Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Reporters should have the same rules as the President.

If you support a lying President, then why not the press?

That is a simple fucking question are are dodging.


If you support Trump & his lies then quit your fucking whining about an article without sufficient verification.

It is that simple.

Since when have politicians became part of the press corp who should be the ones outing lies not making them up?

Yeah it's that simple.
He is speaking as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Not some politician on the campaign trail.

Is this all you expect from our President? To be a lying fuck? Really?

If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
This will save you $2500 a year.

You worship at the altar of Gruber......
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!
Since when have politicians became part of the press corp who should be the ones outing lies not making them up?

Yeah it's that simple.
He is speaking as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Not some politician on the campaign trail.

Is this all you expect from our President? To be a lying fuck? Really?

If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
This will save you $2500 a year.

You worship at the altar of Gruber......
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

So where was this sentiment when you got Grubered?
Ah so you think I favored Obamacare. Continue with deflection master soviet chessman.

The russian collusion delusion left the station a loooong time ago.
Since when have politicians became part of the press corp who should be the ones outing lies not making them up?

Yeah it's that simple.
He is speaking as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Not some politician on the campaign trail.

Is this all you expect from our President? To be a lying fuck? Really?

If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
This will save you $2500 a year.

You worship at the altar of Gruber......
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

He is speaking as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Not some politician on the campaign trail.

Is this all you expect from our President? To be a lying fuck? Really?

If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
This will save you $2500 a year.

You worship at the altar of Gruber......
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

Da. you brilliant
Since when have politicians became part of the press corp who should be the ones outing lies not making them up?

Yeah it's that simple.
He is speaking as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Not some politician on the campaign trail.

Is this all you expect from our President? To be a lying fuck? Really?

If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
This will save you $2500 a year.

You worship at the altar of Gruber......
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

If you have the evidence then show it to the National News or better yet go to the BBC with it and let them investigate and if they agree then they will show it for you...

You could also go to Al-Jazeera seeing they have more integrity than most news sources here in the States...
If you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.
This will save you $2500 a year.

You worship at the altar of Gruber......
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

Da. you brilliant

You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
Brilliant move. The classic Obama deflection defense. I think Spasky used this against Fischer in 72

How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

Da. you brilliant

You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
No evidence yet, comrade. Must see birth certificate or copy theroef.
How about " I had no sexual relations with that fat chick in the blue dress "?

My point?

Show me a President that has never lied because all of them have in my life and some lies cost thousands of lives like Vietnam and Iraq...
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

Da. you brilliant

You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
No evidence yet, comrade. Must see birth certificate or copy theroef.

I am as much Russian as Trump is Mexican!

So there is no evidence and just hope there will be something...

Never give up on that hope and change...

Now don't you believe the MSM should make sure the story they are running with is legit because what happened here make them look foolish and I am being kind!
No Russian Oligarch loans to Glorious President Trump!

Da. you brilliant

You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
No evidence yet, comrade. Must see birth certificate or copy theroef.

I am as much Russian as Trump is Mexican!

So there is no evidence and just hope there will be something...

Never give up on that hope and change...

Now don't you believe the MSM should make sure the story they are running with is legit because what happened here make them look foolish and I am being kind!
Well, let the House see the documents to determine if they could provide motive for Trump to obstruct the Mueller investigation. If there's nothing there, comrade Trump as nuzzing to fear.

You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
No evidence yet, comrade. Must see birth certificate or copy theroef.

I am as much Russian as Trump is Mexican!

So there is no evidence and just hope there will be something...

Never give up on that hope and change...

Now don't you believe the MSM should make sure the story they are running with is legit because what happened here make them look foolish and I am being kind!
Well, let the House see the documents to determine if they could provide motive for Trump to obstruct the Mueller investigation. If there's nothing there, comrade Trump as nuzzing to fear.

I am perfectly fine with investigating him further, so what is your opinion of MSNBC mistake?
Da. you brilliant

You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
No evidence yet, comrade. Must see birth certificate or copy theroef.

I am as much Russian as Trump is Mexican!

So there is no evidence and just hope there will be something...

Never give up on that hope and change...

Now don't you believe the MSM should make sure the story they are running with is legit because what happened here make them look foolish and I am being kind!
Well, let the House see the documents to determine if they could provide motive for Trump to obstruct the Mueller investigation. If there's nothing there, comrade Trump as nuzzing to fear.

I am perfectly fine with investigating him further, so what is your opinion of MSNBC mistake?
They should retract and get more sources next time. And I agree with you that the House should see the Deutchbank records …. or certified copies.
Trump claims this is all a lie -


Typical typical typical - yada yada yada - same shit over ans over and over/

Why don't you and O'Donnell prove it's the truth?

