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Trump's high wire act

lol She said nothing to disagree with. She dodged the issues by telling us about her beliefs and values and then slamming Trump. From your posts it is clear that you voted for her because you didn't like Trump's style and not because of something she proposed to do. It was this substance free campaign that has left the Democratic leaders unsure of what the Party is all about now.
Come on, the reason you didn't vote for Hillary was because she had a (D) after her name.

Everything else is noise.
For you, perhaps, that was the only important thing, but for the economic Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin, and the other swing states, it was the fact she had nothing of substance to say to them.
More people voted against him than for him.

If he's smart he'll keep that in mind.
Winner Takes All

Another self-serving lie to comfort your cult, but it has no effect on rational people. On the contrary, you hope he's stupid enough to take those Coastie losers, misfits, and moochers seriously. Voting rights will change and they will be stricken from the rolls they never should have been allowed on in a nationalist country.
The fact that more people voted against him than for him is a lie?

From which website to you pick THAT gem?
The Defensive Deafness of the Chanting Echo Chamber

That's not what I said and you know it. Your cult of spoiled brat drama queens craving attention has to block out the fact that Trump doesn't have to consider your agenda at all. So it doesn't matter if you're the non-electing majority, either. Any objection to your power-hungry whining is treated as an attack on your imaginary popular-vote entitlement.
Come on, the reason you didn't vote for Hillary was because she had a (D) after her name.

Everything else is noise.
For you, perhaps, that was the only important thing, but for the economic Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin, and the other swing states, it was the fact she had nothing of substance to say to them.
More people voted against him than for him.

If he's smart he'll keep that in mind.
Winner Takes All

Another self-serving lie to comfort your cult, but it has no effect on rational people. On the contrary, you hope he's stupid enough to take those Coastie losers, misfits, and moochers seriously. Voting rights will change and they will be stricken from the rolls they never should have been allowed on in a nationalist country.
The fact that more people voted against him than for him is a lie?

From which website to you pick THAT gem?
The Defensive Deafness of the Chanting Echo Chamber

That's not what I said and you know it. Your cult of spoiled brat drama queens craving attention has to block out the fact that Trump doesn't have to consider your agenda at all. So it doesn't matter if you're the non-electing majority, either. Any objection to your power-hungry whining is treated as an attack on your imaginary popular-vote entitlement.
Well, now that you've devolved into personal insults, name-calling and hyper-partisanship, I know for sure what I'm dealing with.

Partisans - both ends - are a little too boring for me, sorry.
Wow... so, um, your Dad is participating in a Communist Program? Okay.

Actually, Medicare does it about right. they have set schedules of what they will pay for procedures. The insurance companies get into this complicated dance of what the medical companies will rip them off for, like when I had my knee surgery and they charged my insurance company $100 for liquid tylanol.

Gee, now why do you suppose they did that? DUH!

Yes, Medicare and Medicaid do have set prices. That's why some places refuse government patients. It's also why when medical facilities close down, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods that have mostly government patients. If there is not enough private and private insured patients to recoup their losses from government patients, they have no choice but to close the doors.

But that's how government deals with failure. Politicians realize if they increase employee contributions for Medicare, people just may want to do away with it and perhaps transfer the program to private insurance instead. So instead of facing those problems, they simply cut payments to medical facilities, and as I pointed out, those facilities have to make up those losses somewhere.

Cool Story Bro.... reality .

On Tort Reform, It's Time to Declare Victory and Withdraw

This latest study follows numerous others that deflated other tort reform myths: that making it harder for victims to file medical malpractice lawsuits would reduce the number of “frivolous” suits that “clog the courts;" that imposing caps on the damages victims could receive would reign in "out of control" juries that were awarding lottery-size sums to plaintiffs; and that malpractice insurance premiums would fall, thereby reversing a doctor shortage caused by specialists "fleeing the profession."

None of these promised benefits became reality. That’s because the alleged problems were themselves non-existent. Perhaps the most telling fact is that the Department of Justice found that the median med mal award in jury-decided cases was $400,000. In bench trials, where the judge also serves as the jury, the median award was $631,000.

As we discussed with people shooting little thugs, it's not the award that costs the money, it's the litigation. when insurance companies have to pay the millions they do to protect their client, they have to increase premiums. It's also why people settle out of court.

HTML Version

Right. Rich person screws you, and you blame the government.

You know what I do when my employer screws me? I send out resumes and find one that pays better.

It has nothing to do with pay, but I also understand you have attention issues.

Like I've said repeatedly, if you go out and get another job, what's stopping the next employer from doing the same, telling you he's cutting the benefit because there's Commie Care now? It's happening all over the country.

But as a good little lib, you think when the federal government F's up your life, you should be the one to adjust to it--not get rid of that Nazi government. Well sorry, that's why you lost. We real Americans believe that an overbearing government needs to removed--not pandered to.
So...um, the Republican Party nominated a guy who wasn't a Republican in 2012, but they did nominate a guy who had been a registered Democrat all the way up until 2008 because he appealled to your racism in 2016.

