Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

How much do taxpayers already pay in providing an estimated 11 million illegals with state drivers licenses, health care, unemployment benefits, and free school tuition?
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

How much do taxpayers already pay in providing an estimated 11 million illegals with state drivers licenses, health care, unemployment benefits, and free school tuition?

and that is what the people are FED UP WITH. they are shoving that stuff on us and IN OUR FACE. I'm glad the people are finally waking up
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

How much do taxpayers already pay in providing an estimated 11 million illegals with state drivers licenses, health care, unemployment benefits, and free school tuition?
Well, illegals don't get Obamacare on UI, but perhaps more importantly, the fence isn't keeping out the ones here. And who would do the work cheaply if they weren't here?
The last thing an undocumented person is going to do is go to a US government office and let the government know they're here in America.

I can't believe how stupid the right wing crazy people are.
It's basically a myth based on "anchor babies" being eligible for stuff like Medicaid.

Illegal Alien Facts vs. the Truth-O-Meter PolitiFact
PolitiFart isn't a credible source. Even Loony left-wingers know that..

In continuing war on its own credibility PolitiFact calls accurate Obama jobs statement half true
And you are a reliable source? A lying, POS like you?
OK, smartass... tell me something.

In your opinion, are the illegals taking jobs that our own citizens could hold(driving up the poverty rate for Americans), or are they surviving on welfare that WE are paying for?

And BTW, thanks for calling another Liberal source a lying POS. That was damn near funny.
No, idiot, you are the lying POS. And, no, they are not taking jobs Americans would take. That is kind of the point; there is a demand from them because these jobs go unfilled.

You need to talk to American Construction workers.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

The federal immigration law states immigrants that are stopped and found in violation of the law are to be deported, not given a trial. They violated Federal law and INS has been given the authority under the law to deport them.
Ghook93 From your post #648.
1. From your post either you are a 4th grader or you just woke up. Trampons wants to deport all illegals. You hear all over 11 millions. Did he mentioned 1 or 2 millions? Where have you been?
2. How do you deport or eliminate 11 millions out of this country? Raid houses, schools, groceries, malls etc. and marines on the streets checking id. Do you have any other idea?
3. That is exactly what the NAZI did during WW2. I never mentioned Trampons will exterminate illegals. I said eliminate out of this country.
4. There are millions of legal Hispanics left after deporting 11 millions. What is that supposed to mean?
4. Trampons has at least 4 or 5 trashy names on the Internet. And you are so concern of Trampons? You better get use to it.

Here is the question for you: How does the government make you buckle up your seat belt?
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

How much do taxpayers already pay in providing an estimated 11 million illegals with state drivers licenses, health care, unemployment benefits, and free school tuition?
Well, illegals don't get Obamacare on UI, but perhaps more importantly, the fence isn't keeping out the ones here. And who would do the work cheaply if they weren't here?

My understanding, Obamacare is a mandate that all must prove they have health care coverage. If you can't afford it, you fall under the conditions of the government plan. I don't recall there being an exception if it can be shown they have been able to find work in this country.
only a left-wing moron thinks it makes one a "jackboot" to ask people if they are supposed to be in this country.

The Left has done an extraordinary job brainwashing people and demonizing their opponents who hold different views. but with every report of yet another illegal murdering an American citizen (or three, like one illegal in florida), the Left's IDIOTIC excuse that that is just the price of "empathy" and that we owe these people something, and that Americans kill Americans too so it's all cool, gets harder and harder to justify, as if it want asinine already

the douchebag left cant win on this issue, all they can do is demagogue and pander
If you want to stop everyone, of all colors and ages, and ask for their papers we aren't stopping you. Start by issuing everyone a national photo ID card. Go for it.
ALL colors means whites are included. But for the die hard believers they think its a good idea. I can just imagine myself showing my ID before entering an airport then another before boarding. Or entering a mall or grocery. That is so stupid.
And there we go, the jack-booted thugs asking papers please of those working, or walking, while wetback...
No one has proposed any such thing. On the other hand, you have endorsed exterminating all the Jews.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
only a left-wing moron thinks it makes one a "jackboot" to ask people if they are supposed to be in this country.

The Left has done an extraordinary job brainwashing people and demonizing their opponents who hold different views. but with every report of yet another illegal murdering an American citizen (or three, like one illegal in florida), the Left's IDIOTIC excuse that that is just the price of "empathy" and that we owe these people something, and that Americans kill Americans too so it's all cool, gets harder and harder to justify, as if it want asinine already

the douchebag left cant win on this issue, all they can do is demagogue and pander
If you want to stop everyone, of all colors and ages, and ask for their papers we aren't stopping you. Start by issuing everyone a national photo ID card. Go for it.
ALL colors means whites are included. But for the die hard believers they think its a good idea. I can just imagine myself showing my ID before entering an airport then another before boarding. Or entering a mall or grocery. That is so stupid.

silly left-wing douchebags; if we had 20 million or so ILLEGAL immigrants from Poland or Italy or Ireland then it would made sense that they should be stopped and asked for ID if the situation warranted.

the facts are you know that the majority of illegals are Hispanic by virtue of our open border with Mexico, and that is what allows you to race-bait and pander on the issue leftard.
And there we go, the jack-booted thugs asking papers pleas of those working, or walking, while wetback...

