TRUMPS daily tweets!

Well it is hyperbole but you get my gist. We need Trump at this time because the Progressive Left has gone insane. Your state has many. Including Ms. Waters and Ms. Harris.
Waters is a joke. Harris is ok but not at the top of my list. We don’t need Trump, we need an adult. He is pushing the wingnuts in both parties deep into their corners. He is fueling hate all over this country. We aren’t going to get anything done operating that way.

The election had two viable choices. DJT or HRC. As you see HRC was a nonstarter so you are left with DJT. We need to balance out the deranged progressive left and no Harris is not OK. She was awful during the Kavanaugh hearings and worse during the Smollet disaster. She is pro slavery reparations? Insane Left. As I explained, I would not have cared if Donald Duck was the GOP candidate. I was voting anti HRC.
Yes we had two shitty options who were both unpopular with most of America, yet those were our only choices. That’s a problem right there! So Trump squeaks our a win, does that make him a great option all of a sudden? No.

I actually created an OP to Dems asking them to give him a chance and be a good opposition party. They blew it and Trumps Ego blew it. Big surprise. He sucks as suspected

I disagree that he blew it. Firstly, the economy is doing well. Secondly, our military spend is up. Thirdly, he has shown how mentally deranged the Left truly is. Lastly, he moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Love it.

He has drawbacks.

He has not addressed entitlements. He is way too friendly with KSA. Too much movement in his cabinet. I know social media helped him win but I would tone down the divisive rhetoric because the Democrat sane party has been taken over by the insane so if I were him, I would sit back and watch the civil war.

Like my boy Ben Shapiro. I am “Sometimes Trump”.

HRC would have been terrible.
You call yourself an independent?! Sorry buddy you are as “Right” as they come.

The economy was doing good before Trump took office. He didn’t do much to change things but he hasn’t blown it up so good on him for that. I don’t think our military needed more spending but I also don’t know the inner workings so I’ll reserve judgement on that. Embassy to Jerusalem, no problem with that but also don’t care either way.

Agree with all your faults but don’t think he has a chance with entitlements with how divided he has driven both sides.

Eh? I am pro choice, I think the 2nd amendment is antiquated and I think our Supreme Court should lean Left. The economy was not doing well. Obama kept interest rates artificially low and that gave it an illusion and he increased our debt by $10trn. Trump is dealing with much more expensive money. Military spend creates strong opportunities for subcontractors and there are 1000s. Plus boosts innovation. Always a smart choice. You’re not a business owner likely so you don’t see what I see. Trump has been great on that aspect.
Waters is a joke. Harris is ok but not at the top of my list. We don’t need Trump, we need an adult. He is pushing the wingnuts in both parties deep into their corners. He is fueling hate all over this country. We aren’t going to get anything done operating that way.

The election had two viable choices. DJT or HRC. As you see HRC was a nonstarter so you are left with DJT. We need to balance out the deranged progressive left and no Harris is not OK. She was awful during the Kavanaugh hearings and worse during the Smollet disaster. She is pro slavery reparations? Insane Left. As I explained, I would not have cared if Donald Duck was the GOP candidate. I was voting anti HRC.
Harris thinks we can afford a $70 Trillion Dollar New Green Deal.

The Bitch is Whack and On Crack. Plus she is down with Infanticide, and her ancestors were Slave Owners.
She has Zero Moral Ground to stand on any issue.
93 Trillion. You can’t even get your attack points right!
May as well make it 930 LOL. The plan is idiotic. And she has some skeletons too like her address in NY, employment of her boyfriend by her campaign without disclosure, etc.
I don’t take her or that plan seriously. It’s fine to set high goals but it’s not a realistic plan. She is a mouthpiece like her counter part Trump

She is an embarrassment. Honestly.
Ironically, the previous Presidents did NOTHING with North Korea.

Big bad Bush labeled them in the “Axis of Evil.”

Oblivious Obama ignored NoKo because he was too busy with the idiotic Iranian Nuclear Deal.

All the has-beens need to sit down and shut up!
C'mon seriously, you think Trump is getting concessions on nuclear weapons from NK? :lol:
He already has.. no misslies
That’s hilarious! lol! Thanks for the laugh! As easy as grabbing pussy?
You don’t grab pussy!? Lol
No I don't. I know how to treat pussy properly. And the guy who boasts about getting the most pussy is usually getting the least. :biggrin:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
New tweet**

