Trumps home raided by fbi

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Someone as thoroughly corrupt and crooked as Donald Trump should never have tempted fate. Karma is biting him in the ass bigly.

Trump is a dumbass. The National Archives requested several times he return the classified documents he possesses.

Why did he ignore them? Is there something in those records he does not want the public to see?
Trump had those c/o the Office.The Office of the Presidency.
He still has every right to disagree with whatever new or Old
rule applies.This isn't like what Sandy Berger pulled.
Who actually sat down at the National Archive and took
documents { stuffed in his pockets and pants } and left the
building.Of course he lied about it for some time.
Paid a very small price for such Theft.
Big difference thar Pally.
So Hunter Biden, Hillary, McCabe, and Strzok are all above the law? Is that what you're saying?

He's still the former president, dumb fuck. Biden is using the DOJ to persecute his political opponents.

Since when does the FBI use 30 agents to raid the home of a private citizen?
Yes, the democrats are above the law. More precisely, there simply IS no law in America. We have a gangster in charge of the DOJ.
Why didn't he do that when he was President?
Because he was playing by the rules. Now that the fucking Democraps have proved that they disdain the rules, they need to be taught the value of those rules.

Plus, this time, the deep state DOJ is gonna get cleaned out like the Augean Stables.
Trump did fire Comey. He hired Wray because Chris Christy convinced Trump that he was a solid choice. Clearly that was a mistake.
Trump was brilliant and capable in so many good ways, but I think one of his weaknesses was in trusting too many of the wrong people.

Looks like the FBI still hasn't found anything.
Perhaps they will plan something.

On the other hand, the FBI didn't check out any of Jeffrey Epstein's residences until 24 hours after he was found dead.
Talk about LibTards being retarded.
Silly Boo-boo is calling Trump a traitor when Biden is the one importing third-world illegals and taking deliberate actions to drive inflation higher on middle class Americans while simultaneously raising their taxes.

The country is being destroyed from within by the Biden Regime.
I believe his continued attack on the Constitution and our Institutions are traitorous in nature if not in statute.

TGrumpybear's hateful nature is leading the Neo-GOP.
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