Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

Was it Ok with you when Harry said it?
“no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
I do not care what a Senator said. The Constitution states otherwise.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

The federal immigration law states immigrants that are stopped and found in violation of the law are to be deported, not given a trial. They violated Federal law and INS has been given the authority under the law to deport them.
That is incorrect. I know of a case that came her via H2 visa that never reported to his sponsor. His sponsor reported him to ICE and they found him hiding in San Diego living with his brother. During processing his lawyer showed up they let hm go. That was 2010 and he still here.
One of my lawyer a patent specialist told me that if this immigration BS will go through. He might get rich.
More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho
Your kidding your self kid.

you're a moron and an o-bot. so any ol thing can humor you leftard. why dont you go play with a napkin or something?
Idiot. You started by saying Trampon is not going to kill them.
I said trampons will rounded them up just like the NAZI did. Are there any difference? NAZI exterminate the Jews. Trampons eliminate the Hispanics that sounds very good.

First, one can tell from your 3rd grade name calling of Trump you are a troll. Second, Trump talked about deporting ILLEGALS, he said nothing of rounding up Hispanics. If we got rid of all then ILLEGALS, there would still be tens of millions of LEGAL Hispanics in this country. Third, Hitler first murdered the Jews in open public. That was bad for PR. He then made them slaves. He then sent them to concentration and death camps. He never deported anyone. I wish he did, but he was more hell bend on genocide. Trump is talking about deporting illegals and not genocide.

Please grow up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, he's merely suggesting obeying the law. It's hard to fathom how we've gotten to this point where millions of Americans are angry with him for suggesting such a thing. Obeying the law has become a blasphemous notion to them. That's how far we've fallen. But Trump just has to stay strong and persevere. He's got it right. And he does have support.
How is he talking about obeying the law when he wants to change the 14th Amendment? We have not fallen at all. We are stronger now than we were 7 years ago. Illegal immigration is not a problem. There are no longer scores of people trying to get in. The number of illegals has not grown in 7 years.
How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

Was it Ok with you when Harry said it?
“no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
I do not care what a Senator said. The Constitution states otherwise.

Our 14th Amendment was for Slaves not illegals who come here to give birth.
Your kidding your self kid.

you're a moron and an o-bot. so any ol thing can humor you leftard. why dont you go play with a napkin or something?
Idiot. You started by saying Trampon is not going to kill them.
I said trampons will rounded them up just like the NAZI did. Are there any difference? NAZI exterminate the Jews. Trampons eliminate the Hispanics that sounds very good.

First, one can tell from your 3rd grade name calling of Trump you are a troll. Second, Trump talked about deporting ILLEGALS, he said nothing of rounding up Hispanics. If we got rid of all then ILLEGALS, there would still be tens of millions of LEGAL Hispanics in this country. Third, Hitler first murdered the Jews in open public. That was bad for PR. He then made them slaves. He then sent them to concentration and death camps. He never deported anyone. I wish he did, but he was more hell bend on genocide. Trump is talking about deporting illegals and not genocide.

Please grow up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, he's merely suggesting obeying the law. It's hard to fathom how we've gotten to this point where millions of Americans are angry with him for suggesting such a thing. Obeying the law has become a blasphemous notion to them. That's how far we've fallen. But Trump just has to stay strong and persevere. He's got it right. And he does have support.
How is he talking about obeying the law when he wants to change the 14th Amendment? We have not fallen at all. We are stronger now than we were 7 years ago. Illegal immigration is not a problem. There are no longer scores of people trying to get in. The number of illegals has not grown in 7 years.

You obviously do not live near the border.
How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.
'anchor babies' are all about citizenship and 'anchoring' extended families....meaning practically whole villages come here because they are 'related' to the 'anchor baby' and we wouldn't want to deny the baby his 'family'......a totally insane practice....also called 'chain migration'.....

'anchor babies' is a fraud cooked up via an insane Justice Brennan footnote in a 1982 case....even Harry Reid thought it crazy as he introduced a bill in 1993 to end citizenship for babies of illegals....
How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

no stupid; would you leave your child(ren) behind?
People send their children here alone. Figure it out.

good one dummy; now figure out why, ask yourself the same question.

