Trump's done. Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing is a huge no-no.

were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....

Replace Muslim with Jew or Christian.

Most of the world outside of the conservosphere is going to latch on to this..
I'm telling you people don't care. It'll only improve his numbers.

Trumps incapable of a gaffe

It might improve his numbers with Republicans, who at this point, has show itself to be a reactionary, xenophobic, theocratic party of folks that want a white Christian nation. But this means he's done in the General election. The American people will never elect a person that has said something like this.

We don't want to live under Sharia or have to learn Spanish. The fact that you don't see a problem with that is what makes you an enemy of the people
More right wing fear mongering. Live under sharia? What the fuck are you talking about? If anything, republicans want us to live under Christian sharia. No one will have to learn Spanish, many Other countries carry second languages like English by default. If you think we'll be forced to learn Spanish, you're truly stupid.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....
the guy also ranted about the need to get rid of muslims.

But to be fair, I think the Donald was more about 'yeah yeah whatever" and moved on to another questioner.
thats what i think too....

If that were the case?

He could have easily walked this back an hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 9 hours, 24 hours..tic..tic..tic..

Trump doesn't walk back lefty biased media tripe. Haven't you figured that out by now?
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....
the guy also ranted about the need to get rid of muslims.

But to be fair, I think the Donald was more about 'yeah yeah whatever" and moved on to another questioner.
thats what i think too....

If that were the case?

He could have easily walked this back an hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 9 hours, 24 hours..tic..tic..tic..

What is there to "walk back?" He's not responsible for anything some crackpot in the audience says.
The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.


We also invested in infrastructure, science, r&d and education as a nation. You don't really know wtf you're talking about. We paid taxes and the government at that time did its job.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.
What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.


We also invested in infrastructure, science, r&d and education as a nation. You don't really know wtf you're talking about. We paid taxes and the government at that time did its job.

The monarchy invested in science and infrastructure? Are we talking about the same monarchy?
What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

You think facts are loco?
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?

You're right. Mexican illegals are a bigger problem.
Right wing xenophobia and hatred based on nothing substantial is Expected.

"Nothing substantial?" 20 million illegal aliens isn't "substantial?"

Unlike you, I'm not someone who despises American culture and wants to see it swamped by foreign invaders.
Many have been here for years and contribute to the economy. If anything, we need a fast track to citizenship. American culture? You mean the culture of diversity? Then again, you're a racist xenophobic moron.

The last thing we need to do is reward illegal aliens by making them citizens. I don't care how long they've been here. They broke the law. Out they go. Not getting caught isn't something to be admired or rewarded.

"Diversity" can go hang. There's nothing good about it. Look around the world: the nations that have the most strife, civil unrest and mass violence are the ones that are the most "diverse."
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

Well then, move to England, little briar patch.
The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.

Glad to see you haven't changed.

Monarchy still sucks..guy.

It's way better than this democracy we all suffer under. As I previously noted, we paid far less in taxes and had far more freedom under the monarchy. What did we gain from democracy?
What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

Well then, move to England, little briar patch.

They have democracy there now too, moron.
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

Well then, move to England, little briar patch.

They have democracy there now too, moron.

Uhm, England is still a monarchial system, Ever heard of the Queen Mum?

But if you want something a little more hard core, I hear there are extra seats on one-way flights to North Korea. Maybe that would be more up your anal canal....
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....

Replace Muslim with Jew or Christian.

Most of the world outside of the conservosphere is going to latch on to this..
I'm telling you people don't care. It'll only improve his numbers.

Trumps incapable of a gaffe

It might improve his numbers with Republicans, who at this point, has show itself to be a reactionary, xenophobic, theocratic party of folks that want a white Christian nation. But this means he's done in the General election. The American people will never elect a person that has said something like this.

We don't want to live under Sharia or have to learn Spanish. The fact that you don't see a problem with that is what makes you an enemy of the people
More right wing fear mongering. Live under sharia? What the fuck are you talking about? If anything, republicans want us to live under Christian sharia. No one will have to learn Spanish, many Other countries carry second languages like English by default. If you think we'll be forced to learn Spanish, you're truly stupid.

I just heard on the news that teachers in some county, which I don't recall, are going to have to become fluent in Spanish by 2017.

In Germany some Muslims are gathering signatures on a petition to end Octoberfest because it offends them.

It must suck to be proven wrong by the news within minutes of posting your idiocy.
Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

Well then, move to England, little briar patch.

They have democracy there now too, moron.

Uhm, England is still a monarchial system, Ever heard of the Queen Mum?

But if you want something a little more hard core, I hear there are extra seats on one-way flights to North Korea. Maybe that would be more up your anal canal....

you're an idiot
Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
Yes, yes, go drool over your dictatorship.

We paid much less taxes and had much more freedom under the monarchy.

Well then, move to England, little briar patch.

They have democracy there now too, moron.

Uhm, England is still a monarchial system, Ever heard of the Queen Mum?

But if you want something a little more hard core, I hear there are extra seats on one-way flights to North Korea. Maybe that would be more up your anal canal....

The queen is a figurehead. She has no power. Parlaiment runs the government and makes all the laws.

North Korea isn't a monarchy, so why would I go there? It's more along the lines of the government you endorse that makes all your decisions for you.
Replace Muslim with Jew or Christian.

Most of the world outside of the conservosphere is going to latch on to this..
I'm telling you people don't care. It'll only improve his numbers.

Trumps incapable of a gaffe

It might improve his numbers with Republicans, who at this point, has show itself to be a reactionary, xenophobic, theocratic party of folks that want a white Christian nation. But this means he's done in the General election. The American people will never elect a person that has said something like this.

We don't want to live under Sharia or have to learn Spanish. The fact that you don't see a problem with that is what makes you an enemy of the people
More right wing fear mongering. Live under sharia? What the fuck are you talking about? If anything, republicans want us to live under Christian sharia. No one will have to learn Spanish, many Other countries carry second languages like English by default. If you think we'll be forced to learn Spanish, you're truly stupid.

I just heard on the news that teachers in some county, which I don't recall, are going to have to become fluent in Spanish by 2017.

In Germany some Muslims are gathering signatures on a petition to end Octoberfest because it offends them.

It must suck to be proven wrong by the news within minutes of posting your idiocy.

You can find a handful of idiots anywhere you want across the world. I'll prove it: I found you here.


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