Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Please don't project what the Clintons do onto this situation....try to stay focused on the topic.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.
I underestimated you, FFI.

You aren't just a bitter, leftarded IDIOT but also delusional.
Retraction means exactly what o'Donnel said it means - he should not have brought it up on air. That could be for many reasons so it's pointless to speculate about at this point.
Ummm, no sir. That is NOT good enough. He cannot ride the fence or he is continuing to defame.
Bottom line for us is that there is not sufficient reason to belive (or disbelieve) that there is a Russian co-signed loan for Trump. It is not yet supported, but it certainly would not be suprising if evidence does come up at some point.
And if O'Donnell says anything about that story, it better be nothing but calling it false, or he is in more trouble.

O'Donnell has basically disqualified himself from ever talking about it again.

He called it unverified. Not false.
so what was verified to make it true? It's either true, or it's false, there's no middle ground. So you think he thinks it's true today?
Jesus Christ you are dumber than shit.

When they have one source, they typically confirm with a different source.

It is irrelevant to the truth.

So far, there is one source. Do we believe that one source or Fast Assed Trump?
The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.

You screwed up, jumped the shark so to speak. Why not just admit that you screwed up? Within hours, when the far left commentator Lawrence O'Donnell Tweeted that he should not have gone on the air with it, you had the chance to back up, as he did, but oh no, you are so desperate you had to keep the lie going. How impressive!

Please share with us all that part of this which is unclear to you.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell retracts report that Trump loan had Russian signers
By Eli Rosenberg and Herman Wong

August 29 at 7:52 AM

"Tonight we are retracting the story,” he said Wednesday. “We don’t know whether the information is inaccurate but the fact is we do know it wasn’t ready for broadcast and for that I apologize.”
Please don't project what the Clintons do onto this situation....try to stay focused on the topic.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.
dude, I don't even know what the fk your latest even fking means. you are doubling down on stupid. I didn't think one could get any more than you've showed, and yet there it is.
The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
You believe Tfump. Go fuck yourself
Retraction means exactly what o'Donnel said it means - he should not have brought it up on air. That could be for many reasons so it's pointless to speculate about at this point.
Ummm, no sir. That is NOT good enough. He cannot ride the fence or he is continuing to defame.
Bottom line for us is that there is not sufficient reason to belive (or disbelieve) that there is a Russian co-signed loan for Trump. It is not yet supported, but it certainly would not be suprising if evidence does come up at some point.
And if O'Donnell says anything about that story, it better be nothing but calling it false, or he is in more trouble.

O'Donnell has basically disqualified himself from ever talking about it again.

He called it unverified. Not false.
so what was verified to make it true? It's either true, or it's false, there's no middle ground. So you think he thinks it's true today?
Jesus Christ you are dumber than shit.

When they have one source, they typically confirm with a different source.

It is irrelevant to the truth.

So far, there is one source. Do we believe that one source or Fast Assed Trump?
dude, can you see what you type? surely your point has more relevance then what you just posted. surely, and I apologize to all of them.
Please don't project what the Clintons do onto this situation....try to stay focused on the topic.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.
Why don't you (or Mr. O'Donnell) prove it is true?

The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
not anything more to add.
Jesus Christ you are dumber than shit.

When they have one source, they typically confirm with a different source.

It is irrelevant to the truth.

So far, there is one source. Do we believe that one source or Fast Assed Trump?
It is completely relevant to the truth.

One source who claims to have seen documents is completely non-credible. It may as well have come from a fortune cookie.

You want to call that truth, fine. But, don't publish it to the masses, because that is defamation.

It’s soooo bad that with libs it’s no longer even correct versus incorrect, it’s reality versus made up.
only a brainwashed functional moron would believe that. About 30% of the country at this point. This is like the Dan Rather thing that was absolutely true but he was given fake paperwork by somebody or other. Of course what he's reported about George W Bush was true. He basically blew off the National guard. Just shows you the power of the propaganda machine again....and you people believe hundreds of phony scandals about Democrats with no evidence whatsoever, just pure propaganda. O'Donnell said he only had one source but he believed it and was kind of a prediction. You people are a disgrace.
So, Dan Rather was really a hero for making up fake documents and passing them off as true, just because he was ultimately right about his message? Do you read what you type and consider how it appears?

In their insatiable desire to pound out their own propaganda, they report, as true, things that cannot be verified, or they just make shit up, just so they can prove what they believe is true. Ethics be damned, as long as they can report what they believe is true, right?

Do you see this as a problem?

A brainwashed functional moron would defend that unethical, dishonest behavior. Ask yourself if you are such a person.

You guys are revealing your true character here. Keep it up.


Here is the problem

Rather did not make up those documents. The problem is you assfucks don't know the truth yet you think you do.

You think you are smart yet you are dumber than shit as evidenced by your blind support of Trump.
The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
You believe Tfump. Go fuck yourself
We don't have to believe or disbelieve Trump. That's irrelevant.

Reporting unverified shit as if it were true is the height of unethical conduct that should be punished.

Once that cat is out of the bag, reversing the effects of that unsubstantiated truth is nearly impossible.

You are revealing your dishonest character.

The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
You believe Tfump.
LOL, Since when? I haven't believed a word that's come out of Trump's mouth since at least the late 1980's.

Go fuck yourself
Ahh... poor Dave, stuck your foot in your big mouth yet again and now you're all pissed off at those of us that told you your OP story was bullshit from the get go.

Ya Gullible Retard.
Except...he still hasn't said he doesn't believe the report, or that it is false.

It's probably true.

ROFLMAO! Apparently MSNBC and O'Donnell weren't aware that you actually had to vet stories BEFORE airing them... OOPS.

I looked up gullible in the dictionary and it said "see Fort Fun Indiana", it never ceases to amaze me the amount of bullshit you hyper-partisan lemmings will happily swallow just to feed your confirmation bias.
That was a lot of whining...yet you forgot to give any good reason why this would not make sense. Because, of course, you uave no good reason, and it makes perfect sense.

Believung something like that to likely be true does not make one gullible.

LOL, What happened, the big words befuddle you again?

I realize that in the hyper-partisan fantasy world that you exist in things like verification and due diligence don't mean anything and all that counts is someone feeding your confirmation bias and enabling the cognitive dissonance that is your stock & trade; but out here in the REAL WORLD they actually form the basis of credibility and reputation and those that ignore them get mocked and marginalized... just like what is happening to You, MSNBC and O'Donnell right now.
More whining?

I think this report to be likely true, as it explains the very odd lending behavior of deutsche bank.

Address that, or just whine. Your call.
Yeah ... because profit could not possibly have motivated the bank. :laughing0301:

Even you must know by now that you are an IDIOT, right?
Because banks profit when their borrowers go bankrupt

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