TRUMPS daily tweets!

Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?
Do you want open borders?
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
I don’t have an issue with polls. I take them with a grain of salt but no issues here. I have issues with you lying and spreading fake news. You can’t back up anything you say. The one link you provided flat out proved you wrong. FAIL
Did it not say 40%??
Any poll that says 40 never said 8. I’d bet the farm on that
"Today's @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 36%," Rasmussen said in a tweet. "This day last year: 19%."

That is a staggeringly high number for a man who only won 8 percent of the African-American vote in 2016.

How about USA Today??
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
Here comes the spin. Tricky... nice try but it ain’t gonna fly.
Ohh you are smarter then USA Today? Lol
Not at all, but USA Today isn’t saying what you’ve been saying.
Must be nice. Its 20 degrees here!
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
Unless you are most of the population that is poor lol typical elite democrat
Most the population is not poor... I’ve lived all over this state, you don’t know what you are talking about. I Also have a house in Austin TX which is an amazing place to live. Cali needs to take some business friendly notes from good ol Tehas
Many Americans are struggling in California,, enjoy your golf
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
America is the land of opportunity, except in California, you can either come with money or live in public housing in slums.. Democrats want to control words we speak to carbon emissions. They have gone full communist in these communities.
Of course I don’t expect Trump supporters to be embarrassed by his actions just as I don’t expect the AOC supporters to be embarrassed by hers. But for the objective majority who sit in the middle they see both Trump and AOC for what they are... eccentric wingnuts who can’t handle details and intelligent/strategic planning. They are both marketing queens who boast about idealistic ideas not practical reality and they are both embarrassing as leaders in their own unique ways. Trump is bringing a brand of ugly that I’ve never seen from a president which hurts our countries perception on the world stage IMO
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?

Must be nice. Its 20 degrees here!
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
California Sucks

4th Highest Cost of Living in The US.
Does not even appear in the Top 10 Best States to Live In
These 10 states are the best places to live in America
Ranked as the 5th Worst State in The US to make a living in
15 Worst States in America to Make a Living

I could go on and on.

20% of the population are Illegal Immigrants.

Tax Rates are Absurd.

Literally areas in California that are now No Go zones because you will die if you drive through there.

Once Beautiful Cities like San Francisco littered with Trash, Human Shit in the streets and on the sidewalks, Illegal Immigrant tent cities, and Heroin Needles.

Parts of California are looking like a third world nation.
Great, then don’t come here. Less turds on the course slowing down the pace of play. Fine with me!
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?
Do you want open borders?
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
We have 22 million illegals in this country! We have drugs pouring over! We have wages for the poor being dropped ! America has poor people.. they need help. It is an emergency.
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
Unless you are most of the population that is poor lol typical elite democrat
Most the population is not poor... I’ve lived all over this state, you don’t know what you are talking about. I Also have a house in Austin TX which is an amazing place to live. Cali needs to take some business friendly notes from good ol Tehas
Many Americans are struggling in California,, enjoy your golf
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
Yes they are but again many Americans are fleeing California because they are struggling,,, many are shitting in the streets.. getting High,, many can’t invest.. it’s poor and rich...
Finally you are starting to say real things. Nice work!
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?

Must be nice. Its 20 degrees here!
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
California Sucks

4th Highest Cost of Living in The US.
Does not even appear in the Top 10 Best States to Live In
These 10 states are the best places to live in America
Ranked as the 5th Worst State in The US to make a living in
15 Worst States in America to Make a Living

I could go on and on.

20% of the population are Illegal Immigrants.

Tax Rates are Absurd.

Literally areas in California that are now No Go zones because you will die if you drive through there.

Once Beautiful Cities like San Francisco littered with Trash, Human Shit in the streets and on the sidewalks, Illegal Immigrant tent cities, and Heroin Needles.

Parts of California are looking like a third world nation.
Great, then don’t come here. Less turds on the course slowing down the pace of play. Fine with me!
Lol who did you vote for ?
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
Unless you are most of the population that is poor lol typical elite democrat
Most the population is not poor... I’ve lived all over this state, you don’t know what you are talking about. I Also have a house in Austin TX which is an amazing place to live. Cali needs to take some business friendly notes from good ol Tehas
Many Americans are struggling in California,, enjoy your golf
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
America is the land of opportunity, except in California, you can either come with money or live in public housing in slums.. Democrats want to control words we speak to carbon emissions. They have gone full communist in these communities.
Oops you lost it now. Yes Cali has its issues but there are plenty of middle class citizens here. Tremendous innovation and capital investment potential. It’s the Mecca for development, tech and start ups. Great education, beautiful terrain and environment. 5th largest economy in the world. People of all classes live here. I’ve been here most of my life, I think I know a little better than you who gets your info from... Where?
lol how is trump extreme?? He wants borders to prefect Americans?? Sounds like you are the extreme one
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?
Do you want open borders?
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
The President cannot shut down The Government. Only Congress can.

