump wont ever have any impact on coal.

Let's bring back steam engines and locomotives.



  • upload_2017-11-3_19-57-24.jpeg
    9.1 KB · Views: 26
Let's bring back the.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.

View attachment 158694

It's a steam engine :)-

What makes the steam?

Maybe we could burn seaweed to drive the steam engines?

Some seaweeds are microscopic, such as the phytoplankton that live suspended in the water column and provide the base for most marine food chains. Some are enormous, like the giant kelp that grow in abundant “forests” and tower like underwater redwoods from their roots at the bottom of the sea. Most are medium-sized, come in colors of red, green, brown, and black, and randomly wash up on beaches and shorelines just about everywhere.

The vernacular “seaweed” is a bona-fide misnomer, because a weed is a plant that spreads so profusely it can harm the habitat where it takes hold. (Consider kudzu, the infamous “mile-a-minute vine” that chokes waterways throughout the U.S. Southeast). Not only are the fixed and free-floating “weeds” of the sea utterly essential to innumerable marine creatures, both as food and as habitat, they also provide many benefits to land-dwellers, notably those of the human variety.

Seaweed has a variety of purposes, for which it is farmed[4] or foraged from the wild.[5]

At the beginning of 2011, Indonesia produced 3 million tonnes of seaweed and surpassed the Philippines as the world's largest seaweed producer. By 2011, the production was estimated to have reached 10 million tonnes.[6]
I'm sure the elite class will see paying more for coal than natural gas as a status symbol.

I bet Trump even converts all of his properties to coal powered ..

Coal is a major industry, and it offers a large number of high paying jobs in rural areas that need them.

Throwing them under the bus for political reasons is wrong and counter productive.

coal mining jobs have been declining for decades - of course statistical facts mean nothing to idiots

we arent talking about coal production either ..

What about "declining" means that we should give up on Coal miners?
accept that france and germany are buying coal. many other companies are. why are you against employment?

You were not directing your post to me but I am taking this opportunity to correct my opening post. I have nothing against using coal as an energy source. Not all countries are as fortunate as we are when it comes to coal. But the truth remains, my grandchildren will be reading about coal in their history books, not using it as an energy source.

For the sake of our grandchildren we need to think beyond coal and discover new energy sources before we are forced to do so.
as I se it :)-

Which is not reason to ignore the interests of coal miners today and for the next several decades.
There was nothing Trump could do about coal one way or another – that he could ‘do something’ was just another ridiculous lie his supporters fell for.

“miners reject retraining”

Then they have only themselves to blame for being poor and unemployed, coal isn’t ‘coming back’ – they and other Americans whose jobs are based on a 19th Century economy need to train for 21st Century jobs.
There was nothing Trump could do about coal one way or another – that he could ‘do something’ was just another ridiculous lie his supporters fell for.

“miners reject retraining”

Then they have only themselves to blame for being poor and unemployed, coal isn’t ‘coming back’ – they and other Americans whose jobs are based on a 19th Century economy need to train for 21st Century jobs.

Trade, energy and economic policy will have an impact on coal jobs. It is dishonest of you to pretend otherwise.

Coal is 40% of electricity production today, in 2017. For you to dismiss it as "19th century" jobs, is you being, not only an arrogant ass, but dead wrong.

Retraining has become a code for "we going to fuck you, but pretend we care".

Retraining means, giving up an income for at least months, if not years, maybe being able to finish, maybe being able to find a job in that field.

Why are you so hostile to these people?
There are two (2) realities going on at the same time.

1st We need the energy coal can provide & we will continue to use it until we no longer need it

2nd Coal is finite and for our grandchildren’s sake we need to invest in a new energy source “before” we are forced to do so
There are two (2) realities going on at the same time.

1st We need the energy coal can provide & we will continue to use it until we no longer need it

2nd Coal is finite and for our grandchildren’s sake we need to invest in a new energy source “before” we are forced to do so

And we are. Lots.

Until then, lets see what we can do for the Coal miners.
Draining the swamp, one consumer paid bailout at a time.

Trump coal backer wins big under Perry's power plan

Solandra anyone. LOL

Soooo, a guy that owns a coal company donated money to the guy that A. was openly in favor of coal, and running against B. the woman that was openly hostile to coal

How very, very suspicious.


What the article describes, is not a bail out and in no way seems unethical. Trump ran on a pro-coal platform and is now actually doing it.

oh,, and this would be a good thread for all those lefties who said Trump was just bullshitting the voters in coal country,

this would be a good place for them to post their apologies.

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