Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

And yet trump takes credit time and time again for reducing unemployment among blacks latinoes and all people
He 's like the rooster crowing in the morning thinking he's the reason the sun rises

Of course he does, and his followers give it to him just like the Obama ones did for him.

Trump and Obama are not that different and neither are their followers.
Ouch!! I don't recall Obama going around patting himself on the back all the time

Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.
You’re a traitor who laughs at the graves of his ancestors. Your opinion is meaningless.
Another opinion defiler ,,I don't think you're playing with a full deck

I am not? You support Hamas over your own people? You don’t think is right. You’re a parasite.

So you’re saying that Faun is an idiot. Thank you.
You're talking to yourself, moron. :eusa_doh:

Myself? LOL follow along. You also keep responding like the fat old loser that you are.
Yeah, yourself. That's what happens when you reply to one of your own posts.
Of course he does, and his followers give it to him just like the Obama ones did for him.

Trump and Obama are not that different and neither are their followers.
Ouch!! I don't recall Obama going around patting himself on the back all the time

Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
Another opinion defiler ,,I don't think you're playing with a full deck

I am not? You support Hamas over your own people? You don’t think is right. You’re a parasite.

So you’re saying that Faun is an idiot. Thank you.
You're talking to yourself, moron. :eusa_doh:

Myself? LOL follow along. You also keep responding like the fat old loser that you are.
Yeah, yourself. That's what happens when you reply to one of your own posts.

Shit happens.
Of course he does, and his followers give it to him just like the Obama ones did for him.

Trump and Obama are not that different and neither are their followers.
Ouch!! I don't recall Obama going around patting himself on the back all the time

Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

Ben Shapiro: We can't blame President Trump for the division in America | Opinion
Link? Provide the link please.
A link to what? That the Fed never raised the federal fund rate under Obama but did under trump (during the best economy evah!)...

October 29, 2008 1.00
December 16, 2008 0 - 0.25
Date of Rate Change Rate (%)
December 16, 2015 0.25 - 0.5
December 14, 2016 0.5 - 0.75
March 15, 2017 0.75 - 1.00
June 14, 2017 1.00 - 1.25
December 13, 2017 1.25 - 1.50
March 21, 2018 1.50 - 1.75
June 13, 2018 1.75 - 2.00
September 26, 2018 2.00 - 2.25
December 19, 2018 2.25 - 2.50
July 31, 2019 2.00 - 2.25

Fed Funds Target Rate History (Historical)

Link that QE happened because of Obama. QE only happens when rates cannot go lower. You're so dumb. lmao
Ed posted rates had not gone lower under Obama and you asked for a link to that. I gave it to you and proved Ed was right and you're an idiot who didn't know that until I educated you.
I asked For a link that shows what Obama policies caused unemployment to decline. Go fuck off Fawn. You’re a loser who doesn’t know what QE is.

Why do you have to give the government credit for everything the private sector does?

The government sets the rules for business. So they really work in combo.
Link that QE happened because of Obama. QE only happens when rates cannot go lower. You're so dumb. lmao
Ed posted rates had not gone lower under Obama and you asked for a link to that. I gave it to you and proved Ed was right and you're an idiot who didn't know that until I educated you.
I asked For a link that shows what Obama policies caused unemployment to decline. Go fuck off Fawn. You’re a loser who doesn’t know what QE is.

Why do you have to give the government credit for everything the private sector does?

I just asked for link that would show me specific Obama policies that reduced unemployment. Nothing more.

The Govt does not reduce unemployment, there is no specific policy that reduces unemployment no matter who the POTUS is.

Actually, if the government stimulates consumer spending by creating government jobs, it increases business customers which creates more business hires. Consumer confidence is not only created by the private sector. And when Bush supported policies that encouraged outsourcing of US jobs that did have an effect on employment.
Last edited:
Ouch!! I don't recall Obama going around patting himself on the back all the time

Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?
Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.
Ouch!! I don't recall Obama going around patting himself on the back all the time

Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

Ben Shapiro: We can't blame President Trump for the division in America | Opinion
Find one of his speeches and take a shot every time he says "I"...see how long you last! :21:
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

Ben Shapiro: We can't blame President Trump for the division in America | Opinion
View attachment 273778

His own party is vilifying him at the debates. Makes you wonder.
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.