Liberals Lie to God and to you, and then to themselves:

Obama Sends $150 Billion to Iran to buy weapons from Russia, buy Uranium Centrifuges, Hire Russian Nuclear Scientists and Rocket Scientists to help Iran develop Nuclear ICBMS to kill Israeli and US Soldiers with, and to give money and weapons to terrorist groups. He also sells 20% of our strategic Uranium to Russia despite knowing that Rosatom is bribing people like Clinton, Holder, and John McCain to approve the sale of Uranium One. We are assured that No Uranium will leave through Canada to any other country. Russia then sells this Uranium, US Uranium to Iran who wants to Kill Us.

Trump wants $5 Billion for a wall to stop drugs and illegal immigrants and terrorists from coming through our borders.

Trump is the radical.

Liberal Logic.....

Really means..... Liberal Lies.
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?
Do you want open borders?
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
We have 22 million illegals in this country! We have drugs pouring over! We have wages for the poor being dropped ! America has poor people.. they need help. It is an emergency.
I’ve heard the talking points and not buying it. It’s abuse of the National Emergency system and every conservative knows it. You’ll defend it now and bitch to high heaven when the Dems use their tit.
Why am I extreme? I’m gonna eat lunch and play golf. What’s extreme about that?

Must be nice. Its 20 degrees here!
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
California Sucks

4th Highest Cost of Living in The US.
Does not even appear in the Top 10 Best States to Live In
These 10 states are the best places to live in America
Ranked as the 5th Worst State in The US to make a living in
15 Worst States in America to Make a Living

I could go on and on.

20% of the population are Illegal Immigrants.

Tax Rates are Absurd.

Literally areas in California that are now No Go zones because you will die if you drive through there.

Once Beautiful Cities like San Francisco littered with Trash, Human Shit in the streets and on the sidewalks, Illegal Immigrant tent cities, and Heroin Needles.

Parts of California are looking like a third world nation.
Great, then don’t come here. Less turds on the course slowing down the pace of play. Fine with me!
Lol who did you vote for ?
I wrote in a local hero of mine. Couldn’t stomach voting for either of those two
Unless you are most of the population that is poor lol typical elite democrat
Most the population is not poor... I’ve lived all over this state, you don’t know what you are talking about. I Also have a house in Austin TX which is an amazing place to live. Cali needs to take some business friendly notes from good ol Tehas
Many Americans are struggling in California,, enjoy your golf
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
America is the land of opportunity, except in California, you can either come with money or live in public housing in slums.. Democrats want to control words we speak to carbon emissions. They have gone full communist in these communities.
Oops you lost it now. Yes Cali has its issues but there are plenty of middle class citizens here. Tremendous innovation and capital investment potential. It’s the Mecca for development, tech and start ups. Great education, beautiful terrain and environment. 5th largest economy in the world. People of all classes live here. I’ve been here most of my life, I think I know a little better than you who gets your info from... Where?
No the middle is moving out in droves.. your ideology creates tax rates Americans can’t afford. No opportunity..

Let me ask you do you even believe America has poor Americans??
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
We have 22 million illegals in this country! We have drugs pouring over! We have wages for the poor being dropped ! America has poor people.. they need help. It is an emergency.
I’ve heard the talking points and not buying it. It’s abuse of the National Emergency system and every conservative knows it. You’ll defend it now and bitch to high heaven when the Dems use their tit.
I’m in the inner city of Boston I went to schools flooded with people that can’t speak English,, it has destroyed public education in all urban cites controlled by democrats. These are things we can fix if we control who comes in.. it’s beyond a natural emergency.. we should executing illegals, and the politicians that passed any law allowing it
Most the population is not poor... I’ve lived all over this state, you don’t know what you are talking about. I Also have a house in Austin TX which is an amazing place to live. Cali needs to take some business friendly notes from good ol Tehas
Many Americans are struggling in California,, enjoy your golf
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
America is the land of opportunity, except in California, you can either come with money or live in public housing in slums.. Democrats want to control words we speak to carbon emissions. They have gone full communist in these communities.
Oops you lost it now. Yes Cali has its issues but there are plenty of middle class citizens here. Tremendous innovation and capital investment potential. It’s the Mecca for development, tech and start ups. Great education, beautiful terrain and environment. 5th largest economy in the world. People of all classes live here. I’ve been here most of my life, I think I know a little better than you who gets your info from... Where?
No the middle is moving out in droves.. your ideology creates tax rates Americans can’t afford. No opportunity..