How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

no stupid; would you leave your child(ren) behind?
People send their children here alone. Figure it out.

good one dummy; now figure out why, ask yourself the same question.

I have, which is why I know that when people are deported they don't always take the kiddos with them. They send them here, and leave them here, because this is where they can have a better life. That should make you happy, but it won't.
How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

Was it Ok with you when Harry said it?
“no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
I do not care what a Senator said. The Constitution states otherwise.

You might want to read what the writers of the 14th Amendment had to say on the subject.

Before the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, citizens of the states were automatically considered citizens of the United States. In 1857, the Dred Scott v. Sanford decision had held that no black of African descent (even a freed black) could be a citizen of the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment was thus necessary to overturn Dred Scott and to settle the question of the citizenship of the newly freed slaves. The Fourteenth Amendment made United States citizenship primary and state citizenship derivative. The primacy of federal citizenship made it impossible for states to prevent former slaves from becoming United States citizens by withholding state citizenship. States could no longer prevent any black from United States citizenship or from state citizenship either.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had previously asserted that "All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States." The immediate impetus for the Fourteenth Amendment was to constitutionalize and validate the Civil Rights Act because some had questioned whether the Thirteenth Amendment was a sufficient basis for its constitutionality. A constitutional amendment would also have the advantage of preventing a later unfriendly Congress from repealing it.

One conspicuous departure from the language of the Civil Rights Act was the elimination of the phrase "Indians not taxed." Senator Jacob Howard of Ohio, the author of the Citizenship Clause, defended the new language against the charge that it would make Indians citizens of the United States. Howard assured skeptics that "Indians born within the limits of the United States, and who maintain their tribal relations, are not, in the sense of this amendment, born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States." Senator Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, supported Howard, contending that "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" meant "not owing allegiance to anybody else...subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States." Indians, he concluded, were not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States because they owed allegiance—even if only partial allegiance—to their tribes. Thus, two requirements were set for United States citizenship: born or naturalized in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction.

By itself, birth within the territorial limits of the United States, as the case of the Indians indicated, did not make one automatically "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. And "jurisdiction" did not mean simply subject to the laws of the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of its courts. Rather, "jurisdiction" meant exclusive "allegiance" to the United States. Not all who were subject to the laws owed allegiance to the United States. As Senator Howard remarked, the requirement of "jurisdiction," understood in the sense of "allegiance," "will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States."!/amendments/14/essays/167/citizenship
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How do you find and deport 11 million people? And what legal theory allows the deportation to Mexico of American citizens?

Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

Was it Ok with you when Harry said it?
“no sane country” would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants.
I do not care what a Senator said. The Constitution states otherwise.

You might want to read what the writers of the 14th Amendment had to say on the subject.

Before the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment, citizens of the states were automatically considered citizens of the United States. In 1857, the Dred Scott v. Sanford decision had held that no black of African descent (even a freed black) could be a citizen of the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment was thus necessary to overturn Dred Scott and to settle the question of the citizenship of the newly freed slaves. The Fourteenth Amendment made United States citizenship primary and state citizenship derivative. The primacy of federal citizenship made it impossible for states to prevent former slaves from becoming United States citizens by withholding state citizenship. States could no longer prevent any black from United States citizenship or from state citizenship either.

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had previously asserted that "All persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States." The immediate impetus for the Fourteenth Amendment was to constitutionalize and validate the Civil Rights Act because some had questioned whether the Thirteenth Amendment was a sufficient basis for its constitutionality. A constitutional amendment would also have the advantage of preventing a later unfriendly Congress from repealing it.

One conspicuous departure from the language of the Civil Rights Act was the elimination of the phrase "Indians not taxed." Senator Jacob Howard of Ohio, the author of the Citizenship Clause, defended the new language against the charge that it would make Indians citizens of the United States. Howard assured skeptics that "Indians born within the limits of the United States, and who maintain their tribal relations, are not, in the sense of this amendment, born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States." Senator Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, supported Howard, contending that "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" meant "not owing allegiance to anybody else...subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States." Indians, he concluded, were not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States because they owed allegiance—even if only partial allegiance—to their tribes. Thus, two requirements were set for United States citizenship: born or naturalized in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction.

