Trumps home raided by fbi

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THIS STORY is a ball-buster for these power hungry Sandinista wanna be revolutionaries who are DESPERATE to excommunicate Trump from politics. Deserves to generate 80 PAGES a day UNTIL the CITIZENS HAVE ANSWERS on when they will STOP MISUSING the power they were given.

What is the point when no one can read them
I hate mergers :(
Do you not think that President Trump has constitutional rights? Because it sure sounds as though the warrant was granted under false pretenses to allow the compromised FBI to go on a fishing expedition.

Also, they removed the boxes from the premises to “review” them later? How do we know that they won’t fabricate something by which to indict Trump? The Dems’ 1/6 witch-hunt proves that they are desperate to do ANYTHING to prevent 74 million people from having an opportunity to vote for the person they wish for president.

Great, share with the class the affidavit filed to obtain the search warrant...
I've mentioned this before here: I have to wonder if this investigation and the Jan 6 investigation are bumping into each other. I wonder why Garland would approve of this if it muddies the water for Jan 6.

This is all weird. Doesn't feel right to me.

Jan 6th is not an 'investigation' in the same manner. That is political, this is legal. They have little to do with each other in terms of outcomes, purpose or process. That they cross paths is really a given and another reason the whole Jan 6th issue is noting more than political theater. The justice department is where things will get done or fail to do so.

What does not feel right about them crossing paths?
Not really. You DO NOT go getting warrants on FISHING EXPEDITIONS. No legal warrant allows "what is found". This is 4th Amendment fundamentals here. You must STATE exactly WHAT you expect to find and PROVE there is credible danger that the SPECIFIC EVIDENCE is in danger of being destroyed.

But of course, if you find the RIGHT DC judge and prosecutor -- they WILL ALLOW (illegally) VERY BROAD descriptions of what is to be searched.

IGNORING the 4th Amendment is a deal breaker for this country. And this is an UNPRECEDENTED action taken by DESPERATE people. The voters will SEE THIS for what it is.
Oh, I understand, but only the right-wing folk have suggested they did not know what they were looking for, and characterized it as a fishing expedition. That remains to be seen, so I do not believe in it until it is shown by other than hurt feelings. I'm just funny like that, always had this hang up with wanting crap proved by more than wishful inferences. Sometimes judges and juries are like that. The close minded assholes!
Nice made up shit. Too bad you have no proof they didn't provide probable cause for the warrant.

The warrant might not EVEN BE legal. The corrupt FBI and Atty Gen needs to RELEASE THE WARRANT TODAY to avoid making this a "last stand" of the EVIL deranged people running ILLEGAL OPERATIONS on anything Trump for the PAST SIX YEARS...

They've raided A DOZEN HOMES of Trump associates with ARMIES of people confiscated ONLY LEGAL PERSONAL PROPERTY. Because of all those dawn RAIDS and RUINED LIVES -- ALL THE FBI managed "get on them" WERE PROCESS CRIMES.

We're not as stupid and uninformed as you are. And TRUST ME - YOU DO NOT WANT all these "unprecendented dictatorial moves" to BECOME STANDARD POLITICS. But RIGHT NOW -- 1/2 of America is VOWING to BREAK the law and Constitution to get even.

We WANT the same pain inflicted on these "wannabe" revolutionaries that SHOULD be managing a TurdWorld Country and NOT our America.
Hey dumbfuck, the safe was empty. There were no top secret documents there stupid. Trump has fully cooperated and they searched the place a couple months ago. Total bullshit and of course you swallow it. No surprise.
How do you know if that safe was empty, no mind? Because Dotard's idiot son said so? Think the FBI only looked in the safe, pinhead?

Btw, i doesn't matter what Eric The Idiot says anyway. The entire planet knows that the Trump family are a pack of liars.

Except you, Trump ball washer.
Do you not think that President Trump has constitutional rights? Because it sure sounds as though the warrant was granted under false pretenses to allow the compromised FBI to go on a fishing expedition.