You know what... FINE! If you libtards want to ignore the Constitution, the laws on the books, the will of the people-- don't want to have civility-- don't want to be reasonable-- just want to cram more liberal shit down our throats against our will as you insult our traditions and values... they YES....By God... that's exactly where we are going and it won't stop with deporting "wetbacks." Back your ears, motherfuckers... We're coming to take back our country.
This is a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals. You aren't supposed to like it here since you are an American in name only.
Turds like you bear no resemblance to 18th century liberals.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Ghook93 From your post #648.
1. From your post either you are a 4th grader or you just woke up. Trampons wants to deport all illegals. You hear all over 11 millions. Did he mentioned 1 or 2 millions? Where have you been?
2. How do you deport or eliminate 11 millions out of this country? Raid houses, schools, groceries, malls etc. and marines on the streets checking id. Do you have any other idea?
3. That is exactly what the NAZI did during WW2. I never mentioned Trampons will exterminate illegals. I said eliminate out of this country.
4. There are millions of legal Hispanics left after deporting 11 millions. What is that supposed to mean?
4. Trampons has at least 4 or 5 trashy names on the Internet. And you are so concern of Trampons? You better get use to it.

Here is the question for you: How does the government make you buckle up your seat belt?
Profiling and saving someone lives is different. Don't you think? Checking all people id every where you go. Is that acceptable?
Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)

"Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.

Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.


The penalty for felony harboring is a fine and imprisonment for up to five years. The penalty for felony alien smuggling is a fine and up to ten years' imprisonment. Where the crime causes serious bodily injury or places the life of any person in jeopardy, the penalty is a fine and up to twenty years' imprisonment. If the criminal smuggling or harboring results in the death of any person, the penalty can include life imprisonment. Convictions for aiding, abetting, or conspiracy to commit alien smuggling or harboring, carry the same penalties. Courts can impose consecutive prison sentences for each alien smuggled or harbored. A court may order a convicted smuggler to pay restitution if the alien smuggled qualifies as a victim under the Victim and Witness Protection Act. Conspiracy to commit crimes of sheltering, harboring, or employing illegal aliens is a separate federal offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 or five years' imprisonment.

Aiding abetting harboring encouraging illegals a felony

My bold

These crimes are limited to US citizens, illegals can be charged with them as well.

That's odd. I don't see a single thing in the above law that makes the illegal alien a felon. Just those that knowingly aid and assist them, like employers.

try again.

Just holding a job to aid an illegal spouse or illegal children to remain, providing them housing, money, food and transportation qualifies, dummy. I didn't post the complete link, go read it.

It is odd that no illegal alien has ever been charged with a felony based solely on being in the US without documentation on a first offense, not even under the Bush administration.

I think that you should not give up your other job to become an attorney.

Maybe if we get an AG who is willing to deal with the problem you might see them getting inventive, if you were an illegal and a prosecutor gave you a choice of self deporting or facing a decade in jail, what do you think they would do? Just because the tool hasn't been used, doesn't mean it's not available. Of course if the aiding and abetting laws were fully used, your dear leader would be looking at a few million years in jail for illegally deferring prosecution, deportation and providing work permits to more than 3 million and the folks running these sanctuary cities could be facing hundreds of years.

Are you aware of what they have been doing down here about IA for the last 10 years?

Yep, I knew, it's a start but only deals with one small facet of the problem. 40% of illegals come in legally on temporary visas and never leave. I proposed to my congresscritters that they establish a return bond system. They pay a small fee to purchase a return bond, then if they fail to exit as agreed, bounty hunters will track them down and turn them over for removal with just the clothes on their backs. No need for a court as they would be declared a fugitive when they fail to leave.
only a left-wing moron thinks it makes one a "jackboot" to ask people if they are supposed to be in this country.

The Left has done an extraordinary job brainwashing people and demonizing their opponents who hold different views. but with every report of yet another illegal murdering an American citizen (or three, like one illegal in florida), the Left's IDIOTIC excuse that that is just the price of "empathy" and that we owe these people something, and that Americans kill Americans too so it's all cool, gets harder and harder to justify, as if it want asinine already

the douchebag left cant win on this issue, all they can do is demagogue and pander
If you want to stop everyone, of all colors and ages, and ask for their papers we aren't stopping you. Start by issuing everyone a national photo ID card. Go for it.
That'not necessary, and no one has proposed it other than Nazi libs like you.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Profiling and saving someone lives is different. Don't you think? Checking all people id every where you go. Is that acceptable?

Typical dodging...

Let me remind you, the question was: How does the government make you buckle up your seat belt?
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho
Your kidding your self kid.

you're a moron and an o-bot. so any ol thing can humor you leftard. why dont you go play with a napkin or something?
Idiot. You started by saying Trampon is not going to kill them.
I said trampons will rounded them up just like the NAZI did. Are there any difference? NAZI exterminate the Jews. Trampons eliminate the Hispanics that sounds very good.