Let me ask you do you even believe America has poor Americans??
Of course I believe there are poor Americans, what kind of question is that? And what exactly do you think my ideology is?

I’m a business owner who believes in low taxes and small government. Does that mean I’m not allowed to criticize our Ego n Chief?
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
We have 22 million illegals in this country! We have drugs pouring over! We have wages for the poor being dropped ! America has poor people.. they need help. It is an emergency.
I’ve heard the talking points and not buying it. It’s abuse of the National Emergency system and every conservative knows it. You’ll defend it now and bitch to high heaven when the Dems use their tit.
I’m in the inner city of Boston I went to schools flooded with people that can’t speak English,, it has destroyed public education in all urban cites controlled by democrats. These are things we can fix if we control who comes in.. it’s beyond a natural emergency.. we should executing illegals, and the politicians that passed any law allowing it
You’re slipping down the dumb hole again, be careful. There’s only so many idiotic things you can say before you get boring
Must be nice. Its 20 degrees here!
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
California Sucks

4th Highest Cost of Living in The US.
Does not even appear in the Top 10 Best States to Live In
These 10 states are the best places to live in America
Ranked as the 5th Worst State in The US to make a living in
15 Worst States in America to Make a Living

I could go on and on.

20% of the population are Illegal Immigrants.

Tax Rates are Absurd.

Literally areas in California that are now No Go zones because you will die if you drive through there.

Once Beautiful Cities like San Francisco littered with Trash, Human Shit in the streets and on the sidewalks, Illegal Immigrant tent cities, and Heroin Needles.

Parts of California are looking like a third world nation.
Great, then don’t come here. Less turds on the course slowing down the pace of play. Fine with me!
Lol who did you vote for ?
I wrote in a local hero of mine. Couldn’t stomach voting for either of those two
Lol omg what’s the name of your hero!!??? Lol
Many Americans are struggling in California,, enjoy your golf
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
America is the land of opportunity, except in California, you can either come with money or live in public housing in slums.. Democrats want to control words we speak to carbon emissions. They have gone full communist in these communities.
Oops you lost it now. Yes Cali has its issues but there are plenty of middle class citizens here. Tremendous innovation and capital investment potential. It’s the Mecca for development, tech and start ups. Great education, beautiful terrain and environment. 5th largest economy in the world. People of all classes live here. I’ve been here most of my life, I think I know a little better than you who gets your info from... Where?
No the middle is moving out in droves.. your ideology creates tax rates Americans can’t afford. No opportunity..

Let me ask you do you even believe America has poor Americans??
Of course I believe there are poor Americans, what kind of question is that? And what exactly do you think my ideology is?

I’m a business owner who believes in low taxes and small government. Does that mean I’m not allowed to criticize our Ego n Chief?
absolutely! Please eloborate on what you don’t like
So how is trump
Extreme?? Lol
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
We have 22 million illegals in this country! We have drugs pouring over! We have wages for the poor being dropped ! America has poor people.. they need help. It is an emergency.
I’ve heard the talking points and not buying it. It’s abuse of the National Emergency system and every conservative knows it. You’ll defend it now and bitch to high heaven when the Dems use their tit.
I’m in the inner city of Boston I went to schools flooded with people that can’t speak English,, it has destroyed public education in all urban cites controlled by democrats. These are things we can fix if we control who comes in.. it’s beyond a natural emergency.. we should executing illegals, and the politicians that passed any law allowing it
You’re slipping down the dumb hole again, be careful. There’s only so many idiotic things you can say before you get boring
Just facts
Cali isn’t as bad as everybody says, especially when you get to golf in a tee shirt in the middle of winter... although there may be rain coming in tomorrow
California Sucks

4th Highest Cost of Living in The US.
Does not even appear in the Top 10 Best States to Live In
These 10 states are the best places to live in America
Ranked as the 5th Worst State in The US to make a living in
15 Worst States in America to Make a Living

I could go on and on.