By itself, birth within the territorial limits of the United States, as the case of the Indians indicated, did not make one automatically "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. And "jurisdiction" did not mean simply subject to the laws of the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of its courts. Rather, "jurisdiction" meant exclusive "allegiance" to the United States. Not all who were subject to the laws owed allegiance to the United States. As Senator Howard remarked, the requirement of "jurisdiction," understood in the sense of "allegiance," "will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States."!/amendments/14/essays/167/citizenship
Since the Supreme Court has ruled against you, more than 100 years ago, now what?
It's basically a myth based on "anchor babies" being eligible for stuff like Medicaid.

Illegal Alien Facts vs. the Truth-O-Meter PolitiFact
PolitiFart isn't a credible source. Even Loony left-wingers know that..

In continuing war on its own credibility PolitiFact calls accurate Obama jobs statement half true
And you are a reliable source? A lying, POS like you?
OK, smartass... tell me something.

In your opinion, are the illegals taking jobs that our own citizens could hold(driving up the poverty rate for Americans), or are they surviving on welfare that WE are paying for?

And BTW, thanks for calling another Liberal source a lying POS. That was damn near funny.
No, idiot, you are the lying POS. And, no, they are not taking jobs Americans would take. That is kind of the point; there is a demand from them because these jobs go unfilled.

You need to talk to American Construction workers.

I tried my very best to find some of them to rebuild my house after Katrina. There were none available. I ended up hiring contractors whose crew spoke only Spanish. Even then, it took 5 months for the job to be completed.
Trump seems to think that all you have to do is to pick Juan up off the street and drive him to Nuevo Laredo. He seems to have forgotten details, like the constitutionally required trial, and conviction, first (for which we would most likely have to pay Juan's attorney).

The federal immigration law states immigrants that are stopped and found in violation of the law are to be deported, not given a trial. They violated Federal law and INS has been given the authority under the law to deport them.

Absolutely false. No one can be deported unless they have been found guilty of being an illegal immigrant. This is how it is done:
Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

no stupid; would you leave your child(ren) behind?
People send their children here alone. Figure it out.

good one dummy; now figure out why, ask yourself the same question.

I have, which is why I know that when people are deported they don't always take the kiddos with them. They send them here, and leave them here, because this is where they can have a better life. That should make you happy, but it won't.

but you've already acknowledged the parents ARE with the children here you mindless moron; WHICH MEANS they had always planned to be here together. if they choose to leave their own children behind it is their decision dummy; eithe way it isnt a deportation on the part of Republicans
Who's talking about deporting American citizens?
Trump. The children of undocumented.

no stupid; would you leave your child(ren) behind?
People send their children here alone. Figure it out.

good one dummy; now figure out why, ask yourself the same question.

I have, which is why I know that when people are deported they don't always take the kiddos with them. They send them here, and leave them here, because this is where they can have a better life. That should make you happy, but it won't.

well then they arent deported you idiot. that was what you were replying to; somebody claiming republicans want to deport American citizens.

you idiots have Attention Deficit Disorder or something; in your rush to sanctimonious clowns you're all over the map
Trump. The children of undocumented.

no stupid; would you leave your child(ren) behind?
People send their children here alone. Figure it out.

good one dummy; now figure out why, ask yourself the same question.

I have, which is why I know that when people are deported they don't always take the kiddos with them. They send them here, and leave them here, because this is where they can have a better life. That should make you happy, but it won't.

well then they arent deported you idiot. that was what you were replying to; somebody claiming republicans want to deport American citizens.

you idiots have Attention Deficit Disorder or something; in your rush to sanctimonious clowns you're all over the map
They do want to deport American citizens, the little brown ones whose parents are not here legally. That's what Trump means when he says keeping the family together. It means the kids go as well only they are Americans.

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