First, one can tell from your 3rd grade name calling of Trump you are a troll. Second, Trump talked about deporting ILLEGALS, he said nothing of rounding up Hispanics. If we got rid of all then ILLEGALS, there would still be tens of millions of LEGAL Hispanics in this country. Third, Hitler first murdered the Jews in open public. That was bad for PR. He then made them slaves. He then sent them to concentration and death camps. He never deported anyone. I wish he did, but he was more hell bend on genocide. Trump is talking about deporting illegals and not genocide.

Please grow up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, he's merely suggesting obeying the law. It's hard to fathom how we've gotten to this point where millions of Americans are angry with him for suggesting such a thing. Obeying the law has become a blasphemous notion to them. That's how far we've fallen. But Trump just has to stay strong and persevere. He's got it right. And he does have support.
only a left-wing moron thinks it makes one a "jackboot" to ask people if they are supposed to be in this country.

The Left has done an extraordinary job brainwashing people and demonizing their opponents who hold different views. but with every report of yet another illegal murdering an American citizen (or three, like one illegal in florida), the Left's IDIOTIC excuse that that is just the price of "empathy" and that we owe these people something, and that Americans kill Americans too so it's all cool, gets harder and harder to justify, as if it want asinine already

the douchebag left cant win on this issue, all they can do is demagogue and pander
If you want to stop everyone, of all colors and ages, and ask for their papers we aren't stopping you. Start by issuing everyone a national photo ID card. Go for it.
That'not necessary, and no one has proposed it other than Nazi libs like you.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That's entirely necessary as there would be no other way to know who to kick out and whether or not they were sneaking back in. A police state is the only way to accomplish your goals.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

How much do taxpayers already pay in providing an estimated 11 million illegals with state drivers licenses, health care, unemployment benefits, and free school tuition?
Well, illegals don't get Obamacare on UI, but perhaps more importantly, the fence isn't keeping out the ones here. And who would do the work cheaply if they weren't here?

My understanding, Obamacare is a mandate that all must prove they have health care coverage. If you can't afford it, you fall under the conditions of the government plan. I don't recall there being an exception if it can be shown they have been able to find work in this country.

The problem with illegal immigrants and healthcare is hospitals are required to give emergency treatment to uninsured people. Obamacare actually exacerbated this because it not only excluded illegal aliens from participation, it also cut Medicaid reimbursement to hospitals. That's a double whammy for states that chose not to accept the Medicaid funds. Not only do they not get the new dollars, their old dollars took a hit.

Deferred status people also present problems that some states try to work through.

Children born here are eligible for Medicaid.

The fence is a whole other story, and it might or might not prevent more immigration. My guess is so long as there are jobs, peaceful illegal immigrants will keep coming, and drug dealers will continue biz unabated. And, even if we somehow found the money to build the fence, we'd need guards, like E. Berlin and E. Germany had with their fences, albeit we only need a fence to keep people out rather than keeping them in.

Given that it costs $12K or so to deport someone, and even if we used every fed courthouse and judge to deport people, the job of 11.5million would not be possible to complete. So, I'd think rational people would just want to give some legal status to workers, prevent unneeded workers from coming here or at least competing for jobs, and deport criminals with utmost expediency.
Secure the Border and restore the Rule of Law. Trump's the only one out there facing the problem head-on. The Illegal Invasion has to end. Trump seems to be the only one who'll at least attempt to do that. And of course they'll try to destroy him for that. But hopefully he'll persevere. He now has my full support.
only a left-wing moron thinks it makes one a "jackboot" to ask people if they are supposed to be in this country.

The Left has done an extraordinary job brainwashing people and demonizing their opponents who hold different views. but with every report of yet another illegal murdering an American citizen (or three, like one illegal in florida), the Left's IDIOTIC excuse that that is just the price of "empathy" and that we owe these people something, and that Americans kill Americans too so it's all cool, gets harder and harder to justify, as if it want asinine already

the douchebag left cant win on this issue, all they can do is demagogue and pander
If you want to stop everyone, of all colors and ages, and ask for their papers we aren't stopping you. Start by issuing everyone a national photo ID card. Go for it.
ALL colors means whites are included. But for the die hard believers they think its a good idea. I can just imagine myself showing my ID before entering an airport then another before boarding. Or entering a mall or grocery. That is so stupid.

silly left-wing douchebags; if we had 20 million or so ILLEGAL immigrants from Poland or Italy or Ireland then it would made sense that they should be stopped and asked for ID if the situation warranted.

the facts are you know that the majority of illegals are Hispanic by virtue of our open border with Mexico, and that is what allows you to race-bait and pander on the issue leftard.
Talking trash with a potty mouth does not prove anything but your own kind of people. Did I made you cry because smart people are telling you the consequences? Get a box tissue.
At least you accepted the idea that everyone should have national ID. Very good for you.
Majority of illegals are Mexican. Agree but there are european, asian, middle east etc. that are here illegally. Are they excluded from your new decree?
Keep that potty mouth of yours you might impressed other members of USMB.

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