Also, they removed the boxes from the premises to “review” them later? How do we know that they won’t fabricate something by which to indict Trump? The Dems’ 1/6 witch-hunt proves that they are desperate to do ANYTHING to prevent 74 million people from having an opportunity to vote for the person they wish for president.
Hey, you're the one that hates law enforcement. I need proof they created evidence. I wasn't there and do not know what they cataloged there all day.
Of course trump has constitutional rights, but he also must act within the bounds of the law, just like anybody else. Nothing special about him.
THIS STORY is a ball-buster for these power hungry Sandinista wanna be revolutionaries who are DESPERATE to excommunicate Trump from politics. Deserves to generate 80 PAGES a day UNTIL the CITIZENS HAVE ANSWERS on when they will STOP MISUSING the power they were given.

You are right about it being a ball-buster. The crazies on both partisan sides were out in force. I finished about 6AM. Didn't do any modding, just enjoyed the shitshow! :auiqs.jpg:
If Trump thinks his rights were violated he's free to sue the government.

Although when average citizens do that, SCOTUS tells them to get lost, they don't care.
Plenty of cases from average citizens make it to SCOTUS.
Oh, I understand, but only the right-wing folk have suggested they did not know what they were looking for, and characterized it as a fishing expedition. That remains to be seen, so I do not believe in it until it is shown by other than hurt feelings. I'm just funny like that, always had this hang up with wanting crap proved by more than wishful inferences. Sometimes judges and juries are like that. The close minded assholes!
and only left wingers think it's fine to raid a former president to get documents for the archives that trump was cooperating in delivering.

you don't give a FUCK what the left does, it would seem. it's fine as long as it goes against those you hate. i'd be against this move even if it was against obama.
Hey, you're the one that hates law enforcement. I need proof they created evidence. I wasn't there and do not know what they cataloged there all day.
Of course trump has constitutional rights, but he also must act within the bounds of the law, just like anybody else. Nothing special about him.
I hate law enforcement? You must have me confused with a leftist, who go around calling for the police to be defunded and “pigs fried like bacon.”
and only left wingers think it's fine to raid a former president to get documents for the archives that trump was cooperating in delivering.

you don't give a FUCK what the left does, it would seem. it's fine as long as it goes against those you hate. i'd be against this move even if it was against obama.
1) Demonization.
2) Double standards.
3) Deligitimization.

The leftists use the three above against the little Jewish country, and now they’ve adapted it to use against Trump.
Apparently you've been too busy here to listen to every legal, constitutional and governmental expert absolutely RIPPING APART what the FBI did last night.

NO ONE'S house is ever raided just to get a few simple papers that the National Archive is interested in preserving.

So I guess you missed the other thing too:

Beats me. I got up late, mowed half the front of mine, my neighbor's front and the pool side in back between the pool, the banana trees and the vehicle gate, while PJ watched Tarzan movies on Tivo of Turner Classic Movies after dropping off the grandkids at school.
The warrant might not EVEN BE legal. The corrupt FBI and Atty Gen needs to RELEASE THE WARRANT TODAY to avoid making this a "last stand" of the EVIL deranged people running ILLEGAL OPERATIONS on anything Trump for the PAST SIX YEARS...

They've raided A DOZEN HOMES of Trump associates with ARMIES of people confiscated ONLY LEGAL PERSONAL PROPERTY. Because of all those dawn RAIDS and RUINED LIVES -- ALL THE FBI managed "get on them" WERE PROCESS CRIMES.

We're not as stupid and uninformed as you are. And TRUST ME - YOU DO NOT WANT all these "unprecendented dictatorial moves" to BECOME STANDARD POLITICS. But RIGHT NOW -- 1/2 of America is VOWING to BREAK the law and Constitution to get even.

We WANT the same pain inflicted on these "wannabe" revolutionaries that SHOULD be managing a TurdWorld Country and NOT our America.
Why don't you ask ypur boy to release the warrant? He's the "victim", right? Anyone stopping your boy from releasing it?

Btw, who the fuck deeded this Country over to you, jerkoff?
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