You don't seem to understand the burden of proof, do you?



That has NEVER ONCE happened in the history of American Jurisprudence. The prosecuting attorney's statements are NOT evidence. Thus, trying to prove he is lying is IRRELEVANT!!!


You need to go back to law school.


I honestly believe that most of the far left posters on this board STILL believe that Donald Trump "colluded" with Vladamir Putin to steal that election! They simply can't wrap their heads around the fact that Hillary lost despite running one of the sleaziest campaigns in the history of American politics!
It's beyond question that Putin help the Range Fool get elected.

The only question was how much Donald knew or helped

You really have no sense of you, Lesh? Russian collusion is the biggest "nothing burger" in the history of nothing burgers yet you STILL push that narrative!

Donald Trump won that election because he ran a better campaign than Hillary Clinton did! Hillary Clinton lost that election because she's corrupt. Not just a little corrupt...but corrupt right down to her core!
You and the OP are like the former birthers on this site and you will believe anything negative no matter factual or not!

Personally I do not want Trump but I will keep him over Pence or Warren or Sanders and even forgetful Biden as of now.

Now with that written if credible evidence was ever produced that it is true that Trump worked with or for Putin then I will demand Pelosi and McConnell do their job but as of now the fake story from MSNBC is not going to do it!
No evidence yet, comrade. Must see birth certificate or copy theroef.

I am as much Russian as Trump is Mexican!

So there is no evidence and just hope there will be something...

Never give up on that hope and change...

Now don't you believe the MSM should make sure the story they are running with is legit because what happened here make them look foolish and I am being kind!
Well, let the House see the documents to determine if they could provide motive for Trump to obstruct the Mueller investigation. If there's nothing there, comrade Trump as nuzzing to fear.

I am perfectly fine with investigating him further, so what is your opinion of MSNBC mistake?
They should retract and get more sources next time. And I agree with you that the House should see the Deutchbank records …. or certified copies.

I really have no issue with that request as long as it is not leaked to the public...
Reporters should have the same rules as the President.

If you support a lying President, then why not the press?

That is a simple fucking question are are dodging.


If you support Trump & his lies then quit your fucking whining about an article without sufficient verification.

It is that simple.
I don't support a lying president.

That's a pretty simple IRRELEVANT question.

The press is supposed to be, and alleges to be, telling the truth, WITHOUT bias. You are demonstrating that you give a flying fuck about the truth, as long as the lies serve you.

You have NO principles. You are a worthless human being.

Which would generally exclude lending money to someone currently in default on another, huge loan. Duh. So you know ANYTHING at all about any of this?
I know quite a bit about property development having done it for a couple of decades and there are many reasons for defaults that do not result in bank losses..

Banks make loans based on the value and security of the deal. Do you have any details on the loan in question? The points and interest rate? The property that secured it? Your sorry ass from a hole in the ground?

No??? Then STFU you stupid child.
Neither do you, assdfuck.

That is why banks bother to verify financial information. Why they demansd a cosigner.

According to you,. they just pass out money to ever one because they don't loose money when the loans are not repaid. Who knew?

Why don't US banks want to loan Trump money? I guess they already made therr limits in profits from him?
This wasn't a car loan or home mortgage you fucking idiot. I borrowed often and bigly and each deal was negotiated on its merits and the loan to property value ratio. Banks are not stupid ... they know how to protect their interests.

You're a raging MORON yet typical of one who has never built anything nor created wealth.

So you are sticking with banks don't care if you pay back the loans.

Banks demand cosigners for a reason. Trump can get a US bank to loan him money.

So why do you think the story is a lie?

P.S. your internet story is cute but bullshit. You don't know shit about me & what I have created.

Anyone who is a Trump supporter is a fucking moron. Period.
More of your relentless STUPIDITY. Do you have anything of value to add? Ever?

I clearly stated banks are skilled at protecting their interests and far more often than not are repaid handsomely even in cases of default. Too difficult for you to comprehend?

So why do you believe O'Donnell's story? Is it the lack of substantiation that most impresses you? The fact that no other MSM has backed it?

You're a fucking IDIOT and we both know it.
Why is it false. What about it is so preposterous?
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Dave...Dave...Dave!!! Do you honestly believe that Mueller's little crew of assassins wouldn't have been all over something like this if it were true? They went over Trump's financial dealings with a microscope and came up with nothing but you think they somehow MISSED him doing this? How naïve are you?

Mueller did not have access to the documentation.

How naive are you to think that this bank would loan Trump millions & millions when US banks would not?

How naive of you to ignore Trump's love affair with Putin

How dumb are you to ignore Trump's dishonesty?