Fiat Chrysler will be adding more than 6,500 JOBS in Michigan (Detroit area), doubling its hourly workforce as part of a 4.5 Billion Dollar investment. Thank you Fiat Chrysler. They are all coming back to the USA, it’s where the action is!”
C'mon seriously, you think Trump is getting concessions on nuclear weapons from NK? :lol:
He already has.. no misslies
That’s hilarious! lol! Thanks for the laugh! As easy as grabbing pussy?
You don’t grab pussy!? Lol
No I don't. I know how to treat pussy properly. And the guy who boasts about getting the most pussy is usually getting the least. :biggrin:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
He already has.. no misslies
That’s hilarious! lol! Thanks for the laugh! As easy as grabbing pussy?
You don’t grab pussy!? Lol
No I don't. I know how to treat pussy properly. And the guy who boasts about getting the most pussy is usually getting the least. :biggrin:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
That’s hilarious! lol! Thanks for the laugh! As easy as grabbing pussy?
You don’t grab pussy!? Lol
No I don't. I know how to treat pussy properly. And the guy who boasts about getting the most pussy is usually getting the least. :biggrin:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You don’t grab pussy!? Lol
No I don't. I know how to treat pussy properly. And the guy who boasts about getting the most pussy is usually getting the least. :biggrin:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
No I don't. I know how to treat pussy properly. And the guy who boasts about getting the most pussy is usually getting the least. :biggrin:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
Like you would know what women want. :lol:
So you never grabbed a pussy? Lol tells me a lot haha
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
Like you would know what women want. :lol:
I’ll give you 100 bucks if you can find a female that doesn’t like their pussy grabbed lol
Grabbing pussy is for uncouth morons. I treat pussy properly.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
Like you would know what women want. :lol:
I’ll give you 100 bucks if you can find a female that doesn’t like their pussy grabbed lol
Your mother. Send the money to Joe Biden's campaign.
So when you are treating your pussy properly you still never grabbed a pussy? Lol are you a virgin? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
Like you would know what women want. :lol:
I’ll give you 100 bucks if you can find a female that doesn’t like their pussy grabbed lol
Your mother. Send the money to Joe Biden's campaign.
Lol so angry ha.. come on find one don’t you know any females?? Lol
I know how to treat a lady, no grabbing involved.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
Like you would know what women want. :lol:
I’ll give you 100 bucks if you can find a female that doesn’t like their pussy grabbed lol
Your mother. Send the money to Joe Biden's campaign.
Lol so angry ha.. come on find one don’t you know any females?? Lol
I just did, ask her.
You never had a pussy in your life before haha women love having that pussy grabbed.. poor guy
Like you would know what women want. :lol:
I’ll give you 100 bucks if you can find a female that doesn’t like their pussy grabbed lol
Your mother. Send the money to Joe Biden's campaign.
Lol so angry ha.. come on find one don’t you know any females?? Lol
I just did, ask her.
I did.. she said you are a Virgin lol hahahha she said we should help you get laid haha
Waters is a joke. Harris is ok but not at the top of my list. We don’t need Trump, we need an adult. He is pushing the wingnuts in both parties deep into their corners. He is fueling hate all over this country. We aren’t going to get anything done operating that way.

The election had two viable choices. DJT or HRC. As you see HRC was a nonstarter so you are left with DJT. We need to balance out the deranged progressive left and no Harris is not OK. She was awful during the Kavanaugh hearings and worse during the Smollet disaster. She is pro slavery reparations? Insane Left. As I explained, I would not have cared if Donald Duck was the GOP candidate. I was voting anti HRC.
Yes we had two shitty options who were both unpopular with most of America, yet those were our only choices. That’s a problem right there! So Trump squeaks our a win, does that make him a great option all of a sudden? No.

I actually created an OP to Dems asking them to give him a chance and be a good opposition party. They blew it and Trumps Ego blew it. Big surprise. He sucks as suspected

I disagree that he blew it. Firstly, the economy is doing well. Secondly, our military spend is up. Thirdly, he has shown how mentally deranged the Left truly is. Lastly, he moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Love it.

He has drawbacks.

He has not addressed entitlements. He is way too friendly with KSA. Too much movement in his cabinet. I know social media helped him win but I would tone down the divisive rhetoric because the Democrat sane party has been taken over by the insane so if I were him, I would sit back and watch the civil war.

Like my boy Ben Shapiro. I am “Sometimes Trump”.

HRC would have been terrible.
You call yourself an independent?! Sorry buddy you are as “Right” as they come.

The economy was doing good before Trump took office. He didn’t do much to change things but he hasn’t blown it up so good on him for that. I don’t think our military needed more spending but I also don’t know the inner workings so I’ll reserve judgement on that. Embassy to Jerusalem, no problem with that but also don’t care either way.

Agree with all your faults but don’t think he has a chance with entitlements with how divided he has driven both sides.

