Trumps home raided by fbi

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The raid is just a thing, there would never be anything wonderful about it.

The jury is still out for those who do not live with their head up Trump's ass on if it was justified or not.

If they did it solely for some records taken from the national archive then I will join you with the torches and pitchforks.
There you go, defending Democrat sleaze. And you claim you aren't partisan.
Fucking bullshit...Xiden was clearing the deck for his and his family's big time grift, and needed a stooge like Zelensky in place to pull it off.
It wasn’t even Biden’s idea to work to get the prosecutor dismissed.

You’re clueless.
about the Democrats stealing the 2020 election.
The trump "Big Lie" and refusal to concede and have a peaceful transition of power,
These ^^^^^^^^^ are the things that caused all of this.

If trump wasn't such a coward, NONE of this would be happening.
"No, I take no responsibility at all." djt

I cast 100% Blame on trump.
There was no investigation. That’s a lie coming from the corrupt prosecutor and Russian disinformation.
That's a well known Democrat lie. The prosecutor says he was. Who should I believe, you, a partisan Democrat, or him, the guy who was most likely to know?
Should middle and low income class be excluded from tax compliance auditing? Wtf is your point?

And no, you don't need a lawyer. I know plenty of people that got audited, they handled it just fine without any lawyers.
It's about making money. It's easier to intimidate the less able to defend themselves. They will just pay whatever they are told to pay. Protection money.

Audit everyone. No exceptions.
Faun said:
You don't even realize you're (collectively) the butt of every joke this morning.

i doubt that...but i do know that you and people who think like you are being looked at in a whole new light with your remarks.
Sessions showed his true colors and couldn't be trusted, and was know that.
Comey signed off on the FISA warrant for the dossier, WTF? keep dancing
You telling me about how all these Trump appointed Republicans are "my tent" and then claim I'm the one dancing?

You are nuts. Just because Trump drove all these people to a breaking point doesn't mean they were never-Trumpers. Thats just something you tell yourself to not have to deal with his ridiculous stunts.

Banana's for everyone.....:banana:
I read Trump was in NY to give a deposition in the investigation of fraud being conducted there. One he was ordered to give after he initially refused.

No wonder he put so much effort in to grifting his gullible supporters for contributions to overturn the election. He knew his legal bills were going to be enormous.
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