Trump's future hangs in the balance: Possible charges as Classified Documents Probe may be announced after Memorial Day

Do you guys think Ron DeSantis will take advantage of the situation and paint Trump as a criminal if Trump is charged?
Bloomberg News has the development:

"Special Counsel Jack Smith is wrapping up his investigation into former president Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents after his election defeat and is poised to announce possible criminal charges in the days or weeks after Memorial Day, according to people familiar with the matter.

As Smith’s team winds down the classified documents probe, a separate inquiry into efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election continues, according to four people familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified discussing a confidential inquiry.

Trump’s associates believe the Justice Department’s investigation into documents taken from the White House after he left office is close to the end, said one of the people, but they don’t know if charges will be brought against the former president or anyone else.

Any indictments resulting from the roughly year-long investigation must be approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland and a federal grand jury.
i don’t. think so…i tnink he’ll use it as an opportunity to highlight the stalinist tactics of rhe demafasict

he’s already committed on this
There is no evidence that Trump refused to return documents and he cooperated fully. It seems that Biden had classified documents going back to when he was V.P. and technically had no legal access. When is the crooked DOJ going to probe Biden's document scandal? Will RFK Jr. make a big deal about it?
Do you guys think Ron DeSantis will take advantage of the situation and paint Trump as a criminal if Trump is charged?
Bloomberg News has the development:

"Special Counsel Jack Smith is wrapping up his investigation into former president Donald Trump’s refusal to return classified documents after his election defeat and is poised to announce possible criminal charges in the days or weeks after Memorial Day, according to people familiar with the matter.

As Smith’s team winds down the classified documents probe, a separate inquiry into efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election continues, according to four people familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified discussing a confidential inquiry.

Trump’s associates believe the Justice Department’s investigation into documents taken from the White House after he left office is close to the end, said one of the people, but they don’t know if charges will be brought against the former president or anyone else.

Any indictments resulting from the roughly year-long investigation must be approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland and a federal grand jury.
Do you wackos ever audition for soap operas? You are such drama queens....
And if there is, as is claimed, a long paper trail to the contrary, will you admit it?

Trump took them when he was President and had the power to do that, you leftist moonbats continue to ignore that as well as ignoring that Biden took them as VP and as a Senator and didn't.

You just lie and lie and lie that it's the same. Also, Trump didn't hide them. With Biden, you just freely accept and repeat the lie that somehow he didn't know he took and saved classified documents around his house. You act like he does to his wife when she find porn on his computer. You did? How did that get there?

You're a liar like your President and party
Hi Oddball. Do you think Trump will be charged in this case? And if so when.
Why should anyone care? Even if Trump is eliminated with all of the bullshit garbage the left gins up, they'll just move onto whoever the next GOP rising star is. Then the sights will be switched to DeSantis and he'll be the next evil incarnate criminal that you scum will vilify for years on end. Same shit, different day, different person, none of it is even remotely credible anymore. :cuckoo:
Trump took them when he was President and had the power to do that, you leftist moonbats continue to ignore that as well as ignoring that Biden took them as VP and as a Senator and didn't.

You just lie and lie and lie that it's the same. Also, Trump didn't hide them. With Biden, you just freely accept and repeat the lie that somehow he didn't know he took and saved classified documents around his house. You act like he does to his wife when she find porn on his computer. You did? How did that get there?

You're a liar like your President and party
More nasty personal attacks. Every time.

Good stuff.

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