There is no "love affair" between The Donald and Uncle Pooty. Just mutual respect since they are both attacked 24/7 by the Red Chinese dominated Democrat Party and Lame Stream Media. Both men understand the concept of fake news.

Yes, they have areas of disagreement between them, but both are men of the world who each want to make their own countries great again and both have contempt for the pantywaists of the Far Left.
I know quite a bit about property development having done it for a couple of decades and there are many reasons for defaults that do not result in bank losses..

Banks make loans based on the value and security of the deal. Do you have any details on the loan in question? The points and interest rate? The property that secured it? Your sorry ass from a hole in the ground?

No??? Then STFU you stupid child.
Neither do you, assdfuck.

That is why banks bother to verify financial information. Why they demansd a cosigner.

According to you,. they just pass out money to ever one because they don't loose money when the loans are not repaid. Who knew?

Why don't US banks want to loan Trump money? I guess they already made therr limits in profits from him?
This wasn't a car loan or home mortgage you fucking idiot. I borrowed often and bigly and each deal was negotiated on its merits and the loan to property value ratio. Banks are not stupid ... they know how to protect their interests.

You're a raging MORON yet typical of one who has never built anything nor created wealth.

So you are sticking with banks don't care if you pay back the loans.

Banks demand cosigners for a reason. Trump can get a US bank to loan him money.

So why do you think the story is a lie?

P.S. your internet story is cute but bullshit. You don't know shit about me & what I have created.

Anyone who is a Trump supporter is a fucking moron. Period.
More of your relentless STUPIDITY. Do you have anything of value to add? Ever?

I clearly stated banks are skilled at protecting their interests and far more often than not are repaid handsomely even in cases of default. Too difficult for you to comprehend?

So why do you believe O'Donnell's story? Is it the lack of substantiation that most impresses you? The fact that no other MSM has backed it?

You're a fucking IDIOT and we both know it.
Why is it false. What about it is so preposterous?
Okay. What is your basis for believing it?

Because you WANT to? Is that your standard?

I know quite a bit about property development having done it for a couple of decades and there are many reasons for defaults that do not result in bank losses..

Banks make loans based on the value and security of the deal. Do you have any details on the loan in question? The points and interest rate? The property that secured it? Your sorry ass from a hole in the ground?

No??? Then STFU you stupid child.
Neither do you, assdfuck.

That is why banks bother to verify financial information. Why they demansd a cosigner.

According to you,. they just pass out money to ever one because they don't loose money when the loans are not repaid. Who knew?

Why don't US banks want to loan Trump money? I guess they already made therr limits in profits from him?
This wasn't a car loan or home mortgage you fucking idiot. I borrowed often and bigly and each deal was negotiated on its merits and the loan to property value ratio. Banks are not stupid ... they know how to protect their interests.

You're a raging MORON yet typical of one who has never built anything nor created wealth.

So you are sticking with banks don't care if you pay back the loans.

Banks demand cosigners for a reason. Trump can get a US bank to loan him money.

So why do you think the story is a lie?

P.S. your internet story is cute but bullshit. You don't know shit about me & what I have created.

Anyone who is a Trump supporter is a fucking moron. Period.
More of your relentless STUPIDITY. Do you have anything of value to add? Ever?

I clearly stated banks are skilled at protecting their interests and far more often than not are repaid handsomely even in cases of default. Too difficult for you to comprehend?

So why do you believe O'Donnell's story? Is it the lack of substantiation that most impresses you? The fact that no other MSM has backed it?

You're a fucking IDIOT and we both know it.
Why is it false. What about it is so preposterous?

Dave be honest you were MSNBC source and they realized you were trolling them...

No evidence to support your opinion and until you have the evidence all you are doing is trolling...
Reporters should have the same rules as the President.

If you support a lying President, then why not the press?

That is a simple fucking question are are dodging.


If you support Trump & his lies then quit your fucking whining about an article without sufficient verification.

It is that simple.
I don't support a lying president.

That's a pretty simple IRRELEVANT question.

The press is supposed to be, and alleges to be, telling the truth. You are demonstrating that you give a flying fuck about the truth, as long as the lies serve you.

You have NO principles. You are a worthless human being.


Look Mr Sit on the curb & throw stones, I clearly said in the first post "If it were true"

Since then I have said that it was retracted for lack of verification. Not that it was false.

That is it. You & your assfuck buddies were having a freaking fit. So I never said I supported a lying press. Or a press that reports without verification.

Let me know when you Trumpettes EVER say anything about Trump's lies & statements without verification.

Why does the press have a higher standard than POTUS? You OK with that?

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