Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

The President of the United States reporting things that are not true every fucking day.

Trump supporters don't care.

Ahh... so now we get to the crux of the matter ....

This whole thread was YOU pulling a "Monkey See, Monkey Do" maneuver.

Congratulations, you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're just as inane and foolish as the "Trump supporters" that you appear to despise.

"We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Walt Kelly
The President of the United States reporting things that are not true every fucking day.

Trump supporters don't care.

So why shouldn't every one have the same right?

If Trump can lie before the American people, then why can't a reporter?

If Trump can say a competitor's grandfather worked with Oswald to kill Kennedy, then I can claim Trump had Russians cosigners to his loans & they tell him what to do & say.

You assfucks think only Trump can lie? Fuck you.
So, now you want reporters to lie?

You want the guys who are supposed to be reporting the truth TO LIE???

If you're arguing that Trump defamed Ted Cruz's dead grandfather, be my guest. Ted Cruz's dead grandfather can rise from the grave and sue Trump.

You support lying media. Thank you for admitting it.

You are a despicable person with no ethical compass whatsoever. You have proved here that you will do ANYTHING to get your desired result, WITHOUT REGARD to the consequences of your actions.

You are the epitome of the typical leftist.

Are you proud of yourself?

Trump claims this is all a lie -


Typical typical typical - yada yada yada - same shit over ans over and over/


How exactly do you prove something that never happened?
They do every loan they believe will bear profitable fruit.

Which would generally exclude lending money to someone currently in default on another, huge loan. Duh. So you know ANYTHING at all about any of this?
I know quite a bit about property development having done it for a couple of decades and there are many reasons for defaults that do not result in bank losses..

Banks make loans based on the value and security of the deal. Do you have any details on the loan in question? The points and interest rate? The property that secured it? Your sorry ass from a hole in the ground?

No??? Then STFU you stupid child.
Neither do you, assdfuck.

That is why banks bother to verify financial information. Why they demansd a cosigner.

According to you,. they just pass out money to ever one because they don't loose money when the loans are not repaid. Who knew?

Why don't US banks want to loan Trump money? I guess they already made therr limits in profits from him?
This wasn't a car loan or home mortgage you fucking idiot. I borrowed often and bigly and each deal was negotiated on its merits and the loan to property value ratio. Banks are not stupid ... they know how to protect their interests.

You're a raging MORON yet typical of one who has never built anything nor created wealth.
The President of the United States reporting things that are not true every fucking day.

Trump supporters don't care.

So why shouldn't every one have the same right?

If Trump can lie before the American people, then why can't a reporter?

If Trump can say a competitor's grandfather worked with Oswald to kill Kennedy, then I can claim Trump had Russians cosigners to his loans & they tell him what to do & say.

You assfucks think only Trump can lie? Fuck you.
So, now you want reporters to lie?

You want the guys who are supposed to be reporting the truth TO LIE???

If you're arguing that Trump defamed Ted Cruz's dead grandfather, be my guest. Ted Cruz's dead grandfather can rise from the grave and sue Trump.

You support lying media. Thank you for admitting it.

You are a despicable person with no ethical compass whatsoever. You have proved here that you will do ANYTHING to get your desired result, WITHOUT REGARD to the consequences of your actions.

You are the epitome of the typical leftist.

Are you proud of yourself?

Reporters should have the same rules as the President.

If you support a lying President, then why not the press?

That is a simple fucking question are are dodging.


If you support Trump & his lies then quit your fucking whining about an article without sufficient verification.

It is that simple.
They do every loan they believe will bear profitable fruit.

Which would generally exclude lending money to someone currently in default on another, huge loan. Duh. So you know ANYTHING at all about any of this?
I know quite a bit about property development having done it for a couple of decades and there are many reasons for defaults that do not result in bank losses..

Banks make loans based on the value and security of the deal. Do you have any details on the loan in question? The points and interest rate? The property that secured it? Your sorry ass from a hole in the ground?

No??? Then STFU you stupid child.
Neither do you, assdfuck.

That is why banks bother to verify financial information. Why they demansd a cosigner.

According to you,. they just pass out money to ever one because they don't loose money when the loans are not repaid. Who knew?

Why don't US banks want to loan Trump money? I guess they already made therr limits in profits from him?
This wasn't a car loan or home mortgage you fucking idiot. I borrowed often and bigly and each deal was negotiated on its merits and the loan to property value ratio. Banks are not stupid ... they know how to protect their interests.

You're a raging MORON yet typical of one who has never built anything nor created wealth.

So you are sticking with banks don't care if you pay back the loans.

Banks demand cosigners for a reason. Trump can get a US bank to loan him money.

So why do you think the story is a lie?

P.S. your internet story is cute but bullshit. You don't know shit about me & what I have created.

