Trump's constant breaches of federal campaign finance laws

The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

Are you serious? Hillary Clinton ran a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department...extorting millions from foreign individuals and countries for the Clinton Foundation...which she then turned around and use to help pay part of the salaries of her staff that was working for her election!

Trump didn't do ANYTHING like that...yet you describe him as "beyond corrupt" and that he thinks he's "above all laws"? THAT'S Bill and Hillary Clinton...NOT Donald Trump!
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

Are you serious? Hillary Clinton ran a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department...extorting millions from foreign individuals and countries for the Clinton Foundation...which she then turned around and use to help pay part of the salaries of her staff that was working for her election!

Trump didn't do ANYTHING like that...yet you describe him as "beyond corrupt" and that he thinks he's "above all laws"? THAT'S Bill and Hillary Clinton...NOT Donald Trump!

The usual asshole chimes in......GO AFTER HILLARY all you fucking want.....Right now, the corrupt asshole is YOUR HERO....
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

Are you serious? Hillary Clinton ran a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department...extorting millions from foreign individuals and countries for the Clinton Foundation...which she then turned around and use to help pay part of the salaries of her staff that was working for her election!

Trump didn't do ANYTHING like that...yet you describe him as "beyond corrupt" and that he thinks he's "above all laws"? THAT'S Bill and Hillary Clinton...NOT Donald Trump!

The usual asshole chimes in......GO AFTER HILLARY all you fucking want.....Right now, the corrupt asshole is YOUR HERO....

but hilarys corrupt asshole is yours everyday,,,
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

Are you serious? Hillary Clinton ran a "pay for play" scheme at the State Department...extorting millions from foreign individuals and countries for the Clinton Foundation...which she then turned around and use to help pay part of the salaries of her staff that was working for her election!

Trump didn't do ANYTHING like that...yet you describe him as "beyond corrupt" and that he thinks he's "above all laws"? THAT'S Bill and Hillary Clinton...NOT Donald Trump!

The usual asshole chimes in......GO AFTER HILLARY all you fucking want.....Right now, the corrupt asshole is YOUR HERO....

Did Hillary Clinton NOT do exactly what I've described? Trump didn't. He ran a clean campaign. He didn't pay Glenn Simpson to smear his opponents. He didn't use a non-profit to help pay for part of the salaries of the people who worked on his campaign. He didn't get the head of the GOP to rig the debates for him. Hillary did ALL of those things!
Another asshole (well, he is a MAGA ass kisser) chimes in......

NO, moron, you want to investigate Biden, you tell the FBI...not another fucking soverign country while you hold back a check unless they do your bidding.....

You're welcome for the lesson, maga...LOL
Why would I take a lesson in being stupid?

The Bidens were influence peddling with other countries. The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in the Ukraine or China, Einstien.

You should find something you're good at. You suck at this.
The Bidens were influence peddling with other countries. The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in the Ukraine or China, Einstien.

Fuckhead, read the campaign finance laws.......and according to assholes like you Trump is now hiring Chinese and Ukrainians government officials to help him get re=elected???

Do you even realize just what a moron you come off as being....Look, I am sure your love to kiss Trump's ass on a daily basis, but stick to the fucking facts.??
The Bidens were influence peddling with other countries. The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in the Ukraine or China, Einstien.

Fuckhead, read the campaign finance laws.......and according to assholes like you Trump is now hiring Chinese and Ukrainians government officials to help him get re=elected???

Do you even realize just what a moron you come off as being....Look, I am sure your love to kiss Trump's ass on a daily basis, but stick to the fucking facts.??

hey fuckhead read the constitution,,,

biden cant use an election to hide from his criminal activities

biden cant use an election to hide from his criminal activities

Moron, I don;t give a fuck.....Lock Biden up right next to the fat orange turd for all I care.....

Right NOW, Trump is an outlaw.....get that through your half brain.
The Bidens were influence peddling with other countries. The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in the Ukraine or China, Einstien.

Fuckhead, read the campaign finance laws.......and according to assholes like you Trump is now hiring Chinese and Ukrainians government officials to help him get re=elected???

Do you even realize just what a moron you come off as being....Look, I am sure your love to kiss Trump's ass on a daily basis, but stick to the fucking facts.??
You're ASSUMING (and don't we all know how to spell that?) that Trump's reason for working with Zelensky's is elective politics....Biden being a inept and senile candidate for the DNC nomination is incidental.

I understand that being an abusive cocksucker is a somewhat effective method for distracting from the idiotically flawed premises of your ASSumptions, but it doesn't work on everyone.

Now go take a walk on Legos, peckerhead.
NO ONE CARES LOL,, fake news.. go away ya big baby sore loser

Then why don't you just go to bed (after a diaper change, of course,)
In the past 3 years, Americans have been forced to endure:

The Jussie Smollett hoax

The Covington Hoax

The Kavanaugh Hoax

The Mueller Hoax

The Obstruction Hoax

And dozens more, all to frame @realDonaldTrump

Yet we’re supposed to believe the Ukraine story is legitimate?
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

If Biden weren't running for the commiecrat nomination would you be crying about this?

If Biden weren't running for the commiecrat nomination would you be crying about this?

NO, I'm NOT the one that is begging for impeachment....Your fucking clown is and he IS running for the Trump Cult Party...and you're an ass kissing member.
Trump cult members are advised to look up how long it took for Nixon to get kicked out (yeah, he resigned just before getting the boot).........But, we have rules and the orange clown thinks that those rules don't apply to his fat ass.

The next 6 months should be a hoot.....LOL

On every impeachment venture the house has embarked on, all 64 of them, the house voted to start an investigation. Why are they ignoring precedent and the rules now?

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If Biden weren't running for the commiecrat nomination would you be crying about this?

NO, I'm NOT the one that is begging for impeachment....Your fucking clown is and he IS running for the Trump Cult Party...and you're an ass kissing member.

Wow, I asked a simple question you lied and then went off on me for asking. You've already admitted by the following statement that you think Biden might be corrupt.
Lock Biden up right next to the fat orange turd for all I care
And by that admission, you admitted Trump has every right to investigate him. Biden running for office doesn't make him above the law. It's just that simple.

On every impeachment venture the house has embarked on, all 64 of them, the house voted to start an investigation. Why are they ignoring precedent and the rules now?

Simple........they are applying the old "rope-a-dope" scenario...meaning that every time Trump interferes with the inquiry, an additional Article of Impeachment can be drawn up as an "Abuse of Power" or "Obstruction of Justice."

Clever, don't you think.....LOL

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