Trump's election was a national IQ test.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.
Yes, yes...

Appoint the special prosecutor, put the traitor(s) behind bars, Trumpslide 2020.

The cost will likely come closer to 30 bucks than 30 million given all one needs to do is open the eyes.
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

Lets see, there have been 4 investigations into this from the House Intel committee, down to the Special Counsel. All of them said the same thing, NO COLLUSION! And yet, certain people on this forum, and in fact across the country, STILL want to try and beat a dead horse.

A lot of these people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and yet some of them do it through no fault of their own. They were spoon fed this crap by their media outlets for over 2 years, and now they have been BRAINWASHED! Sure, it was easy to brainwash and gaslight them because they WANTED to BELIEVE what they were being told, but the media went to far with their methods! Now that these people must face reality, they can't handle it.

Want to know how people become incoherent? Look at these people. They REFUSE to admit to themselves that they got WORKED by their own people, therefore, everybody else must be lying to them. In essence, these are the type of people USED CAR SALESMEN love to see come into their dealership, lol. Once you convince them your the only honest broker in town, they will return to purchase car after car, while getting screwed each and every time, while proclaiming to everyone around them what a great deal they got-)
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

Lets see, there have been 4 investigations into this from the House Intel committee, down to the Special Counsel. All of them said the same thing, NO COLLUSION! And yet, certain people on this forum, and in fact across the country, STILL want to try and beat a dead horse.

A lot of these people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and yet some of them do it through no fault of their own. They were spoon fed this crap by their media outlets for over 2 years, and now they have been BRAINWASHED! Sure, it was easy to brainwash and gaslight them because they WANTED to BELIEVE what they were being told, but the media went to far with their methods! Now that these people must face reality, they can't handle it.

Want to know how people become incoherent? Look at these people. They REFUSE to admit to themselves that they got WORKED by their own people, therefore, everybody else must be lying to them. In essence, these are the type of people USED CAR SALESMEN love to see come into their dealership, lol. Once you convince them your the only honest broker in town, they will return to purchase car after car, while getting screwed each and every time, while proclaiming to everyone around them what a great deal they got-)

1. Tell these people to go fuck themselves.

2. Investigate the Clinton DOJ FBI collusion.

This is how to go forward in uncovering collusion.
Fixating on Hilary who is not president while excusing the president we have of criminal activity is stupid. Her career is dead and no one really asks her anything anymore. On the other hand we have a president that gets more unhinged everyday. I know why you people inflicted this maniac on America, you were scared and angry and he promised you the moon, but this troll on our political system has probably damned the GOP for a generation.
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

"The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure."

Meuller got 34 indictments;;

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty."

Sounds like an A to me.......
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

Lets see, there have been 4 investigations into this from the House Intel committee, down to the Special Counsel. All of them said the same thing, NO COLLUSION! And yet, certain people on this forum, and in fact across the country, STILL want to try and beat a dead horse.

A lot of these people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and yet some of them do it through no fault of their own. They were spoon fed this crap by their media outlets for over 2 years, and now they have been BRAINWASHED! Sure, it was easy to brainwash and gaslight them because they WANTED to BELIEVE what they were being told, but the media went to far with their methods! Now that these people must face reality, they can't handle it.

Want to know how people become incoherent? Look at these people. They REFUSE to admit to themselves that they got WORKED by their own people, therefore, everybody else must be lying to them. In essence, these are the type of people USED CAR SALESMEN love to see come into their dealership, lol. Once you convince them your the only honest broker in town, they will return to purchase car after car, while getting screwed each and every time, while proclaiming to everyone around them what a great deal they got-)
I know what you mean it's like the twenty five years of investigating the Clinton's that have yet to find anything more than a lie about a blowjob.
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

If this was an IQ test then conservatives FAILED!

On the test it was specifically stated that ;

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty."

and yet conservatives are SO FKN STUPID they think the investigation was a waste SIMPLY BECAUSE the investigation did NOT get ONE PARTICULAR PERSON; shtump.

34 people, 3 companies......
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

Lets see, there have been 4 investigations into this from the House Intel committee, down to the Special Counsel. All of them said the same thing, NO COLLUSION! And yet, certain people on this forum, and in fact across the country, STILL want to try and beat a dead horse.