20% of the population are Illegal Immigrants.

Tax Rates are Absurd.

Literally areas in California that are now No Go zones because you will die if you drive through there.

Once Beautiful Cities like San Francisco littered with Trash, Human Shit in the streets and on the sidewalks, Illegal Immigrant tent cities, and Heroin Needles.

Parts of California are looking like a third world nation.
Great, then don’t come here. Less turds on the course slowing down the pace of play. Fine with me!
Lol who did you vote for ?
I wrote in a local hero of mine. Couldn’t stomach voting for either of those two
Lol omg what’s the name of your hero!!??? Lol
True, many are struggling. Many are also enjoying a day at the beach, hiking the mountains, or playing a round of golf today. Stay warm wherever you are
America is the land of opportunity, except in California, you can either come with money or live in public housing in slums.. Democrats want to control words we speak to carbon emissions. They have gone full communist in these communities.
Oops you lost it now. Yes Cali has its issues but there are plenty of middle class citizens here. Tremendous innovation and capital investment potential. It’s the Mecca for development, tech and start ups. Great education, beautiful terrain and environment. 5th largest economy in the world. People of all classes live here. I’ve been here most of my life, I think I know a little better than you who gets your info from... Where?
No the middle is moving out in droves.. your ideology creates tax rates Americans can’t afford. No opportunity..

Let me ask you do you even believe America has poor Americans??
Of course I believe there are poor Americans, what kind of question is that? And what exactly do you think my ideology is?

I’m a business owner who believes in low taxes and small government. Does that mean I’m not allowed to criticize our Ego n Chief?
absolutely! Please eloborate on what you don’t like
My hero is personal, I don’t respect you enough to share with a troll who is chomping for something to mock.

I’ve already laid out a handful of reason why Trump is an embarrassment. You obviously don’t agree. What more do you want to discuss?
He shuts the government down over a 5 billion dollar piece of wall. He calls his colleagues schoolyard names on twitter on a daily basis instead of working together to get progress on important issues. He can’t get a fact right to save his life, It’s a joke. I’m actually starting to inderstand why you like him so much. Two peas in a pod. He is the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in that position. Call it whatever you want, it’s extreme in my eyes
We have 22 million illegals in this country! We have drugs pouring over! We have wages for the poor being dropped ! America has poor people.. they need help. It is an emergency.
I’ve heard the talking points and not buying it. It’s abuse of the National Emergency system and every conservative knows it. You’ll defend it now and bitch to high heaven when the Dems use their tit.
I’m in the inner city of Boston I went to schools flooded with people that can’t speak English,, it has destroyed public education in all urban cites controlled by democrats. These are things we can fix if we control who comes in.. it’s beyond a natural emergency.. we should executing illegals, and the politicians that passed any law allowing it
You’re slipping down the dumb hole again, be careful. There’s only so many idiotic things you can say before you get boring
Just facts
Youve been far detached from the facts this entire thread as I’ve pointed out time and time again.
You digress from MY POST that the Progressive Left is the most dangerous element in America. IDC if the POTUS is Trump, Cruz, Carson, etc. So long as it was not HRC. I really have to spell this out for you?

Ben Shapiro #2024 is where I stand.
I like Shapiro. And you accused me of being a fraud before saying all that mumbo jumbo about the Left. You brought up AOC and I commented about her. Then I dissed trump and you got huffy. Deep breaths, everything’s gonna be OK.

No one liked Stalin in 1941. We needed Stalin to defeat a greater evil. We need Trump to defeat a greater evil. IMO.
Haha, just remember you’re the one comparing Trump to Stalin... not I! :)

Well it is hyperbole but you get my gist. We need Trump at this time because the Progressive Left has gone insane. Your state has many. Including Ms. Waters and Ms. Harris.
Waters is a joke. Harris is ok but not at the top of my list. We don’t need Trump, we need an adult. He is pushing the wingnuts in both parties deep into their corners. He is fueling hate all over this country. We aren’t going to get anything done operating that way.

The election had two viable choices. DJT or HRC. As you see HRC was a nonstarter so you are left with DJT. We need to balance out the deranged progressive left and no Harris is not OK. She was awful during the Kavanaugh hearings and worse during the Smollet disaster. She is pro slavery reparations? Insane Left. As I explained, I would not have cared if Donald Duck was the GOP candidate. I was voting anti HRC.

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