Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Why would we do that? Congress hasn’t passed anything to do with regulations since obummer. That would be silly to have congress do that
This just proves how stupid you are. Congress passed dozens of bills repealing regulations.

Congress Is Using A 1996 Law To Repeal Some Obama Regulations

Republicans Are Using An Obscure Law To Repeal Some Obama-Era Regulations. ... President Trump and congressional Republicans are having some success with one of their oft-stated goals — rolling back federal regulations approved during the Obama administration.

That popeye guy said congress hadn't done anything with regulations, that's completely wrong.

REGULATIONS aren't law, silly person. They are rules placed by the various government agency's. They are not laws. Those can only be enacted by Congress. You need to take a high school civics class.
And congress passed laws repealing dozens of regulations. Trump counted those repeals among his deregulation accomplishments, even though it was purely done by congress.
Nope. It is beginning to increase. obummer was running this country into the dirt for eight years. It will take time to cure the damage.

This is too easy.

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See how your graph shows an uptick after trump got elected? No, that would be honest. Face it fakey mcfakerson. The bottom of the graph is your hero obummer. It was continuing down until trump got elected.
Deficits got cut by 60%
The auto industry was saved, and the recession ended.
Stop the bull shit.

Give up the malarkey.

The DEBT doubled. The deficit, as you well know, is a paper figure. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama increased the deficit to well over a TRILLION DOLLARS. The 2009 budget was signed by President Obama in March of 2009. President Obama's failed Stimulus added nearly a Trillion Dollars to the spending accomplishing nothing.
See how your graph shows an uptick after trump got elected? No, that would be honest. Face it fakey mcfakerson. The bottom of the graph is your hero obummer. It was continuing down until trump got elected.

And now Trumps labor force participation s lower than when he took office. Dispute the temporary uptick, the trend is into the toilet.
Stop the bull shit.
The deficit, as you well know, is a paper figure. .

So is a college diploma.

Both show how one performed. And Obama cut the deficits by 60%.
Name a republican since IKE to leave a lower deficit than he inherited.

There ain't any. They all increased the deficit.
The deficit, as you well know, is a paper figure. .

So is a college diploma.

Both show how one performed. And Obama cut the deficits by 60%.
Name a republican since IKE to leave a lower deficit than he inherited.

There ain't any. They all increased the deficit.

And Obama cut the deficits by 60%.

He whined about Republicans stopping his spending plans for 6 solid years.
See how your graph shows an uptick after trump got elected? No, that would be honest. Face it fakey mcfakerson. The bottom of the graph is your hero obummer. It was continuing down until trump got elected.

And now Trumps labor force participation s lower than when he took office. Dispute the temporary uptick, the trend is into the toilet.
Stop the bull shit.

The only bullshite is from you clown boy. You think real life is like an episode of CSI where results are instant. obummer was wrecking this country for eight years. Trump has halted the bleeding, and now we can recover. But, it takes time. Time that you want to halt with your incessant propaganda, aided and abetted by a compliant media.
The stimulus, cars for clunkers, the GM b ailout.. Which pumped hundreds of billions into the economy to pull it out of recession.

The Stimulus was a failure.

Cash for clunkers turned out to be a total failure.

The GM bailout accomplished nothing. It would have been better for GM, Chrysler and America had they been allowed to go through traditional bankruptcy. Chrysler is no longer an American car. GM would have been broken up into several companies with new, improved management. Just as airlines and other businesses have done for centuries.

First President in history to go for two full terms without a single year of economic growth above 3%. Failure.
The only bullshite is from you clown boy. You think real life is like an episode of CSI where results are instant. obummer was wrecking this country for eight years. Trump has halted the bleeding, and now we can recover. But, it takes time. Time that you want to halt with your incessant propaganda, aided and abetted by a compliant media.

Labor force participation under Trump is is free fall, and is going lower than it was under Obama.

You old talking points are bull shit. Live with it. Get new ones.
The only bullshite is from you clown boy. You think real life is like an episode of CSI where results are instant. obummer was wrecking this country for eight years. Trump has halted the bleeding, and now we can recover. But, it takes time. Time that you want to halt with your incessant propaganda, aided and abetted by a compliant media.

Labor force participation under Trump is is free fall, and is going lower than it was under Obama.

You old talking points are bull shit. Live with it. Get new ones.

Only to morons who don't know how to read graphs. Hello moron:bye1:
First President in history to go for two full terms without a single year of economic growth above 3%. Failure.

Obama had a FY of 3% growth, but not a calandar year of 3% growth, so your claim is half wrong, and deceptive. Since there were 12 month periods of 3% growth under Obama, and it happened twice.
Why would we do that? Congress hasn’t passed anything to do with regulations since obummer. That would be silly to have congress do that

This just proves how stupid you are. Congress passed dozens of bills repealing regulations.

Congress Is Using A 1996 Law To Repeal Some Obama Regulations

Republicans Are Using An Obscure Law To Repeal Some Obama-Era Regulations. ... President Trump and congressional Republicans are having some success with one of their oft-stated goals — rolling back federal regulations approved during the Obama administration.
Funny, since when does the president get to write laws? Some of what obummer did Only the congress can undo. They have not enacted any new regulation laws. Undo is not writing new!
2017 was awesomely FABOO! Especially when we saw things like this:

The middle class buys new cars. So what you said was bull shit.

The used car clobbered low and middle-income households that could not afford to buy a new $30,000 car. Taking thousands of perfectly usable cars off the market and drove up the prices of the remaining used cars. So, President Obama punished low and middle-income households and rewarded higher income people. What a deal!
Trump overturns law preventing companies dumping coal mining debris in streams and rivers

That's awful!!!
How long was that awesome law protecting our great nation?

Do you want to return to 1960's regulations that allowed DDT, PCB's, Dioxins, and heavy metals to be released into the environment unchecked.
/----/ why do LIbtards resort to wild extremes when they defend their positions? No Spanky, we don't want DDT, PCB's, Dioxins, and heavy metals to be released into the environment unchecked. However, there is evidence the total ban on DTT cause widespread deaths from malaria. Should DDT Be Used to Combat Malaria?
Obama, Biden way more popular than Trump
With the first year of Trump's presidency coming to an end and his approval rating sitting south of 40 percent, Trump is the most unpopular president at this point in the history of the presidency.
Conversely, since leaving the White House, Obama's favorability rating has jumped four points, with 63 percent of Americans viewing the 44th president favorably, according to a Gallup news poll from June. Obama's favorability was at 59 percent at the end of his presidency, according to a Gallup poll taken between Jan. 16-19, the days before Obama left office.

Fox News poll from November found Obama with a higher favorability rating than Trump in Alabama, one of the most conservative states in America. Obama recorded a 52 percent favorability rating in the ruby red state, while Trump's sat at 49 percent.

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