Trumps home raided by fbi

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Look, I am real sorry, republican lawyers and congress critters were so shitty and ineffective, but hey, I did hire or elect them. That was then. This is now, and like I said, it does not affect a court. I suspect the Right-Wing will have to raise better, smarter lawyers and congress critters, or they might as well immigrate. This crap sounds good on the internet and plays well on the court house steps and on a FOX NEWS segment, but does not work in court, where it counts. Period.

Sure it does. The FBI just broke every standard and law by which warrants are issued. It is a clear abuse of power by Biden attacking his own immediate political opponent, while glaringly not applying it elsewhere. The Bidenistas have just bit off more than they can chew unless they come forward RIGHT NOW and declare the RAID was a slam dunk yielding clear proof of serious crimes against Trump.
The States made the filthy ass Federal government. They can undo it.
I mean, good luck repealing the Supremacy Clause of the constitution. You're going to need 38 states to go along with it, which is a tough sell if it's not a completely moronic idea like this.

Florida can't do anything of this sort by themselves.
What actually scares me are the reports that high level democrats are talking assassination if this doesn't take Trump out. Everything they have tried has failed to keep him from re-election. The deep state in now desperate to maintain power. IF trump is re-elected with all three branches of government to back him up the corruption will be exposed, and their unfettered power decimated.

Oh? Which high level Democrats are talking assassination?
They think no, they think that they can use obscure wording in the 14th so that just indicting him is enough.
No they do not.

This is your assertion. I see no real basis for it whatsoever.

This doesn't "harm" his chances, quite the opposite..

The Nazis have awakened a sleeping giant.

They have turned the majority of the nation against them.

When moving to polarize and divide the nation, make sure you know which way you're pushing people.

I think it is clear the left does think this harms his chances. None of that changes or addressed my point though, I am unsure a conviction can be obtained.
Liar, they did not spy on Trump.

Fucking lying pile of shit Nazi.

Many in the media are diving deeply into minutiae in order to discredit any notion that President Trump might have been onto something in March when he fired off a series of tweets claiming President Obama had “tapped” “wires” in Trump Tower just before the election.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected. If Trump officials — or Trump himself — communicated with Manafort during the wiretaps, they would have been recorded, too.}

The spying began in early 2016 as a robust opposition research tactic of the Hillary Clinton campaign and transformed into an "insurance policy" to handicap the Trump Administration after his unpredictable victory.

Clinesmith was so intent on spying on Carter Page, an unpaid advisor to the Trump campaign, that he lied to the secret FISA court and doctored an official document to misrepresent that Page had not cooperated with the CIA in past investigations involving Russian espionage.}

I mean, good luck repealing the Supremacy Clause of the constitution. You're going to need 38 states to go along with it, which is a tough sell if it's not a completely moronic idea like this.

Florida can't do anything of this sort by themselves.

Fuck the Supremacy Clause. It is only for pussies. The Feds have no more right to break the law than any other common crook.

The States created the filthy ass Federal government and they can undo it.

The only recourse the filthy feds have is to use force. They did that once before and a million Americans died before it was over. Unfortunately the bad guys won that time but maybe the next time there will be a different outcome.
Seig Heil, Farouk - you fucking Nazi pile of shit.

Aww, poor Fruitcake. Too stupid to see it.

1932 - Hitler loses his election to be leader of Germany.

2020 - Trump loses his election to be leader of the USA.

1934 - Despite losing his election, with the help of his political party, Hitler seeks to be named leader of Germany.

2021 - Despite losing his election, with the help of his political party, Trump seeks to be named leader of of tbe USA

Fortunately for VP Mike Pence, a true patriot, he gets the credit for the similarities to end there. He thankfully prevented a repeat of installing the loser of the election into the highest office in the country.
Kind of depends on what is found.

Not really. You DO NOT go getting warrants on FISHING EXPEDITIONS. No legal warrant allows "what is found". This is 4th Amendment fundamentals here. You must STATE exactly WHAT you expect to find and PROVE there is credible danger that the SPECIFIC EVIDENCE is in danger of being destroyed.

But of course, if you find the RIGHT DC judge and prosecutor -- they WILL ALLOW (illegally) VERY BROAD descriptions of what is to be searched.

IGNORING the 4th Amendment is a deal breaker for this country. And this is an UNPRECEDENTED action taken by DESPERATE people. The voters will SEE THIS for what it is.
There is nothing difficult about Trump. He leaves a trail of crimes wherever he goes.
And yet no convictions or even indictments. Seems you people are truly incompetent or Trump is a genius and left not one crumb of a trail.
And there were 4 FISA warrants given to the FBI based on fake information, all 4 were signed off on by a Federal Judge too...... No one's career was ended over that.....

Liar. The fucker who doctored email to obtain the warrants was convicted.
Sure it does. The FBI just broke every standard and law by which warrants are issued. It is a clear abuse of power by Biden attacking his own immediate political opponent, while glaringly not applying it elsewhere. The Bidenistas have just bit off more than they can chew unless they come forward RIGHT NOW and declare the RAID was a slam dunk yielding clear proof of serious crimes against Trump.
Oh, did I miss something that came out today or is this just some more of the Right-Wing take on Mar-a-Lago being searched. OhmyGod! :eek:
No they do not.

This is your assertion. I see no real basis for it whatsoever.

I didn't realize you were a liar for the Nazis.

No matter.

Congressional Democrats are eyeing a little-known constitutional mechanism to prevent former President Donald Trump from running for office again, citing his responsibility for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and subsequent attacks on American democracy.

According to a new report in The Hill, at least a dozen Democratic lawmakers have been quietly speaking, both publicly and privately, about whether or not it would be possible to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to permanently ban Trump — or anyone else who participated in the planning or execution of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack — from seeking elected office in the future. The post-Civil War clause bars anyone who has engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States from seeking public office, and reads:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.}


I think it is clear the left does think this harms his chances. None of that changes or addressed my point though, I am unsure a conviction can be obtained.

The left tends to be insanely stupid.

Many were growing weary of Trump - but with this, the fascists have galvanized those who support America around Trump, and against them.

America was rightly shocked by what the Nazis did last night.

Look, I don't want Americans shooting democrats in the streets, and I especially don't want the democrat scum shooting Americans. If rallying behind Trump can defeat these Nazi scum without a shooting war, then I'm lining up behind Trump. I won't let the democrat vermin end the Republic.
It’s time for us in the Florida Legislature to call an emergency legislative session & amend our laws regarding federal agencies

Sever all ties with DOJ immediately

Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested upon sight

Rep. Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini)
August 9, 2022

You idiot, the United States shares concurrent jurisdiction with Florida. You don't get to unilaterally cut them out.

Aww, poor Fruitcake. Too stupid to see it.

1932 - Hitler loses his election to be leader of Germany.

2020 - Trump loses his election to be leader of the USA.

1934 - Despite losing his election, with the help of his political party, Hitler seeks to be named leader of Germany.

2021 - Despite losing his election, with the help of his political party, Trump seeks to be named leader of of tbe USA

Fortunately for VP Mike Pence, a true patriot, he gets the credit for the similarities to end there. He thankfully prevented a repeat of installing the loser of the election into the highest office in the country.

2022 - fearing losses in the midterms, the Nazis send the Gestapo to raid political opponents.

You fucking Nazi pile of shit - never again.
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