Anyone who is a Trump supporter is a fucking moron. Period.
only a brainwashed functional moron would believe that. About 30% of the country at this point. This is like the Dan Rather thing that was absolutely true but he was given fake paperwork by somebody or other. Of course what he's reported about George W Bush was true. He basically blew off the National guard. Just shows you the power of the propaganda machine again....and you people believe hundreds of phony scandals about Democrats with no evidence whatsoever, just pure propaganda. O'Donnell said he only had one source but he believed it and was kind of a prediction. You people are a disgrace.
So, Dan Rather was really a hero for making up fake documents and passing them off as true, just because he was ultimately right about his message? Do you read what you type and consider how it appears?

In their insatiable desire to pound out their own propaganda, they report, as true, things that cannot be verified, or they just make shit up, just so they can prove what they believe is true. Ethics be damned, as long as they can report what they believe is true, right?

Do you see this as a problem?

A brainwashed functional moron would defend that unethical, dishonest behavior. Ask yourself if you are such a person.

You guys are revealing your true character here. Keep it up.

There is no evidence Dan Rather made up anyting, the fact is he had fake documents but where he got them is not known. These people are journalists maybe you don't understand what that means being a brainwashed functional moron who believes hundreds of phony scandals that have no evidence behind them...
Trump claims this is all a lie -


Typical typical typical - yada yada yada - same shit over ans over and over/

he is innocent until proven guilty and the onus isn't on him to prove his innocence, it is on you to prove him guilty. not scooch along and get to work. your irresponsible friends are waiting.
The President of the United States reporting things that are not true every fucking day.

Trump supporters don't care.

So why shouldn't every one have the same right?

If Trump can lie before the American people, then why can't a reporter?

If Trump can say a competitor's grandfather worked with Oswald to kill Kennedy, then I can claim Trump had Russians cosigners to his loans & they tell him what to do & say.

You assfucks think only Trump can lie? Fuck you.

They do every loan they believe will bear profitable fruit.

Which would generally exclude lending money to someone currently in default on another, huge loan. Duh. So you know ANYTHING at all about any of this?
I know quite a bit about property development having done it for a couple of decades and there are many reasons for defaults that do not result in bank losses..

Banks make loans based on the value and security of the deal. Do you have any details on the loan in question? The points and interest rate? The property that secured it? Your sorry ass from a hole in the ground?

No??? Then STFU you stupid child.
Neither do you, assdfuck.

That is why banks bother to verify financial information. Why they demansd a cosigner.

According to you,. they just pass out money to ever one because they don't loose money when the loans are not repaid. Who knew?

Why don't US banks want to loan Trump money? I guess they already made therr limits in profits from him?
This wasn't a car loan or home mortgage you fucking idiot. I borrowed often and bigly and each deal was negotiated on its merits and the loan to property value ratio. Banks are not stupid ... they know how to protect their interests.

You're a raging MORON yet typical of one who has never built anything nor created wealth.

So you are sticking with banks don't care if you pay back the loans.

Banks demand cosigners for a reason. Trump can get a US bank to loan him money.

So why do you think the story is a lie?

P.S. your internet story is cute but bullshit. You don't know shit about me & what I have created.

Anyone who is a Trump supporter is a fucking moron. Period.
More of your relentless STUPIDITY. Do you have anything of value to add? Ever?

I clearly stated banks are skilled at protecting their interests and far more often than not are repaid handsomely even in cases of default. Too difficult for you to comprehend?

So why do you believe O'Donnell's story? Is it the lack of substantiation that most impresses you? The fact that no other MSM has backed it?

You're a fucking IDIOT and we both know it.
There is no evidence Dan Rather made up anyting, the fact is he had fake documents but where he got them is not known. These people are journalists maybe you don't understand what that means being a brainwashed functional moron who believes hundreds of phony scandals that have no evidence behind them...

Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Dave...Dave...Dave!!! Do you honestly believe that Mueller's little crew of assassins wouldn't have been all over something like this if it were true? They went over Trump's financial dealings with a microscope and came up with nothing but you think they somehow MISSED him doing this? How naïve are you?

Mueller did not have access to the documentation.

How naive are you to think that this bank would loan Trump millions & millions when US banks would not?

How naive of you to ignore Trump's love affair with Putin

How dumb are you to ignore Trump's dishonesty?

Love affair with Putin? Trump's been harder on Putin than Obama was! You're just not smart enough to look past the rhetoric and examine what's been done policy wise! Obama talked a good game and then cut deals with Putin behind closed doors. His open mic. gaffe was ample proof of that!
He called it unverified. Not false.
I would like Mr. O'Donnell to clarify.

Is the statement false, Mr. O'Donnell? Go on record.


O'Donnell can either keep is mouth shut, or say it's false. He cannot ride the fence now.

And no other media outlet can jump in on it either, or they are doing the exact same thing.

Thus.... true or false, IT IS FALSE.


O'Donnell fuck it up for EVERYBODY.


The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.