Eh? I am pro choice, I think the 2nd amendment is antiquated and I think our Supreme Court should lean Left. The economy was not doing well. Obama kept interest rates artificially low and that gave it an illusion and he increased our debt by $10trn. Trump is dealing with much more expensive money. Military spend creates strong opportunities for subcontractors and there are 1000s. Plus boosts innovation. Always a smart choice. You’re not a business owner likely so you don’t see what I see. Trump has been great on that aspect.
I own two businesses and have worked for myself pretty much my entire life. I don’t think Obama was great with economics but I don’t expect Dems to be great with that, it isn’t their strength. Which is why I believe in the pendulum of power and a healthy balance. But the two sides need to be able to work together and this has been Trumps greatest fault.
View attachment 247926
I disagree that he blew it. Firstly, the economy is doing well. Secondly, our military spend is up. Thirdly, he has shown how mentally deranged the Left truly is. Lastly, he moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Love it.

He has drawbacks.

He has not addressed entitlements. He is way too friendly with KSA. Too much movement in his cabinet. I know social media helped him win but I would tone down the divisive rhetoric because the Democrat sane party has been taken over by the insane so if I were him, I would sit back and watch the civil war.

Like my boy Ben Shapiro. I am “Sometimes Trump”.

HRC would have been terrible.
You call yourself an independent?! Sorry buddy you are as “Right” as they come.

The economy was doing good before Trump took office. He didn’t do much to change things but he hasn’t blown it up so good on him for that. I don’t think our military needed more spending but I also don’t know the inner workings so I’ll reserve judgement on that. Embassy to Jerusalem, no problem with that but also don’t care either way.

Agree with all your faults but don’t think he has a chance with entitlements with how divided he has driven both sides.
Lol economy was doing good under Obama lol
Yes, which metric did Trump change?
Lol gdp, wages, black unemployment, investment.. lol obama haha I needed the laugh thank you
There has been small growth in gdp but not much and definatley not the 5% Trump hyped up during the campaign. Look at the chart:

Wages... let’s look at the 10 year wage growth chart:

Black unemployment... where’s the Trump factor that effected the trend started under Obama?


That’s what you calling riding the wave my friend. There are no significant rate changes noticeable under Trump in the categories YOU named. The numbers don’t lie. Sorry to burst your bubble but you probably shouldnt take all of trumps boasts to heart. They rarely line up with the facts.
Jitss617 don’t run away now it’s just getting good. Did you look at the charts? Do you now understand the numbers? Any questions?
The election had two viable choices. DJT or HRC. As you see HRC was a nonstarter so you are left with DJT. We need to balance out the deranged progressive left and no Harris is not OK. She was awful during the Kavanaugh hearings and worse during the Smollet disaster. She is pro slavery reparations? Insane Left. As I explained, I would not have cared if Donald Duck was the GOP candidate. I was voting anti HRC.
Yes we had two shitty options who were both unpopular with most of America, yet those were our only choices. That’s a problem right there! So Trump squeaks our a win, does that make him a great option all of a sudden? No.

I actually created an OP to Dems asking them to give him a chance and be a good opposition party. They blew it and Trumps Ego blew it. Big surprise. He sucks as suspected

I disagree that he blew it. Firstly, the economy is doing well. Secondly, our military spend is up. Thirdly, he has shown how mentally deranged the Left truly is. Lastly, he moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Love it.

He has drawbacks.

He has not addressed entitlements. He is way too friendly with KSA. Too much movement in his cabinet. I know social media helped him win but I would tone down the divisive rhetoric because the Democrat sane party has been taken over by the insane so if I were him, I would sit back and watch the civil war.

Like my boy Ben Shapiro. I am “Sometimes Trump”.

HRC would have been terrible.
You call yourself an independent?! Sorry buddy you are as “Right” as they come.

The economy was doing good before Trump took office. He didn’t do much to change things but he hasn’t blown it up so good on him for that. I don’t think our military needed more spending but I also don’t know the inner workings so I’ll reserve judgement on that. Embassy to Jerusalem, no problem with that but also don’t care either way.

Agree with all your faults but don’t think he has a chance with entitlements with how divided he has driven both sides.

Eh? I am pro choice, I think the 2nd amendment is antiquated and I think our Supreme Court should lean Left. The economy was not doing well. Obama kept interest rates artificially low and that gave it an illusion and he increased our debt by $10trn. Trump is dealing with much more expensive money. Military spend creates strong opportunities for subcontractors and there are 1000s. Plus boosts innovation. Always a smart choice. You’re not a business owner likely so you don’t see what I see. Trump has been great on that aspect.
I own two businesses and have worked for myself pretty much my entire life. I don’t think Obama was great with economics but I don’t expect Dems to be great with that, it isn’t their strength. Which is why I believe in the pendulum of power and a healthy balance. But the two sides need to be able to work together and this has been Trumps greatest fault.

