Trump's constant breaches of federal campaign finance laws

And by that admission, you admitted Trump has every right to investigate him.

Sure the hell Trump has every right...BUT NOT by extorting other sovereign government......

Biden may have done wrong to make a few buck for his family...

The orange turd is doing wrong to get his fat ass re-elected so he can stay out of prison in 2021

If you can;t see the difference, ask a grown up to help you.,,,,LMAO
On every impeachment venture the house has embarked on, all 64 of them, the house voted to start an investigation. Why are they ignoring precedent and the rules now?

Simple........they are applying the old "rope-a-dope" scenario...meaning that every time Trump interferes with the inquiry, an additional Article of Impeachment can be drawn up as an "Abuse of Power" or "Obstruction of Justice."

Clever, don't you think.....LOL

What inquiry, right now they're just in over site mode.


biden cant use an election to hide from his criminal activities

Moron, I don;t give a fuck.....Lock Biden up right next to the fat orange turd for all I care.....

Right NOW, Trump is an outlaw.....get that through your half brain.

So what you're basically admitting is that you know Joe Biden was using his office to enrich his son...which is what Trump wanted him investigated for...but you're willing to jail Biden if that will get Trump removed from office?

Did you on the left really think this through?
And by that admission, you admitted Trump has every right to investigate him.

Sure the hell Trump has every right...BUT NOT by extorting other sovereign government......

Biden may have done wrong to make a few buck for his family...

The orange turd is doing wrong to get his fat ass re-elected so he can stay out of prison in 2021

If you can;t see the difference, ask a grown up to help you.,,,,LMAO

According to the president of Ukraine and Volker, there was no quid pro quo. So your assertion of extortion is a commie fabrication. So by your own standards Trump has every right to investigate allegations of what transpired in Ukraine and China, in fact Article 2 requires him to do so. What do the commies keep proclaiming in their committee hearings, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, even people running for office.

The level of desperation people like Nat are showing at this point would be amusing if their actions weren't so damaging to the country. He's willing to bend every end runs around every ANYTHING to remove someone from office that he doesn't agree with politically!
I go back to the same observation each time I see this happening...the Left isn't doing this because they're interested in protecting the country! They want power in the worst way but the people don't want their agenda. So they can't run on said agenda because it's a loser! So what can they do? It's quite simple obviously...don't RUN on their on by smearing the opposition. That's all they HAVE!
Trump cult members are advised to look up how long it took for Nixon to get kicked out (yeah, he resigned just before getting the boot).........But, we have rules and the orange clown thinks that those rules don't apply to his fat ass.

The next 6 months should be a hoot.....LOL

Your prognostications have been pretty empty since you started spouting them.

So, we'll put this in the shit file along with all your other posts.
The level of desperation people like Nat are showing at this point would be amusing if their actions weren't so damaging to the country. He's willing to bend every end runs around every ANYTHING to remove someone from office that he doesn't agree with politically!

Look how how Gnat is changing the story or the focus.

The Ukraine things is really backfiring....already.
Crash and Burn X2. Biden isn't an opponent and never will be. Trump is obligated to investigate corruption, which is why he's digging into Biden, Obama and your Russian spectacle.

I wonder why leftists are projecting again, they scared?
The Bidens were influence peddling with other countries. The FBI doesn't have jurisdiction in the Ukraine or China, Einstien.

Fuckhead, read the campaign finance laws.......and according to assholes like you Trump is now hiring Chinese and Ukrainians government officials to help him get re=elected???

Do you even realize just what a moron you come off as being....Look, I am sure your love to kiss Trump's ass on a daily basis, but stick to the fucking facts.??
I didn't type my post to humiliate you.
That was like icing on the cake.

The actual point was to point out how insane your ranting hatred is.

You should take a moment and reflect on what you want your life to be.

Hating Trump as a life objective doesn't seem to be working out for you
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

If Trump was so damn concerned about "corruption"......Why didn't the idiot-in-chief not start an investigation BEFORE Biden started beating his ass in the polls???

Trump is so damn crooked he could hide behind a corkscrew.
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

Hillary took tens of millions from Russians and from people who throw gay men off of building, please notice your glaring hypocrisy
Hillary took tens of millions from Russians and from people who throw gay men off of building, please notice your glaring hypocrisy

THAT is your "best defense" of the scum bucket now in the oval office???

For how many fucking more years are you going to use Hillary to "excuse" your orange clown's daily screw-ups?
Russia if you're listening...

China if you're listening...

Well they ARE

Trump thinks that if he does it in plain sight it's OK

It's not
Wow, yet another scheme from Crime Family-D to take Daffy Donny down, all I can say is ...
Bidens conduct in China cost the USA billions. He allowed them to continue their unfair trade an IP theft. He got his so fuck the American people
The Dems never asked for that. They hired an oppo firm and that's what that oppo firm came up with.

And ya know what they did with it?

They did NOT use it in the went to the FBI as it should
Hillary took tens of millions from Russians and from people who throw gay men off of building, please notice your glaring hypocrisy

THAT is your "best defense" of the scum bucket now in the oval office???

For how many fucking more years are you going to use Hillary to "excuse" your orange clown's daily screw-ups?
Trump exposed how politicians used their "public service" to make tens of millions. No wonder no one ever leaves DC
The very BEST way to develop Articles of Impeachment against to keep Trump openly spewing his needs for foreign entities to dig up dirt on his main political opponent.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election.

The constant "begging" by Trump for foreign nations to do his dirty-digging on the Bidens is disturbing on many fronts....

First, Trump is basically stating that our own domestic intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to do his bidding.

Second, Trump is extorting favors from countries where he can exercise the withholding of foreign aid and in the imposition of trade tariffs.

This administration is beyond corrupt and repeatedly showing that laws do not apply to Trump's antics since he "thinks" he is above all laws.

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Not just Ukraine: Trump urges China to investigate Biden ...

If Trump was so damn concerned about "corruption"......Why didn't the idiot-in-chief not start an investigation BEFORE Biden started beating his ass in the polls???

Trump is so damn crooked he could hide behind a corkscrew. leading in some poll means you should have immunity from investigation for your actions while serving the US in an official capacity?

A better question is why didn't the Obama Administration start an investigation into this when it happened? Like that EVER would have happened with Attorney Generals the likes of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch!

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