Trump's Fed Now Buying Junk Bonds

Relevant reading...

Announcement on Reserves

''As announced on March 15, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020. This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.''

Effectively an official admission that reserves are a fiction. But we already knew that. Heh heh.
Anyway, banks will be unloading their questionable junk as fast as they can now, and the Fed will be buying it. Pretty clever swap to get the assets off the bank balance sheet while hiding them on the fed's balance sheet.

Thanks for the Fed link.

Did you notice it was .gov?
Your chart is short by 20 years.


Sorry I was a youngster who the hell is that.

The Father of Junk Bonds.

I recognize the face but cant put a name to it.
The bank the Wife was with made their fortune with junk bonds and she got stock.
It was a true blessing. I wont say the name of the banker since he's pretty well known but did he throw some outrageous parties!!!!!
Dozens of kegs,women from the premiere strip clubs in Houston,six bands. These things went on for the whole weekend in his beachfront house that was enormous!!!
On the plus side if you were there he didnt expect you to be at work on Monday.
The Wife worked for him for over 20 years and he was very generous.
What can those "shareholders" do with their "shares"?
Can they sell them? Can they buy more?
Can they vote themselves a higher "dividend"?
Can they vote themselves a chunk of the Fed's profits?

As I said, you're either well underinformed or a blatant liar.

You are in no position to be playing twenty questions with anyone.

If you knew how much the private "owners" got in dividends last year, compared to the US Treasury's share of Fed profits, you'd laugh at the claim that they were privately owned.

But that would require you to learn something. Little chance of that, eh?
Your chart is short by 20 years.


Sorry I was a youngster who the hell is that.

The Father of Junk Bonds.

I recognize the face but cant put a name to it.
The bank the Wife was with made their fortune with junk bonds and she got stock.
It was a true blessing. I wont say the name of the banker since he's pretty well known but did he throw some outrageous parties!!!!!
Dozens of kegs,women from the premiere strip clubs in Houston,six bands. These things went on for the whole weekend in his beachfront house that was enormous!!!
On the plus side if you were there he didnt expect you to be at work on Monday.
The Wife worked for him for over 20 years and he was very generous.

Michael Milken

Your chart is short by 20 years.


Sorry I was a youngster who the hell is that.

The Father of Junk Bonds.

I recognize the face but cant put a name to it.
The bank the Wife was with made their fortune with junk bonds and she got stock.
It was a true blessing. I wont say the name of the banker since he's pretty well known but did he throw some outrageous parties!!!!!
Dozens of kegs,women from the premiere strip clubs in Houston,six bands. These things went on for the whole weekend in his beachfront house that was enormous!!!
On the plus side if you were there he didnt expect you to be at work on Monday.
The Wife worked for him for over 20 years and he was very generous.

Michael Milken

All I can say is thank you for your prison time Mr. Milken.
Because it damn near set us up for life if we hadn't in our youth pissed away damn near a million bucks....but we sure had a good time doing it.
We did however learn that this kinda money wasnt the norm and we really started saving.
So he gave us two gifts.
Your chart is short by 20 years.


Sorry I was a youngster who the hell is that.

The Father of Junk Bonds.

I recognize the face but cant put a name to it.
The bank the Wife was with made their fortune with junk bonds and she got stock.
It was a true blessing. I wont say the name of the banker since he's pretty well known but did he throw some outrageous parties!!!!!
Dozens of kegs,women from the premiere strip clubs in Houston,six bands. These things went on for the whole weekend in his beachfront house that was enormous!!!
On the plus side if you were there he didnt expect you to be at work on Monday.
The Wife worked for him for over 20 years and he was very generous.

Michael Milken

....Oh,that isnt who the Wife worked for.
Your chart is short by 20 years.


Sorry I was a youngster who the hell is that.

The Father of Junk Bonds.

I recognize the face but cant put a name to it.
The bank the Wife was with made their fortune with junk bonds and she got stock.
It was a true blessing. I wont say the name of the banker since he's pretty well known but did he throw some outrageous parties!!!!!
Dozens of kegs,women from the premiere strip clubs in Houston,six bands. These things went on for the whole weekend in his beachfront house that was enormous!!!
On the plus side if you were there he didnt expect you to be at work on Monday.
The Wife worked for him for over 20 years and he was very generous.

Michael Milken

....Oh,that isnt who the Wife worked for.

He was based in L.A.
Within the CARES Act 880 pages there appears to be a $454 billion slush fund designed to kill Wall Street's two main legitimate functions: price discovery and prudent capital allocation.