A lot of these people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and yet some of them do it through no fault of their own. They were spoon fed this crap by their media outlets for over 2 years, and now they have been BRAINWASHED! Sure, it was easy to brainwash and gaslight them because they WANTED to BELIEVE what they were being told, but the media went to far with their methods! Now that these people must face reality, they can't handle it.

Want to know how people become incoherent? Look at these people. They REFUSE to admit to themselves that they got WORKED by their own people, therefore, everybody else must be lying to them. In essence, these are the type of people USED CAR SALESMEN love to see come into their dealership, lol. Once you convince them your the only honest broker in town, they will return to purchase car after car, while getting screwed each and every time, while proclaiming to everyone around them what a great deal they got-)

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty."
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

Lets see, there have been 4 investigations into this from the House Intel committee, down to the Special Counsel. All of them said the same thing, NO COLLUSION! And yet, certain people on this forum, and in fact across the country, STILL want to try and beat a dead horse.

A lot of these people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and yet some of them do it through no fault of their own. They were spoon fed this crap by their media outlets for over 2 years, and now they have been BRAINWASHED! Sure, it was easy to brainwash and gaslight them because they WANTED to BELIEVE what they were being told, but the media went to far with their methods! Now that these people must face reality, they can't handle it.

Want to know how people become incoherent? Look at these people. They REFUSE to admit to themselves that they got WORKED by their own people, therefore, everybody else must be lying to them. In essence, these are the type of people USED CAR SALESMEN love to see come into their dealership, lol. Once you convince them your the only honest broker in town, they will return to purchase car after car, while getting screwed each and every time, while proclaiming to everyone around them what a great deal they got-)

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation, which is now complete.

That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty."

All for process crimes, no collusion, no obstruction, except for the Russians.

That is ok though, now watch what happens-) Lets see if the upcoming indictments are for process crimes! You have NO IDEA what your side did when they confirmed Barr. They put Mueller out of work, and put the former Administration on the hot seat. Were it any other President, I am sure a deal would be cut to make it all go away, but it is not, it is TRUMP!

In essence, your side opened the floodgates to your own political demise, watch!
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

One huge problem here. Yes, she did have a private server. At the time, it was not illegal. It was unwise, yes. But not illegal. So did Powell. When the hacking occurred, that server has long since off line so your story doesn't hold water. In fact, your story is covered in the Mueller report. Your story originated in 2014. Guess who originated the story without a basis of truth to it? The GRU of Russia. Yes, comrade, that's in the Mueller report and it spells it out.

You are either a gullible strumpet or you are a paid IRA member posting this crap. Either way, the gig is up.
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

One huge problem here. Yes, she did have a private server. At the time, it was not illegal. It was unwise, yes. But not illegal. So did Powell. When the hacking occurred, that server has long since off line so your story doesn't hold water. In fact, your story is covered in the Mueller report. Your story originated in 2014. Guess who originated the story without a basis of truth to it? The GRU of Russia. Yes, comrade, that's in the Mueller report and it spells it out.

You are either a gullible strumpet or you are a paid IRA member posting this crap. Either way, the gig is up.

Those who keep adjusting the timeline and moving the goalposts demonstrate classic symptoms of derangement. It's a fantasy tactic where reconstructing the world to fit their worldview begins modestly and then gets out of hand.

The lose touch with reality as they double down on irrational delusions and refuse to own their mistakes and failures. This is how civilizations can fall. Fortunately the reasonable will take over save the day this time.

We must stay on guard for this because it will keep happening.
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

The Tards are insane and evil...………..

The TRUTH doesn't come into play with them...….
The BIG LIE: The Mueller Report failed to prove Collusion.

A damn lie committed by trump supporters who have never read the report, and do what they usually do, echo each other ad nausea.
By now many Americans have figured out that the Russian collusion fiasco was actually a national IQ test. While Hillary Clinton violated just about every security protocol possible, she corrupted the Department of Justice along with the FBI and used them to falsely accuse a political opponent of committing treason to steal an election after she lost which was not supposed to happen.