Dumbfuck... the country was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs per month back then. By "incentive to stay at home longer," you mean unable to find a job longer. :eusa_doh:



  • Untitled.png
    11 KB · Views: 55
Truth be told all presidents say "I believe, I will do "etc etc but not all lie about achievements they had nothing to do with, or things that have never happened. As a liar ,trump is an overachiever all imho

Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.
The extension of unemployment benefits was simply a continuation of the same policy we had had for years. The problem was the extent of the GOP corrupt meltdown, brainwashed functional moron. It was as bad as 1929, luckily we had 8 trillion dollars to throw at the problem and averted a full-blown Great Depression and had a Democrat immediately. The Republicans learn nothing ever. Even now they are doing another rendition of smoot-hawley and May wreck the world economy again just like back in 1930 incredible assholes.
Last edited:
Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.

Dumbfuck... the country was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs per month back then. By "incentive to stay at home longer," you mean unable to find a job longer. :eusa_doh:


Shedding? LOL

You’re such a sheep.
Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.
The extension of unemployment benefits was simply a continuation of the same policy we had had for years. The problem was the extent of the GOP corrupt meltdown, brainwashed functional moron. It was as bad as 1929, luckily we had 8 trillion dollars to throw at the problem and averted a full-blown Great Depression and a Democrat immediately. The Republicans learn nothing ever. Even now they are doing another rendition of smoot-hawley and May wreck the world economy again just like back in 1930 incredible assholes.

Super Duper
Name one of Obama’s accomplishments that helped the US in his 8 yrs.

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.
The extension of unemployment benefits was simply a continuation of the same policy we had had for years. The problem was the extent of the GOP corrupt meltdown, brainwashed functional moron. It was as bad as 1929, luckily we had 8 trillion dollars to throw at the problem and averted a full-blown Great Depression and had a Democrat immediately. The Republicans learn nothing ever. Even now they are doing another rendition of smoot-hawley and May wreck the world economy again just like back in 1930 incredible assholes.

Franco, are you a Tulsi Gabbard supporter?

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.

Dumbfuck... the country was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs per month back then. By "incentive to stay at home longer," you mean unable to find a job longer. :eusa_doh:


Shedding? LOL

You’re such a sheep.
You prefer "hemorrhaging?"

© The Balance, 2018


Updated June 25, 2019
President Barack Obama entered office in 2009 to fight the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite the backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained a Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things by the time his term ended in January 2017. Here are the top 14 in chronological order. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

$787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects.

The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011. He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent.

Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms.

That slows the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care. Those are the most significant of Obamacare's 10 advantages.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of October 2017, he has failed to pass any legislation. But he is weakening Obamacare even without repeal.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

$858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.
The extension of unemployment benefits was simply a continuation of the same policy we had had for years. The problem was the extent of the GOP corrupt meltdown, brainwashed functional moron. It was as bad as 1929, luckily we had 8 trillion dollars to throw at the problem and averted a full-blown Great Depression and a Democrat immediately. The Republicans learn nothing ever. Even now they are doing another rendition of smoot-hawley and May wreck the world economy again just like back in 1930 incredible assholes.

Super Duper
What is the Misinformation I am imparting, brainwashed functional moron? Do you have anything at all, troll?
99 weeks of unemployment
What about it?

It gave people an incentive to stay home longer.

Dumbfuck... the country was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs per month back then. By "incentive to stay at home longer," you mean unable to find a job longer. :eusa_doh:


Shedding? LOL

You’re such a sheep.
You prefer "hemorrhaging?"
700,000 jobs lost in just GWB's last month

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