The Fed Is Killing the Two Main Functions of Wall Street: Price Discovery and Prudent Capital Allocation

"On Thursday, knowing that a three-day Easter weekend was coming and the attention of the public would be elsewhere, the Federal Reserve announced that it would allow two of its emergency lending programs to begin buying junk bonds.

"Those are bonds with less than an investment-grade credit rating, meaning they have a greater likelihood of defaulting.

"The Fed is not simply accepting junk bonds as collateral for loans, it will actually be buying junk bonds — potentially hundreds of billions of dollars of them."
If you did not know that our economy can be on a slippery slope, then you are not informed. The debts of the United States and the world are enormous. And politicians using the fiat currency to keep getting voted in, caused much of it. Even the federal reserve owners warned them about the deficit spending even in good times. And Clinton did not balance the budget with real cuts and revenue enhancements. Except for defense at that time. Smoke and mirrors on things that would be temporary. Bush got the blame but the problems really started to be shown in the Spring of Clinton's last year in office.
Anyway, banks will be unloading their questionable junk as fast as they can now, and the Fed will be buying it. Pretty clever swap to get the assets off the bank balance sheet while hiding them on the fed's balance sheet.
Interestingly,we don't hear much about that in the MSM so far.
It's almost as likely as being reminded of Trump's Treasury Secretary's recent history:

Steven Mnuchin : Dubbed foreclosure king treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin stepped mic | Scoopnest
Anyway, banks will be unloading their questionable junk as fast as they can now, and the Fed will be buying it. Pretty clever swap to get the assets off the bank balance sheet while hiding them on the fed's balance sheet.
Interestingly,we don't hear much about that in the MSM so far.
It's almost as likely as being reminded of Trump's Treasury Secretary's recent history:

Steven Mnuchin : Dubbed foreclosure king treasury secretary pick Steven Mnuchin stepped mic | Scoopnest

Wait.....are you saying people who didn't pay their mortgages had to go thru foreclosure?
That's outrageous, eh comrade?
"Trump's Fed? Is the House democrat majority too busy hatching treasonous scenarios to step up and do their freaking job?
If you did not know that our economy can be on a slippery slope, then you are not informed. The debts of the United States and the world are enormous. And politicians using the fiat currency to keep getting voted in, caused much of it
When Nixon left the gold standard, a useful substitute quickly appeared, the US Treasury Bill:

De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire | Michael Hudson

"Imperialism is getting something for nothing.

"It is a strategy to obtain other countries’ surplus without playing a productive role, but by creating an extractive rentier system.

"An imperialist power obliges other countries to pay tribute.

"Of course, America doesn’t come right out and tell other countries, 'You have to pay us tribute,' like Roman emperors told the provinces they governed.

"U.S. diplomats simply insist that other countries invest their balance-of-payments inflows and official central-bank savings in US dollars, especially U.S. Treasury IOUs.

"This Treasury-bill standard turns the global monetary and financial system into a tributary system. That is what pays the costs of U.S. military spending, including its 800 military bases throughout the world."
Wait.....are you saying people who didn't pay their mortgages had to go thru foreclosure?
That's outrageous, eh comrade?
Who told you they didn't pay their mortgages?

Mnuchin Lied About His Bank’s History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents

Banks love to foreclose on people up to date on their mortgages, when home prices are crashing.

Banks always make money when they do stupid things like that. That's why IndyMac failed in
the first place, all their borrowers were paying off their loans.
Banks always make money when they do stupid things like that. That's why IndyMac failed in
the first place, all their borrowers were paying off their loans.

"TREASURY SECRETARY NOMINEE Steven Mnuchin lied in his written responses to the Senate Finance Committee, claiming that “OneWest Bank did not ‘robo-sign’ documents,” when ample evidence proves that they did.

"Mnuchin ran OneWest Bank from 2009 to 2015 in a manner so ruthless to mortgage holders that he has been dubbed the 'Foreclosure King' by his critics."

Mnuchin Lied About His Bank’s History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
Banks always make money when they do stupid things like that. That's why IndyMac failed in
the first place, all their borrowers were paying off their loans.

"TREASURY SECRETARY NOMINEE Steven Mnuchin lied in his written responses to the Senate Finance Committee, claiming that “OneWest Bank did not ‘robo-sign’ documents,” when ample evidence proves that they did.

"Mnuchin ran OneWest Bank from 2009 to 2015 in a manner so ruthless to mortgage holders that he has been dubbed the 'Foreclosure King' by his critics."

Mnuchin Lied About His Bank’s History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents

Feel free to cut and paste the part where it said robo-signing means the evicted were current on their mortgages.

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