Trump's done. Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing is a huge no-no.

were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....

Replace Muslim with Jew or Christian.

Most of the world outside of the conservosphere is going to latch on to this..

The only ones who latch onto this are those with the lefty media hook in their nose.
I never did mistake you for an independent thinker........good thing!
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?

You're right. Mexican illegals are a bigger problem.
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?

You're right. Mexican illegals are a bigger problem.
Right wing xenophobia and hatred based on nothing substantial is Expected.
When you are a politician, you humor your crazy supporters, you don't correct them or criticize them.

Unless of course you are Mr. Sanders. In that case, you angrily lash out at them, give them a nasty lecture, and tell them they don't know shit. :lmao: Nothing like belittling your supporters to make yourself well liked.

Bernie Sanders is honest.

No he isn't. He's a lying sack of shit politician. I caught him in one. He has been a Senator all through Hillary's term as Secretary of State. Then, when the media interviewed him, he complained that he didn't know why she wouldn't come down strongly one way or another on the TPP.

IOW. . . He is covering for her. Because he knew, while she was in Asia and the Pacific rim negotiating this deal, damn well what her position is. THAT MEANS, he is lap dogging for her and has no intention what so ever of being the eventual nominee. THUS, he was LYING. In other words, he is the typical politician, and he is not running a real campaign. This is why there are no real donors to his campaign, it is just a ruse to get the stupid and apathetic radical left fired up for when he eventually endorses Hilliary.

He isn't really running, he's her puppet. What do you suppose will be his reward? I position in her administration or more power on the Hill? Either way, he is a calculating and lying SOB. You're a fool if you believe he is being genuine.

I don't suppose it matters, the elites have already decided for use that the Republicans get to control the White house next time around, so it's pretty worthless to speculate on.

I use to listen to him on Fridays the Thom hartmann show. Sellouts don't say the things Bernie says.

You Republicans are liars or stupid. Remember you said Clinton was a liberal? Then you say there's no difference because the Clinton's are rich too. So you want it both ways. You said Obama is a liberal but then the next day you argue how he serves the rich and the rich getting richer on his watch is his doing.

You guys are too stupid to take seriously.

. . . . who are "you guys?" I'm not a "republican" or any sort of statist. Anyone that believes a Clinton is liberal is an idiot. I agree, Republicans are too stupid to take seriously. The only thing that is worse is someone that follows sites like, "occupy democrats." :lmao:

I don't feel like arguing with you. Wait till the convention. If you think the Bern is serious, then just wait and watch. If I'm wrong, he'll campaign till the end and try for the nomination. Otherwise, he'll roll over and endorse Hillary. Anyone that unites with and campaigns for a Clinton is a lying sneaky SOB. And I still maintain that is what he is doing. He is motivating radical leftists that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Democratic Party so they don't have time to organize legitimate and effective opposition in the Green Party. He is poison.

I voted for Clinton. It was the last time I voted for a major party. Then I got an education and learned the truth about the main stream political parties.

I haven't voted in a presidential election since '04. All the elections are rigged and fixed. If you think you have a choice, or there is any semblance of fairness afforded to the population, you are living in an illusion. Good luck with your electoral fantasies.

The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Bernie Sanders is honest.

No he isn't. He's a lying sack of shit politician. I caught him in one. He has been a Senator all through Hillary's term as Secretary of State. Then, when the media interviewed him, he complained that he didn't know why she wouldn't come down strongly one way or another on the TPP.

IOW. . . He is covering for her. Because he knew, while she was in Asia and the Pacific rim negotiating this deal, damn well what her position is. THAT MEANS, he is lap dogging for her and has no intention what so ever of being the eventual nominee. THUS, he was LYING. In other words, he is the typical politician, and he is not running a real campaign. This is why there are no real donors to his campaign, it is just a ruse to get the stupid and apathetic radical left fired up for when he eventually endorses Hilliary.

He isn't really running, he's her puppet. What do you suppose will be his reward? I position in her administration or more power on the Hill? Either way, he is a calculating and lying SOB. You're a fool if you believe he is being genuine.

I don't suppose it matters, the elites have already decided for use that the Republicans get to control the White house next time around, so it's pretty worthless to speculate on.
I use to listen to him on Fridays the Thom hartmann show. Sellouts don't say the things Bernie says.

You Republicans are liars or stupid. Remember you said Clinton was a liberal? Then you say there's no difference because the Clinton's are rich too. So you want it both ways. You said Obama is a liberal but then the next day you argue how he serves the rich and the rich getting richer on his watch is his doing.

