Trump's done. Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing is a huge no-no.

Trump dodged the ethnic cleansing tag last night, but just barely.

That would be a gaffe that would end his campaign.
World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.
Didja notice that poll was taken right after 8 years of George Bush as President?

Opinion of the United States

During Bush's War on Terra™, you can see world opinion of America plummet. The numbers are higher during Obama's regime.

Pay particular attention to the differences in the numbers between 2008's poll and 2009's poll. The world was HUGELY relieved to see Bush go.

The opinions of our closest allies are higher than at any time during Bush after 9/11. Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Israel. All higher opinions of America under Obama than under Bush post-9/11.
Funny how over 1/3 the fucking world is muslim...don't you think...I'm sorry, that's correct, you DON'T think! Wonder why they would have a higher opinion of another muslim??? Too fucking easy with this moron!
Wow how did I ever take sallow off ignore? I think I thought he was banned forever. Darnit.
Vigilante is such a low-info, useful tool of the far right.

His own evidence overthrows him. bigrebnc1775 always had that problem, as well.

Vigi, ethnic cleansing is a loser in a national election. Trump is not dumb, he knows that. He is moving to the left already.

Over 90% of the world's TERROR and fighting are caused by fucking muslims....eradicate them and enjoy the PEACE that follows.....




You scum on the left, are ALMOST as bad as the ANIMALS that fulfill their horrific deeds! :FIREdevil:
This means that Trump is "advocating" for ethnic cleansing ?

I swear you people are insane.

Well yeah.

It does.

So because he didn't denounce the plant in the crowd with the microphone, this somehow means he wants all Muslims sent to the ovens.

It does to a NeoCommunist/subversive cock sucker such as Swallow! But you must take him for what he is.... a PUSSY! He knows this means shit, but he will try ... It's a TALKING POINT sent out to all 2 digit IQ'd DemocRATS this morning!
Why take a chance on living when we already know from polls over the last decade that anywhere between 5-15% of these "people" want the INFIDEL dead, and it doesn't matter how it happens.... They are NOT a stupid people, but an easily lead people as the INVASION of Europe and America has started, brought along by Politically correct socialists in charge of foreign Western countries, and the Manchurian muslim in the White House, dictated to by an IRANIAN terrorist bitch, Valerie Jarrett!
Sallow if you stretch any harder you'll pull a muscle. Ethnic Cleaning?! Not hardly. Silly thread.

Does ethnic cleansing have to mean "put to death"? Guy says "we have to get rid of them" (Muslims) and Trump responds "we're looking into that".

What would you call "getting rid of " Muslims?

Over 90% of the world's TERROR and fighting are caused by fucking muslims....eradicate them and enjoy the PEACE that follows.....




You scum on the left, are ALMOST as bad as the ANIMALS that fulfill their horrific deeds! :FIREdevil:

It would indeed be a great day in the world if the Islimeic religion was dead and gone !

It would indeed be a great day in the world if ALL religion was dead and gone !
Sallow if you stretch any harder you'll pull a muscle. Ethnic Cleaning?! Not hardly. Silly thread.

Does ethnic cleansing have to mean "put to death"? Guy says "we have to get rid of them" (Muslims) and Trump responds "we're looking into that".

What would you call "getting rid of " Muslims?

First thing we do is get rid of the IRANIAN TERRORIST BITCH in the White House now that is the obomanations BRAIN...Valerie Jarrett! Remove her anyway we can!

Over 90% of the world's TERROR and fighting are caused by fucking muslims....eradicate them and enjoy the PEACE that follows.....




You scum on the left, are ALMOST as bad as the ANIMALS that fulfill their horrific deeds! :FIREdevil:

It would indeed be a great day in the world if the Islimeic religion was dead and gone !

It would indeed be a great day in the world if ALL religion was dead and gone !

When the other religions start chopping off YOUR HEAD, We'll agree with that!...But I must see YOUR head on a platter and have them stand over you yelling GOD MADE ME DO IT, IT WAS FOR HIM!.... Fucking leftist are complete morons... THEY need to be taken out of the gene pool!
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....

Replace Muslim with Jew or Christian.

Most of the world outside of the conservosphere is going to latch on to this..
I'm telling you people don't care. It'll only improve his numbers.

Trumps incapable of a gaffe

It might improve his numbers with Republicans, who at this point, has show itself to be a reactionary, xenophobic, theocratic party of folks that want a white Christian nation. But this means he's done in the General election. The American people will never elect a person that has said something like this.
You would be surprised. I didn't think the American people would ever elect a guy as dumb as GW, but they did. I didn't think think they would vote for a black man, but they did. And I never thought a woman would be president, and here Hillary can smell it. It seems like she is blowing it but that's just the corporate media screwing with her. But it is working. Even my father who LOVED the Clinton's is saying, "yea, she isn't trustworthy". Wonder where he heard that?

I don't want America to ever have 50% Muslim population. If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

If 50% of the American people choose on their own to convert to Islam, there isn't anything you can do about it, Constitutionally.
I know that's why I don't want to import more. If it happens naturally fine. Same with Mexicans. If they breed their way into power cool. Just don't flood into our country illegal then breed like rabbits.

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