Trumps home raided by fbi

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1) Demonization.
2) Double standards.
3) Deligitimization.

The leftists use the three above against the little Jewish country, and now they’ve adapted it to use against Trump.
If Trump returned the TOP SECRET documents that he stole from the W.H. instead of lying about what he had in his possesion the lying rat bastard wouldn't have been served with a search warrant.

It's as simple as that. Trump's compulsive lying finally caught up with him.

Boo hoo hoo.
Sure it does. The FBI just broke every standard and law by which warrants are issued. It is a clear abuse of power by Biden attacking his own immediate political opponent, while glaringly not applying it elsewhere. The Bidenistas have just bit off more than they can chew unless they come forward RIGHT NOW and declare the RAID was a slam dunk yielding clear proof of serious crimes against Trump.

First off, it a judge appointed by the Traitor that approved the Search Warrant. Such warrants are not issued if there was sufficient cause for it to be issued.

The FB.I. did inform the Secret Service. The F.B.I. also video taped the search. Merrit Garland would have had to approve the seach as well.

We know that the Traitor removed documents from the WH (At least 15-boxes worth) that should have gone to the National Archives. Which means the Traitor broke federal on that count.

The Traitor also removed classifed documents, Top Secet and above T.S. which means he could be charged with Inproper Handling Classified Material, another Federal Law Broken.

There would not have been a search of the safe without knowing what was in that safe, which means someone other the Traitor told the D.O.J. about the contents of the safe. We know that Mark Meadows has been speaking with the D.O.J. Meadows would have known the contents of the safe

While I am sure Mr. Biden would have to been informed of the search, but he would have no part of it or knowledge of search nor would he have directed the search.

I am laughing my ass off at the totally hair brained and somewhat stupid conspiracy theories I'm reading. But all you people are lies and conspiracies.
Apparently you've been too busy here to listen to every legal, constitutional and governmental expert absolutely RIPPING APART what the FBI did last night.

NO ONE'S house is ever raided just to get a few simple papers that the National Archive is interested in preserving.

So I guess you missed the other thing too:


None yet. Investigations are still ongoing.
Stick around, wait till you see how fast presidential debate threads move. . . .
Fun times ahead! Can you imagine a Trump v Biden debate, now that Biden is in mid-stage dementia?

Trump: We need to restore the “Wait in Mexico” policy, especially while we still battle new strains of COVID and food shortages. We simply cannot afford to absorb 200,000 semi-literate illegal immigrants every month as our debt soars and Americans are struggling with 40-year-high inflation.

Biden: We need to….what I’m saying is that the border…the people at the border….the ones coming in, I mean….we should, um….you know, the thing.
The warrant might not EVEN BE legal. The corrupt FBI and Atty Gen needs to RELEASE THE WARRANT TODAY to avoid making this a "last stand" of the EVIL deranged people running ILLEGAL OPERATIONS on anything Trump for the PAST SIX YEARS...

They've raided A DOZEN HOMES of Trump associates with ARMIES of people confiscated ONLY LEGAL PERSONAL PROPERTY. Because of all those dawn RAIDS and RUINED LIVES -- ALL THE FBI managed "get on them" WERE PROCESS CRIMES.

We're not as stupid and uninformed as you are. And TRUST ME - YOU DO NOT WANT all these "unprecendented dictatorial moves" to BECOME STANDARD POLITICS. But RIGHT NOW -- 1/2 of America is VOWING to BREAK the law and Constitution to get even.

We WANT the same pain inflicted on these "wannabe" revolutionaries that SHOULD be managing a TurdWorld Country and NOT our America.

True, it might not be. But you don't know that it is.

How do you know if that safe was empty, no mind? Because Dotard's idiot son said so? Think the FBI only looked in the safe, pinhead?

Btw, i doesn't matter what Eric The Idiot says anyway. The entire planet knows that the Trump family are a pack of liars.

Except you, Trump ball washer.
Poor little faggot having a tantrum again. Hey asswipe, nothing in the safe. Didn’t even check the boxes they took. Of course you won’t listen to truth, just what the guy you meet behind the dumpster at Wal-Mart whispers to you as you bend over.
Why don't you ask ypur boy to release the warrant? He's the "victim", right? Anyone stopping your boy from releasing it?

Btw, who the fuck deeded this Country over to you, jerkoff?

ANY search warrant is "under seal" until AT LEAST the raid is completed. But all these LEFTIST warriors URGING TRUMP to release the warrant are probably not working in HIS best interests. Because by DOING SO -- the FBI could make the case that HE interfered in a CONTINUING investigation.

OR -- the JUDGE order "the seal" on the warrant to be broken ONLY when the FBI decides it should go public. Good thing Trump is smarter than all those media clowns and lying assholes like Adam Shitless who are pushing this narrative.

TRUMP is under NO obligation to release the warrant. But the PUBLIC can bring pressure on the PATENTLY corrupt FBI or Atty Gen to DO SO QUICKLY.
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The warrant might not EVEN BE legal. The corrupt FBI and Atty Gen needs to RELEASE THE WARRANT TODAY to avoid making this a "last stand" of the EVIL deranged people running ILLEGAL OPERATIONS on anything Trump for the PAST SIX YEARS...

Can they even do that legally?
Poor little faggot having a tantrum again. Hey asswipe, nothing in the safe. Didn’t even check the boxes they took. Of course you won’t listen to truth, just what the guy you meet behind the dumpster at Wal-Mart whispers to you as you bend over.

Not only THAT - but Trump and lawyers had been cooperating with Nat Archives for over a year to sort this out the way IT NORMALLY IS DONE FOR EVERY ex Pres. Trunp already turned over more than a dozen boxes of stuff voluntarilly to the Nat Archives,.

Doubtful Trump had TIME to sort all those boxes before moving day. No president takes the time to pack and sort while "on the job".
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