You guys are too stupid to take seriously.

. . . . who are "you guys?" I'm not a "republican" or any sort of statist. Anyone that believes a Clinton is liberal is an idiot. I agree, Republicans are too stupid to take seriously. The only thing that is worse is someone that follows sites like, "occupy democrats." :lmao:

I don't feel like arguing with you. Wait till the convention. If you think the Bern is serious, then just wait and watch. If I'm wrong, he'll campaign till the end and try for the nomination. Otherwise, he'll roll over and endorse Hillary. Anyone that unites with and campaigns for a Clinton is a lying sneaky SOB. And I still maintain that is what he is doing. He is motivating radical leftists that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Democratic Party so they don't have time to organize legitimate and effective opposition in the Green Party. He is poison.

I voted for Clinton. It was the last time I voted for a major party. Then I got an education and learned the truth about the main stream political parties.

I haven't voted in a presidential election since '04. All the elections are rigged and fixed. If you think you have a choice, or there is any semblance of fairness afforded to the population, you are living in an illusion. Good luck with your electoral fantasies.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?

You're right. Mexican illegals are a bigger problem.
Right wing xenophobia and hatred based on nothing substantial is Expected.

"Nothing substantial?" 20 million illegal aliens isn't "substantial?"

Unlike you, I'm not someone who despises American culture and wants to see it swamped by foreign invaders.
No he isn't. He's a lying sack of shit politician. I caught him in one. He has been a Senator all through Hillary's term as Secretary of State. Then, when the media interviewed him, he complained that he didn't know why she wouldn't come down strongly one way or another on the TPP.

IOW. . . He is covering for her. Because he knew, while she was in Asia and the Pacific rim negotiating this deal, damn well what her position is. THAT MEANS, he is lap dogging for her and has no intention what so ever of being the eventual nominee. THUS, he was LYING. In other words, he is the typical politician, and he is not running a real campaign. This is why there are no real donors to his campaign, it is just a ruse to get the stupid and apathetic radical left fired up for when he eventually endorses Hilliary.

He isn't really running, he's her puppet. What do you suppose will be his reward? I position in her administration or more power on the Hill? Either way, he is a calculating and lying SOB. You're a fool if you believe he is being genuine.

I don't suppose it matters, the elites have already decided for use that the Republicans get to control the White house next time around, so it's pretty worthless to speculate on.
I use to listen to him on Fridays the Thom hartmann show. Sellouts don't say the things Bernie says.

You Republicans are liars or stupid. Remember you said Clinton was a liberal? Then you say there's no difference because the Clinton's are rich too. So you want it both ways. You said Obama is a liberal but then the next day you argue how he serves the rich and the rich getting richer on his watch is his doing.

You guys are too stupid to take seriously.

. . . . who are "you guys?" I'm not a "republican" or any sort of statist. Anyone that believes a Clinton is liberal is an idiot. I agree, Republicans are too stupid to take seriously. The only thing that is worse is someone that follows sites like, "occupy democrats." :lmao:

I don't feel like arguing with you. Wait till the convention. If you think the Bern is serious, then just wait and watch. If I'm wrong, he'll campaign till the end and try for the nomination. Otherwise, he'll roll over and endorse Hillary. Anyone that unites with and campaigns for a Clinton is a lying sneaky SOB. And I still maintain that is what he is doing. He is motivating radical leftists that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Democratic Party so they don't have time to organize legitimate and effective opposition in the Green Party. He is poison.

I voted for Clinton. It was the last time I voted for a major party. Then I got an education and learned the truth about the main stream political parties.

I haven't voted in a presidential election since '04. All the elections are rigged and fixed. If you think you have a choice, or there is any semblance of fairness afforded to the population, you are living in an illusion. Good luck with your electoral fantasies.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?

You're right. Mexican illegals are a bigger problem.
Right wing xenophobia and hatred based on nothing substantial is Expected.

"Nothing substantial?" 20 million illegal aliens isn't "substantial?"

Unlike you, I'm not someone who despises American culture and wants to see it swamped by foreign invaders.
Many have been here for years and contribute to the economy. If anything, we need a fast track to citizenship. American culture? You mean the culture of diversity? Then again, you're a racist xenophobic moron.
I use to listen to him on Fridays the Thom hartmann show. Sellouts don't say the things Bernie says.

You Republicans are liars or stupid. Remember you said Clinton was a liberal? Then you say there's no difference because the Clinton's are rich too. So you want it both ways. You said Obama is a liberal but then the next day you argue how he serves the rich and the rich getting richer on his watch is his doing.