Got it.

Okay, because you aren't very bright, where do you think the initial template for RomneyCare came from? It came from the Heritage Foundation, that wanted a private sector alternative to HillaryCare, which would have just created a public option paid for by taxes on businesses that weren't providing health care to their employees.

And when Romney ran in 2008 on the basis of taking Romneycare nationwide, no Republican had a problem with it. They had problems with him being a Mormon (which is why McCain got the nomination). They didn't have a problem with his healthcare plan.

After the Black Guy Did It, though, No one wanted to say it was their idea, and Republican totally forgot Romney was a Mormon. Because, shit, he could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and the GOP would have supported him

The Heritage Foundation is not the Republican party. The Heritage Foundation does not have representatives making law. They wrote an opinion piece, that doesn't mean it was a Republican plan by any stretch of the imagination. The Republicans had nothing to do with that failure, it's all yours.

The reason Romney lost is because he's a RINO. And Romney never proposed duplication his state healthcare program to the federal level.

Guy, Trumpenfuhrer got less votes than Romney did. You haven't changed any minds. You lost by 3 million votes and another 7 million voted for 3rd party candidates.

So what? Hil-Liar got more votes in one state--California. If the race was about getting the most votes, Trump would have had an entirely different strategy. But the race was for the most electoral votes, and that's what Trump got.
Gee, now why do you suppose they did that? DUH!

Yes, Medicare and Medicaid do have set prices. That's why some places refuse government patients. It's also why when medical facilities close down, it's usually in poorer neighborhoods that have mostly government patients. If there is not enough private and private insured patients to recoup their losses from government patients, they have no choice but to close the doors.

Horseshit. You refuse to see a poor patient, we yank your medical license. DONE! The real problem, of course, is that we are in assembly line medicine, where these doctors are seeing as many patients as possible to make money for their corporations. Which is why we are down to for medical companiesthat run all the hospitals out here.

As we discussed with people shooting little thugs, it's not the award that costs the money, it's the litigation. when insurance companies have to pay the millions they do to protect their client, they have to increase premiums. It's also why people settle out of court.

Horseshit. People settle when they are guilty. Period. The thing is, we don't yank the licenses of the bad actors, because less than 1% of the doctors make up all the malpractice claims.

The Heritage Foundation is not the Republican party. The Heritage Foundation does not have representatives making law. They wrote an opinion piece, that doesn't mean it was a Republican plan by any stretch of the imagination. The Republicans had nothing to do with that failure, it's all yours.

It was more than an opinion piece... it was a fleshed out plan Romney put into action.

The reason Romney lost is because he's a RINO. And Romney never proposed duplication his state healthcare program to the federal level.

Um, yes, he did. In fact, that was the premise of his 2008 campaign. And then the Black Guy did it, and beacuse you guys just hated the black guy, Romney wouldn't be caught having a drinnk with his own plan.
Horseshit. You refuse to see a poor patient, we yank your medical license. DONE! The real problem, of course, is that we are in assembly line medicine, where these doctors are seeing as many patients as possible to make money for their corporations. Which is why we are down to for medical companiesthat run all the hospitals out here.

Survey: More doctors report they cannot afford to take new Medicaid, Medicare patients

Horseshit. People settle when they are guilty. Period. The thing is, we don't yank the licenses of the bad actors, because less than 1% of the doctors make up all the malpractice claims.

Sounds to me like you don't know a thing about law. Settlements have nothing to do with guilt, they have to do with dragging out cases for years on end costing millions of dollars in some instances. They have to do with company reputation, politics, or personal safety.

It was more than an opinion piece... it was a fleshed out plan Romney put into action.

Even if he did, so what? You don't understand that it's within a states right to implement a plan for people of their state? That's different than destroying a healthcare system for the entire country. Even if Romney got his ideas from an opinion piece, the Republicans as a whole were against it. That's why every Republican voted against Commie Care.

Um, yes, he did. In fact, that was the premise of his 2008 campaign. And then the Black Guy did it, and beacuse you guys just hated the black guy, Romney wouldn't be caught having a drinnk with his own plan.

The only thing Romney proposed was offering a tax credit to individuals who did buy their own insurance. There was no individual mandate and no employer mandate; no mandate of any kind. Just the provision that states allow insurance companies to cross state lines (to provide competition) and insurance meets state minimum requirements. That's it. Nothing more than that, and I hardly call that any plan.
Even if he did, so what? You don't understand that it's within a states right to implement a plan for people of their state? That's different than destroying a healthcare system for the entire country. Even if Romney got his ideas from an opinion piece, the Republicans as a whole were against it. That's why every Republican voted against Commie Care.

No, the Republicans voted against it because the black guy came up with it.

That's what happens when you become a White Identity Party.
Lie Detector

You're giving yourself away by bringing up that popular vote Demwit talking point. Only partisan nutcakes are still yapping about that irrelevancy.
Believe what you will. The fact remains that he said this: "People supported Trump because they liked his positions on the issues". Okay, so if we're being honest, that means that more people voted against him on the issues.

