Trumps home raided by fbi

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Not only THAT - but Trump and lawyers had been cooperating with Nat Archives for over a year to sort this out the way IT NORMALLY IS DONE FOR EVERY ex Pres. Trunp already turned over more than a dozen boxes of stuff voluntarilly to the Nat Archives,.

Doubtful Trump had TIME to sort all those boxes before moving day. No president takes the time to pack and sort while "on the job".
Trump was slapped with a warrant because he lied about documents still in his possession, denying that he had them. The FBI & NA got the TOP SECRETS documents returned the only way they could. By slapping conman Trump with a search warrant. Trump had no business holding those documents for a year & a half in the first place.

Tough shit Donny.
If they used the same cast, they'd be giving quite a few starring roles to Republicans who had dim prospects after serving in the Trump regime.

However, the Cry Baby Lose would still prefer to watch his goons savage outnumbered police at the Capitol.

Insurrection. BOO!
THEY can do whatever they want. They OBTAINED the warrant -- they can release it. MIGHT "hinder their ongoing investigations" -- but dammit -- THAT"S THE FUCKING POINT. If it's sketchy or too vague -- their lastest 3rd world desperate dictator move might get spoiled.

I am not worried about it hindering their investigation.

What if it is not sketchy or too vague at all, but finely specific and then Trump sues them for releasing it and showing the world what is in it.

Trump/his lawyers have a copy of it. If it were sketchy or too vague they could have released it already.

Why do you suppose they have not?
Nah. I’ll wait for credible evidence.

Wrong. He looked into the prospect of having Pence do some things that now seem dubious. But right or wrong, guys like you never stop to contemplate the why nor do you consider the possibility of the actions being legal.

According to whom? Tell me how this was tested in the crucible of a good cross examination. I’ll wait.

According to whom? What was said on cross examination again?
Oh man. You really aren’t informed. I guess that’s what happens when you dismiss the committee’s findings as not credible without even knowing what they are or how they got there.

Pence’s chief of staff testified about how the requests from Trump weren’t “looking into prospects”. That’s a really disingenuous white washing. In Trump’s own speech on Jan 6th, he even mentioned Pence and wanting him to “do the right thing”. It wasn’t a specific set of requests.

This is likewise documented in memos and emails from Eastman. Trump has basically admitted it.

Testimony about Jeff Clark came from numerous first hand witnesses, Donoghue, Rosen and Engal to name a few. It’s backed up by documentation.

You can try to ignore it. It doesn’t change anything.
Oh man. You really aren’t informed. I guess that’s what happens when you dismiss the committee’s findings as not credible without even knowing what they are or how they got there.

Pence’s chief of staff testified about how the requests from Trump weren’t “looking into prospects”. That’s a really disingenuous white washing. In Trump’s own speech on Jan 6th, he even mentioned Pence and wanting him to “do the right thing”. It wasn’t a specific set of requests.

This is likewise documented in memos and emails from Eastman. Trump has basically admitted it.

Testimony about Jeff Clark came from numerous first hand witnesses, Donoghue, Rosen and Engal to name a few. It’s backed up by documentation.

You can try to ignore it. It doesn’t change anything.

Funny how you fail to support any of your claims?

Which hate site are you reciting this crap from?
I think you stumbled over the English language, there.

You don't know what Trump did or didn't do. But remember, he is the idiot that confesses high crimes on live TV and recorded phone calls. So you tried a little gotcha post based on your fantasy and fell on your face. You trumpers have been making up shit for so long, you don't even realize when you are doing it anymore.
I guess you have a little trouble grasping the definition of the word "if".

Come back and try again some time.
My brain is just fine, unlike yours which literally floats in Trump Kool-Aid.
Garland took a very long time to make this move. He has a lot of shit on Mar-A-Lago Fats.
But don't you worry your Kool-Aid soaked head. Trump won't go to prison.
But he may be sporting an ankle bracelet in the near future.
In your smelly little wet dreams.
Settle down, Derp. :laughing0301:

BTW, did you try chewing out Blaine Tweeter who is the source of that cartoon? :1peleas:

Again I ask.

That's FDA grade A bullshit. NOBODY supervised the packing out of the Trumps from the White House. At THAT LEVEL -- 98% of classified info that Trump is privvy to IS IN HIS HEAD. This is true for MOST PEOPLE who have Special Access or code name clearances -- especially a President or ex President.

RIght NOW -- not even the JUDGE who issued the warrant(s) knows of any specific docs stolen. And certainly NOBODY in the MEDIA or on USMB has that knowledge. But we DAMN WELL BETTER BE PRIVVY to the TEXT of the warrant(s) - AT LEAST -- or this massive hissy fit from the implanted partisans is gonna BOIL OUT OF CONTROL QUICK-LIKE.
The CIA, or whomever the controlling agency was, knew which documents were delivered to the White House. They know which documents weren't returned. This is elementary stuff. They keep excessively tight control over highly classified documents. There is an assumed trust that whoever is president, they too will keep tight control.

As for keeping the information in your head, if these documents has longitude and latitude of critical sites, Iranian nuclear silos, North Korean silos, or lists of names of covert operatives working Undercover in foreign lands, no president is going to keep all of that in their head. Especially Trump who just yesterday thanked Sarah Palin in a conference call for all her good work as vice president. 🙄
The CIA, or whomever the controlling agency was, knew which documents were delivered to the White House. They know which documents weren't returned. This is elementary stuff. They keep excessively tight control over highly classified documents. There is an assumed trust that whoever is president, they too will keep tight control.

As for keeping the information in your head, if these documents has longitude and latitude of critical sites, Iranian nuclear silos, North Korean silos, or lists of names of covert operatives working Undercover in foreign lands, no president is going to keep all of that in their head. Especially Trump who just yesterday thanked Sarah Palin in a conference call for all her good work as vice president. 🙄
I think it can safely be said that if Nixon had the kind of cult following Trump does, and if there was a right wing media cohort lying their asses off 24/7 in defense of Dick at the time of Watergate, he may not have resigned. The political calculus for Repub senators at the time would have been what it was during Trump's impeachments. How politically risky for themselves would it have been to consider the evidence and vote to convict.

Evidence? There wasn’t even a crime.
You leftists are absolute morons.
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