Trumps home raided by fbi

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If Trump returned the TOP SECRET documents that he stole from the W.H. instead of lying about what he had in his possesion the lying rat bastard wouldn't have been served with a search warrant.

It's as simple as that. Trump's compulsive lying finally caught up with him.

Boo hoo hoo.
one was a letter to obama, another to kim jon un. nowhere do we really know that much about what documents were actually there.

so you're 100% full of shit and dramafying shit with TOP SECRET cause you're a doosh.
First off, it a judge appointed by the Traitor that approved the Search Warrant. Such warrants are not issued if there was sufficient cause for it to be issued.

The FB.I. did inform the Secret Service. The F.B.I. also video taped the search. Merrit Garland would have had to approve the seach as well.

We know that the Traitor removed documents from the WH (At least 15-boxes worth) that should have gone to the National Archives. Which means the Traitor broke federal on that count.

The Traitor also removed classifed documents, Top Secet and above T.S. which means he could be charged with Inproper Handling Classified Material, another Federal Law Broken.

There would not have been a search of the safe without knowing what was in that safe, which means someone other the Traitor told the D.O.J. about the contents of the safe. We know that Mark Meadows has been speaking with the D.O.J. Meadows would have known the contents of the safe

While I am sure Mr. Biden would have to been informed of the search, but he would have no part of it or knowledge of search nor would he have directed the search.

I am laughing my ass off at the totally hair brained and somewhat stupid conspiracy theories I'm reading. But all you people are lies and conspiracies.

Trump didn't appoint that judge.
THEY can do whatever they want. They OBTAINED the warrant -- they can release it. MIGHT "hinder their ongoing investigations" -- but dammit -- THAT"S THE FUCKING POINT. If it's sketchy or too vague -- their lastest 3rd world desperate dictator move might get spoiled.
Or they can keep it sealed and continue their investigation.
I mean, good luck repealing the Supremacy Clause of the constitution. You're going to need 38 states to go along with it, which is a tough sell if it's not a completely moronic idea like this.

Florida can't do anything of this sort by themselves.

Florida, an asshole state with racists and bigots.
Oh, did I miss something that came out today or is this just some more of the Right-Wing take on Mar-a-Lago being searched. OhmyGod! :eek:

Maybe the F.B.I. found stale Mickey D's fries.
Trump have no such orders.
Sure. Maybe you should check up on the Jan 6th committee.

For starters there’s Trump trying to get Pence to do various illegal and unconstitutional things with the electoral votes. Either he’s supposed to submit fraudulent votes, or refuse to count some Biden votes. The request changed a few times.

But more to the DoJ, after Barr bailed out because Trump had lost his grip on reality, Trump wanted the DoJ to write a letter about nonexistent fraud. He even considered putting Jeffrey Clark in as acting attorney general. A lot of lawyers threatened to resign en masse from the WH Counsel office and from DoJ if Trump did what he wanted so he backed dow.
Sure. Maybe you should check up on the Jan 6th committee.

Nah. I’ll wait for credible evidence.
For starters there’s Trump trying to get Pence to do various illegal and unconstitutional things

Wrong. He looked into the prospect of having Pence do some things that now seem dubious. But right or wrong, guys like you never stop to contemplate the why nor do you consider the possibility of the actions being legal.
with the electoral votes. Either he’s supposed to submit fraudulent votes, or refuse to count some Biden votes. The request changed a few times.
According to whom? Tell me how this was tested in the crucible of a good cross examination. I’ll wait.
But more to the DoJ, after Barr bailed out because Trump had lost his grip on reality, Trump wanted the DoJ to write a letter about nonexistent fraud. He even considered putting Jeffrey Clark in as acting attorney general. A lot of lawyers threatened to resign en masse from the WH Counsel office and from DoJ if Trump did what he wanted so he backed dow.
According to whom? What was said on cross examination again?

Who in the Fucking Hell do YOU think YOU are to decide who is a REAL AMERICAN?????


THEY can do whatever they want. They OBTAINED the warrant -- they can release it. MIGHT "hinder their ongoing investigations" -- but dammit -- THAT"S THE FUCKING POINT. If it's sketchy or too vague -- their lastest 3rd world desperate dictator move might get spoiled.
I bet that releasing the warrant is the last thing Trump wants.

It’s like when he was president and he was constantly talking about declassifying documents that he never did. It’s more advantageous for him to not have facts out in the open because then he can just say whatever he wants and his supporters will believe it.
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