Are you going to deny that? Or should I drag out the Lie Detector?

Mmm, you are ignoring the possibility that the people that SUPPORTED Trump did so on the issues, while those who opposed him did so for other reasons.

Just saying.
Sure, but the premise here is that, since Trump won, most people agree with him on "issues".

It just isn't true, any more than the notion that the Dems had the right to ramrod their crap after 2008.

The country is split, and anyone who pushes this notion that "the people voted for..." is dreaming.
To the Victor Go the Spoils

That's another rhetorical trick, demanding a situation where nothing can ever get done because everybody has to agree, or at least some supermajority has to. So Trump can only follow through on a percentage of his issues that reflect his percentage of the electoral vote?
He can choose to make decisions based on the fact that we're a large, diverse, dynamic, complicated society, or he just cram a narrow agenda down our throats. That's his call, and we'll see what happens.

There is nothing narrow about his agenda. And diverse is no excuse for anything.
Even if he did, so what? You don't understand that it's within a states right to implement a plan for people of their state? That's different than destroying a healthcare system for the entire country. Even if Romney got his ideas from an opinion piece, the Republicans as a whole were against it. That's why every Republican voted against Commie Care.

No, the Republicans voted against it because the black guy came up with it.

That's what happens when you become a White Identity Party.

Filthy race baiter.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?

1. We had no choice on Election Day, it was either Trump or America would be socialist with Hilly naming at least 1 judge.

2. Trump will fail no matter what he does unless he goes directly to the people, and over the heads of the MSM.

3. If they find the leakers and they are Obama or Clinton appointees, the left is done for at least a year. Why? Because they are being handled /directed by someone, and that/those someone's getting caught would not be good, if you get my drift.

So the race is on Mac, and everyone is all in. Who will bring whom down 1st! The Dems really have no choice, because if Trump gets his way, we all know that the left will be set back 25yrs minimum, just with the illegal immigration issue

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1. We had no choice on Election Day, it was either Trump or America would be socialist with Hilly naming at least 1 judge.

Well, no, Hillary was hardly a socialist with the backing of Wall Street, but even with all her flaws, she wasn't crazy like Trump clearly is.

2. Trump will fail no matter what he does unless he goes directly to the people, and over the heads of the MSM.

I think that the people- who voted against him- will get tired of his schtick after a certain point.

3. If they find the leakers and they are Obama or Clinton appointees, the left is done for at least a year. Why? Because they are being handled /directed by someone, and that/those someone's getting caught would not be good, if you get my drift.

So the race is on Mac, and everyone is all in. Who will bring whom down 1st! The Dems really have no choice, because if Trump gets his way, we all know that the left will be set back 25yrs minimum, just with the illegal immigration issue

Nobody is going to care about who the "leakers" are.

Flynn was playing footsie with the Russians.
Believe what you will. The fact remains that he said this: "People supported Trump because they liked his positions on the issues". Okay, so if we're being honest, that means that more people voted against him on the issues.

Are you going to deny that? Or should I drag out the Lie Detector?

Mmm, you are ignoring the possibility that the people that SUPPORTED Trump did so on the issues, while those who opposed him did so for other reasons.

Just saying.
Sure, but the premise here is that, since Trump won, most people agree with him on "issues".

It just isn't true, any more than the notion that the Dems had the right to ramrod their crap after 2008.

The country is split, and anyone who pushes this notion that "the people voted for..." is dreaming.
To the Victor Go the Spoils

That's another rhetorical trick, demanding a situation where nothing can ever get done because everybody has to agree, or at least some supermajority has to. So Trump can only follow through on a percentage of his issues that reflect his percentage of the electoral vote?
He can choose to make decisions based on the fact that we're a large, diverse, dynamic, complicated society, or he just cram a narrow agenda down our throats. That's his call, and we'll see what happens.

There is nothing narrow about his agenda. And diverse is no excuse for anything.
Well, that's all fine. We'll see how it goes.
Your lies are the opposite of the truth, you filthy racist, race baiter. Fuck you.

Guy, i know you blame the darkies for that job you lost to a machine, but you need to let it go, man.

If all you have is the Race Card, fuck you, you piece of shit.
Mutant Feralphiles

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it to make themselves feel like winners.

They can't make the case for their policies, positions or arguments, so they scream racists, and the brainless mob joins in, and they tell themselves they did something other than just being a worthless piece of shit.
Even if he did, so what? You don't understand that it's within a states right to implement a plan for people of their state? That's different than destroying a healthcare system for the entire country. Even if Romney got his ideas from an opinion piece, the Republicans as a whole were against it. That's why every Republican voted against Commie Care.

No, the Republicans voted against it because the black guy came up with it.

That's what happens when you become a White Identity Party.

Right, as if any white Socialist on the Dem side came up with it, the Republicans would have voted for it.

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