You guys are too stupid to take seriously.

. . . . who are "you guys?" I'm not a "republican" or any sort of statist. Anyone that believes a Clinton is liberal is an idiot. I agree, Republicans are too stupid to take seriously. The only thing that is worse is someone that follows sites like, "occupy democrats." :lmao:

I don't feel like arguing with you. Wait till the convention. If you think the Bern is serious, then just wait and watch. If I'm wrong, he'll campaign till the end and try for the nomination. Otherwise, he'll roll over and endorse Hillary. Anyone that unites with and campaigns for a Clinton is a lying sneaky SOB. And I still maintain that is what he is doing. He is motivating radical leftists that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Democratic Party so they don't have time to organize legitimate and effective opposition in the Green Party. He is poison.

I voted for Clinton. It was the last time I voted for a major party. Then I got an education and learned the truth about the main stream political parties.

I haven't voted in a presidential election since '04. All the elections are rigged and fixed. If you think you have a choice, or there is any semblance of fairness afforded to the population, you are living in an illusion. Good luck with your electoral fantasies.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....

Replace Muslim with Jew or Christian.

Most of the world outside of the conservosphere is going to latch on to this..
I'm telling you people don't care. It'll only improve his numbers.

Trumps incapable of a gaffe

It might improve his numbers with Republicans, who at this point, has show itself to be a reactionary, xenophobic, theocratic party of folks that want a white Christian nation. But this means he's done in the General election. The American people will never elect a person that has said something like this.

We don't want to live under Sharia or have to learn Spanish. The fact that you don't see a problem with that is what makes you an enemy of the people
. . . . who are "you guys?" I'm not a "republican" or any sort of statist. Anyone that believes a Clinton is liberal is an idiot. I agree, Republicans are too stupid to take seriously. The only thing that is worse is someone that follows sites like, "occupy democrats." :lmao:

I don't feel like arguing with you. Wait till the convention. If you think the Bern is serious, then just wait and watch. If I'm wrong, he'll campaign till the end and try for the nomination. Otherwise, he'll roll over and endorse Hillary. Anyone that unites with and campaigns for a Clinton is a lying sneaky SOB. And I still maintain that is what he is doing. He is motivating radical leftists that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Democratic Party so they don't have time to organize legitimate and effective opposition in the Green Party. He is poison.

I voted for Clinton. It was the last time I voted for a major party. Then I got an education and learned the truth about the main stream political parties.

I haven't voted in a presidential election since '04. All the elections are rigged and fixed. If you think you have a choice, or there is any semblance of fairness afforded to the population, you are living in an illusion. Good luck with your electoral fantasies.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....
the guy also ranted about the need to get rid of muslims.

But to be fair, I think the Donald was more about 'yeah yeah whatever" and moved on to another questioner.
thats what i think too....

If that were the case?

He could have easily walked this back an hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, 9 hours, 24 hours..tic..tic..tic..
. . . . who are "you guys?" I'm not a "republican" or any sort of statist. Anyone that believes a Clinton is liberal is an idiot. I agree, Republicans are too stupid to take seriously. The only thing that is worse is someone that follows sites like, "occupy democrats." :lmao:

I don't feel like arguing with you. Wait till the convention. If you think the Bern is serious, then just wait and watch. If I'm wrong, he'll campaign till the end and try for the nomination. Otherwise, he'll roll over and endorse Hillary. Anyone that unites with and campaigns for a Clinton is a lying sneaky SOB. And I still maintain that is what he is doing. He is motivating radical leftists that would otherwise have nothing to do with the Democratic Party so they don't have time to organize legitimate and effective opposition in the Green Party. He is poison.

I voted for Clinton. It was the last time I voted for a major party. Then I got an education and learned the truth about the main stream political parties.

I haven't voted in a presidential election since '04. All the elections are rigged and fixed. If you think you have a choice, or there is any semblance of fairness afforded to the population, you are living in an illusion. Good luck with your electoral fantasies.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.
The reasons America sucks is because of bad citizens who don't vote.

Talk to me when you vote. Otherwise you don't matter.

The bad citizens who do vote are a bigger problems.
Democracy bitch. If Mississippi republicans who want the government out of there Medicare get to vote..

What the fuck is that incoherent pile supposed to mean?
"The bad citizens who do vote are bigger problems.." That's democracy, and citizens get to vote regardless.

Yep, which is the reason democracy is one of the shittiest forms of government.

Glad to see you haven't changed.

Monarchy still sucks..guy.

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