Trumps home raided by fbi

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It’s the actual story for anyone who doesn’t exist in the right wing echo chamber.
It's the actual story of delusional, pom-pom waving moonbat hacks like you.

Ukraine is, and has been for years, one of the top 3 most corrupt nations on the planet, and is the money laundry for every crooked politician everywhere.
Clinton and Hunter Biden are or were being investigated. Just like Trump.

There may or may not be charges against Trump, just as there may or may not be charges against Hunter Biden.

The point is that there is a process.

You’re just unhinged with Obama.
Oh but they never raided either of their homes. Clinton was asked to “hand over” things she destroyed later. And the FBI has completely sat on Hunter’s incriminating lap top. In fact it ran a cover up operation calling it “Russian propaganda” along with the media. You do need to keep up.
Speak for yourself.

It doesn’t really matter if the search was proper or not. The right is demanding revenge because Trump is their cult leader.

I wasn't even hoping Trump won the primary before yesterday. You want proof? Look at my postings over the last couple of weeks. I wanted DeSantis.

Today? Trump 100%. You folks need to learn a lesson the real hard way. For YOU this time. Not for us.
I remember when Trump met with his business partners in the White House.

Never-Trumpers? Sessions was one of the first high-profile congressmen to support Trump candidacy and they were ALL appointed by Trump himself.

You are posting ludecrous nonsense.

Sessions showed his true colors and couldn't be trusted, and was know that.
Comey signed off on the FISA warrant for the dossier, WTF? keep dancing
It's the actual story of delusional, pom-pom waving moonbat hacks like you.

Ukraine is, and has been for years, one of the top 3 most corrupt nations on the planet, and is the money laundry for every crooked politician everywhere.
Yes! It is corrupt!

We were trying to make it less corrupt. Part of making a country less corrupt is by getting rid of CORRUPT PROSECUTORS.

That’s what Biden was doing.
Target the middle and lower class. Get those making less than $75,000 in an audit. Make them hire a tax attorney.
Should middle and low income class be excluded from tax compliance auditing? Wtf is your point?

And no, you don't need a lawyer. I know plenty of people that got audited, they handled it just fine without any lawyers.
You didn't call Trump criminal, you called Joe and Garland criminals.

Or are you too retarded to keep track of wtf you are saying?
Your sidekick Eddie called Trump a criminal. I was responding to him.

You are too retarded to follow the thread, apparently.
The raid is just a thing, there would never be anything wonderful about it.

The jury is still out for those who do not live with their head up Trump's ass on if it was justified or not.

If they did it solely for some records taken from the national archive then I will join you with the torches and pitchforks.

No you won't, court eunuch. No backtracking. You're only good at laughing at people who actually care about his nation not turning into a banana republic.
Yes! It is corrupt!

We were trying to make it less corrupt. Part of making a country less corrupt is by getting rid of CORRUPT PROSECUTORS.

That’s what Biden was doing.
YEah, it's purely coincidental that the prosecutor was investigating the company paying off his son.
Oh but they never raided either of their homes. Clinton was asked to “hand over” things she destroyed later. And the FBI has completely sat on Hunter’s incriminating lap top. In fact it ran a cover up operation calling it “Russian propaganda” along with the media. You do need to keep up.
Clinton never destroyed anything after FBI asked for it.

You have no idea what the FBI is doing with Hunter’s laptop. Zero. There was no “cover” that the FBI ran. The FBI never said any such thing.

I don’t keep up with right wing media lies. I stick to reality.

Different investigations have different requirements.
YEah, it's purely coincidental that the prosecutor was investigating the company paying off his son.
There was no investigation. That’s a lie coming from the corrupt prosecutor and Russian disinformation.
No you won't, court eunuch. No backtracking. You're only good at laughing at people who actually care about his nation not turning into a banana republic.

Still not backtracking, I have been consistent from my first post.

But you are correct, I do love to laugh at you people! but it is not really my fault as you make it so very easy
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