Trump's Economy - Doing Great....Should Have Ejected Obama Earlier

What juicy cluster fuck Obama became ,and dumb fucks still worship this failure.
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We are enjoying the Obama economy. Trump has done nothing except give trillions to the wealthy and put it on the taxpayer's credit card.

Conservatives do you ever not take credit for someone else's work? You can't do your own work?

If we couldn't do our own work we'd all be liberals.

Yeah, let's play make believe.

No thanks, but don't let me stop you.

As I said, it's where he lives.
Obama presided over one of the most lackluster economic comebacks of all time. All people could say was "but he inherited a mess". Left wing smoke.

Obama inherited an economy that was doing well when the financial lubricant ran out. It tanked, but was poised for a comeback before it ever did so. It's pretty robust. Eventually, in spite of Obama and his pathetic leadership, the economy did come back. It could have done so if we had elected Bart Simpson president (might have come back faster).

Obama's meddling in things like GM...the bullshit surrounding the shovel ready jobs, all the while pushing companies to rethink investment in the U.S. slowed the economy down.

Which, in turn added to the deficit tremendously. 10 trillion later, we are totally fucked.

We should have thrown his ass out in 2012, but we didn't.

I don't blame him. I blame the sorry-assed gullible American electorate.

You'd really have to be fucking stupid to think that the economy would be better just because Trump's in charge. Put Trump in charge in 2009 and you think it would have instantly gone down to 4% unemployment?

Don't be ridiculous, it obviously took some time to rollback Obamas executive orders.

Except Obama wouldn't have been there.

And if Obama's executive orders prevented job growth, why did he have massive job growth for years on end?

His job growth numbers were always weak.

Unless you are a racist.

Weak in comparison to WHAT?

Just about every other recovery.

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