It is not just Trump. The parties genuinely hate each other. I blame the Progressive Left.
Yes we had two shitty options who were both unpopular with most of America, yet those were our only choices. That’s a problem right there! So Trump squeaks our a win, does that make him a great option all of a sudden? No.

I actually created an OP to Dems asking them to give him a chance and be a good opposition party. They blew it and Trumps Ego blew it. Big surprise. He sucks as suspected

I disagree that he blew it. Firstly, the economy is doing well. Secondly, our military spend is up. Thirdly, he has shown how mentally deranged the Left truly is. Lastly, he moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Love it.

He has drawbacks.

He has not addressed entitlements. He is way too friendly with KSA. Too much movement in his cabinet. I know social media helped him win but I would tone down the divisive rhetoric because the Democrat sane party has been taken over by the insane so if I were him, I would sit back and watch the civil war.

Like my boy Ben Shapiro. I am “Sometimes Trump”.

HRC would have been terrible.
You call yourself an independent?! Sorry buddy you are as “Right” as they come.

The economy was doing good before Trump took office. He didn’t do much to change things but he hasn’t blown it up so good on him for that. I don’t think our military needed more spending but I also don’t know the inner workings so I’ll reserve judgement on that. Embassy to Jerusalem, no problem with that but also don’t care either way.

Agree with all your faults but don’t think he has a chance with entitlements with how divided he has driven both sides.

Eh? I am pro choice, I think the 2nd amendment is antiquated and I think our Supreme Court should lean Left. The economy was not doing well. Obama kept interest rates artificially low and that gave it an illusion and he increased our debt by $10trn. Trump is dealing with much more expensive money. Military spend creates strong opportunities for subcontractors and there are 1000s. Plus boosts innovation. Always a smart choice. You’re not a business owner likely so you don’t see what I see. Trump has been great on that aspect.
I own two businesses and have worked for myself pretty much my entire life. I don’t think Obama was great with economics but I don’t expect Dems to be great with that, it isn’t their strength. Which is why I believe in the pendulum of power and a healthy balance. But the two sides need to be able to work together and this has been Trumps greatest fault.

It is not just Trump. The parties genuinely hate each other. I blame the Progressive Left.
It takes two to tangle but the tone is set from our leaders and I’ve never seen anybody as insulting and divisive as trump. There is a reason why he is hated so much and it isn’t just because he is a Republican
I disagree that he blew it. Firstly, the economy is doing well. Secondly, our military spend is up. Thirdly, he has shown how mentally deranged the Left truly is. Lastly, he moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Love it.

He has drawbacks.

He has not addressed entitlements. He is way too friendly with KSA. Too much movement in his cabinet. I know social media helped him win but I would tone down the divisive rhetoric because the Democrat sane party has been taken over by the insane so if I were him, I would sit back and watch the civil war.

Like my boy Ben Shapiro. I am “Sometimes Trump”.

HRC would have been terrible.
You call yourself an independent?! Sorry buddy you are as “Right” as they come.

The economy was doing good before Trump took office. He didn’t do much to change things but he hasn’t blown it up so good on him for that. I don’t think our military needed more spending but I also don’t know the inner workings so I’ll reserve judgement on that. Embassy to Jerusalem, no problem with that but also don’t care either way.

Agree with all your faults but don’t think he has a chance with entitlements with how divided he has driven both sides.

Eh? I am pro choice, I think the 2nd amendment is antiquated and I think our Supreme Court should lean Left. The economy was not doing well. Obama kept interest rates artificially low and that gave it an illusion and he increased our debt by $10trn. Trump is dealing with much more expensive money. Military spend creates strong opportunities for subcontractors and there are 1000s. Plus boosts innovation. Always a smart choice. You’re not a business owner likely so you don’t see what I see. Trump has been great on that aspect.
I own two businesses and have worked for myself pretty much my entire life. I don’t think Obama was great with economics but I don’t expect Dems to be great with that, it isn’t their strength. Which is why I believe in the pendulum of power and a healthy balance. But the two sides need to be able to work together and this has been Trumps greatest fault.

It is not just Trump. The parties genuinely hate each other. I blame the Progressive Left.
It takes two to tangle but the tone is set from our leaders and I’ve never seen anybody as insulting and divisive as trump. There is a reason why he is hated so much and it isn’t just because he is a Republican

The Democrats are fighting among themselves. Look at HRC and Bernie supporters. HATED each other. Nothing to do with the GOP. The Progressive Left has ruined this country. More than Trump, Obama, etc. Until people like you and I see them as the major issue, it will never get resolved. If Trump is gone in 2020 and replaced by say Biden. The Progressive Left will still be here and ruining us. Agreed?

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