The IQ test was complex because it involved not only logical and emotional but spatial intelligence as she committed treasonous acts right in front of everyone. Now this is where the spatial IQ rubber meets the road. Those with above average spatial intelligence watched her do it and believed their own eyes. Those with low spatial IQ listened to others who told them they didn’t see what they thought they saw because her opponent was a bad guy.

This was a tough IQ test for some because logical and emotional IQ played a part in influencing spatial reasoning: They saw Hillary Clinton put an unauthorized server that was wide open to Russian hacking in her bathroom-that’s treason because she ignored security steps she knew existed. They saw Hillary’s staff destroy subpoenaed evidence and smash devices with unauthorized, electronic unprotected information on them. Conclusion: They hate trump! He colluded with the Russian because Hillary said so!

That was the wrong answer and those who chose it walked off muttering while those who passed the test got to pick the president. Failing an IQ test is not new and blaming the test is as old as cognitive testing itself. What is new is not letting it go.

They demanded an evaluation of the test that they saw as unfair because seeing something happen right in front of them was apparently too much of a strain on their cerebral perceptions. The Mueller Probe was launched and a massive investigation got underway. When the Mueller Report came back it had a big red “F” on it confirming the test failure.

Finding out you’re a dunce is never a happy event but the disappointed test takers went off the rails. They demanded more investigations! Petulance turned to salivating, delusional paranoia. They just couldn’t move on and accept their limitations.

Their flunking performance got the best of them and they can’t see that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is now the clinical definition of insanity.

Lets see, there have been 4 investigations into this from the House Intel committee, down to the Special Counsel. All of them said the same thing, NO COLLUSION! And yet, certain people on this forum, and in fact across the country, STILL want to try and beat a dead horse.

A lot of these people know EXACTLY what they are doing, and yet some of them do it through no fault of their own. They were spoon fed this crap by their media outlets for over 2 years, and now they have been BRAINWASHED! Sure, it was easy to brainwash and gaslight them because they WANTED to BELIEVE what they were being told, but the media went to far with their methods! Now that these people must face reality, they can't handle it.

Want to know how people become incoherent? Look at these people. They REFUSE to admit to themselves that they got WORKED by their own people, therefore, everybody else must be lying to them. In essence, these are the type of people USED CAR SALESMEN love to see come into their dealership, lol. Once you convince them your the only honest broker in town, they will return to purchase car after car, while getting screwed each and every time, while proclaiming to everyone around them what a great deal they got-)
I know what you mean it's like the twenty five years of investigating the Clinton's that have yet to find anything more than a lie about a blowjob.
Its about the 4th estate being the 5th column for criminals.
Fixating on Hilary who is not president while excusing the president we have of criminal activity is stupid. Her career is dead and no one really asks her anything anymore. On the other hand we have a president that gets more unhinged everyday. I know why you people inflicted this maniac on America, you were scared and angry and he promised you the moon, but this troll on our political system has probably damned the GOP for a generation.
Wait what? What I just heard was ignore the person who actually committed a crime with no standard of intent to prove, and the AG/DOJ that at the time actually shielded against prosecution while the investigation was still under way...because she lost the election. And instead let’s go after the guy who won the election and try to prove intent to obstruct a crime that he didn’t commit, and accuse his AG of shielding him, even though you were wrong about the whole collusion thing you couldn’t shut up about for 2 years. Apparently it’s the president who’s unhinged, not y’all.

The crazies are running the asylum folks.
Fixating on Hilary who is not president while excusing the president we have of criminal activity is stupid. Her career is dead and no one really asks her anything anymore. On the other hand we have a president that gets more unhinged everyday. I know why you people inflicted this maniac on America, you were scared and angry and he promised you the moon, but this troll on our political system has probably damned the GOP for a generation.

Um being president is not a requirement to be investigated for criminal wrongdoing.
Fixating on Hilary who is not president while excusing the president we have of criminal activity is stupid. Her career is dead and no one really asks her anything anymore. On the other hand we have a president that gets more unhinged everyday. I know why you people inflicted this maniac on America, you were scared and angry and he promised you the moon, but this troll on our political system has probably damned the GOP for a generation.
attacking trump with bullshit til something you lied aboutvtakes hold is a shitty way to go about things.

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