You're an idiot! Real journalists with actual integrity don't use anonymous sources with zero corroboration! Hacks like O'Donnell do because he's not a real journalist!
The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
well that's what we've become. there are only a few out there i know of who still do their homework and connect as many dots as possible before "breaking" a story.

news today is HEY I JUST HEARD...and they report on what people SAY happened, not happened.
Going public with a story without verifying it because you hate the person you've done the story on will land you in court with a defamation law suit.
Haha,yeah, good luck proving that.

You've got it backwards, Fort! When someone is sued for defamation it's up to them to prove that their accusation was in fact truthful. "Some guy" said it was so isn't proof!
The story itself is true. A person with access told of Trump's cosigners.

The verification would involve this story being confirmed through other sources.

If some one stops by my house & tells be that you are a mass murderer. If I run around calling you mass murderer is different than reporting that someone stopped by & told me that you were a mass murderer.

Maybe you assdfucks can get that or not. Just allow Trump to threaten people to keep quit like he did with the girl he raped.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
You believe Tfump. Go fuck yourself
We don't have to believe or disbelieve Trump. That's irrelevant.

Reporting unverified shit as if it were true is the height of unethical conduct that should be punished.

Once that cat is out of the bag, reversing the effects of that unsubstantiated truth is nearly impossible.

You are revealing your dishonest character.

trump is irrelevant at this point. if a reporter is going to get EMO and report hate for the sake of hate, how is that any better than who they happen to hate, today?
ROFLMAO! Apparently MSNBC and O'Donnell weren't aware that you actually had to vet stories BEFORE airing them... OOPS.

I looked up gullible in the dictionary and it said "see Fort Fun Indiana", it never ceases to amaze me the amount of bullshit you hyper-partisan lemmings will happily swallow just to feed your confirmation bias.
That was a lot of whining...yet you forgot to give any good reason why this would not make sense. Because, of course, you uave no good reason, and it makes perfect sense.

Believung something like that to likely be true does not make one gullible.

LOL, What happened, the big words befuddle you again?

I realize that in the hyper-partisan fantasy world that you exist in things like verification and due diligence don't mean anything and all that counts is someone feeding your confirmation bias and enabling the cognitive dissonance that is your stock & trade; but out here in the REAL WORLD they actually form the basis of credibility and reputation and those that ignore them get mocked and marginalized... just like what is happening to You, MSNBC and O'Donnell right now.
More whining?

I think this report to be likely true, as it explains the very odd lending behavior of deutsche bank.

Address that, or just whine. Your call.
Yeah ... because profit could not possibly have motivated the bank. :laughing0301:

Even you must know by now that you are an IDIOT, right?
Because banks profit when their borrowers go bankrupt
the rest of us just "profit" when you shut the fuck up for a little while.
Oh, boy.

Why could they NOT verify this story?

How can ANYONE say the story is true ON-AIR when it cannot be verified?

When it comes to defamation, reporting that some anonymous source said you were a mass murderer is NO DIFFERENT than running around calling you a mass murderer. That's what you don't understand. The fact that someone reports that without verifying it's truth is a willful disregard for truth and evidence of malicious intent.

Even more troubling is the poison O'Donnell put on this whole story with his insanity. Nobody will TOUCH this story now. It could be the drop-dead, god-honest, lilly-white TRUTH, and it does not matter.

Thus, IT IS FALSE for all practical purposes (even if true).

Maybe YOU assfucks should quit while you're behind and give up on your insane bullshit before you make it ALL false.

they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
You believe Tfump.
LOL, Since when? I haven't believed a word that's come out of Trump's mouth since at least the late 1980's.

Go fuck yourself
Ahh... poor Dave, stuck your foot in your big mouth yet again and now you're all pissed off at those of us that told you your OP story was bullshit from the get go.

Ya Gullible Retard.

The OP story was correct. I said it was being reported & said "if true" in my post.

So far, the story has been retracted due to no verification, not because it was false.

I realize that a stupid fuck like you can't figure it out. So yea, go fuck yourself

we can't verify it but it's not false. the battlecry of the left.
they didn't want to.

Yeah why go through all the bother of verification when you can just "report"?

After all vast swaths of stupid fucks will still take the story as fact after you've told them that it was based on unsubstantiated nonsense. ;)
You believe Tfump.
LOL, Since when? I haven't believed a word that's come out of Trump's mouth since at least the late 1980's.

Go fuck yourself
Ahh... poor Dave, stuck your foot in your big mouth yet again and now you're all pissed off at those of us that told you your OP story was bullshit from the get go.

Ya Gullible Retard.

The OP story was correct. I said it was being reported & said "if true" in my post.

So far, the story has been retracted due to no verification, not because it was false.

I realize that a stupid fuck like you can't figure it out. So yea, go fuck yourself

we can't verify it but it's not false. the battlecry of the left.

LOL, it's more like "If the story feeds our confirmation bias then it must be true ,NO VERIFICATION REQUIRED"

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