Trumps home raided by fbi

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A letter establishes some bureaucratic asswagon's opinion, it's not evidence.
Sure okay. The National Archives can't figure out what classified documents look like.

Not everyone is a total moron like yourself.
Did Kreskin put them in Trump's safe, Pugsley? Oh, btw. What was Trump doing with TOP SECRET documents in Florida in the first place, fool?
Hey dumbfuck, the safe was empty. There were no top secret documents there stupid. Trump has fully cooperated and they searched the place a couple months ago. Total bullshit and of course you swallow it. No surprise.
I sure as hell don’t know where this is going, but they’d better (a) be after something pretty fucking important and (b) have an open and shut case after this. Otherwise things get much worse, very quickly.

The Nazis are after the ONLY thing that's important to you - RAW POWER.

The Nazi party faces annihilation in November - now more than ever - and is desperate. Corrupt pile of shit Garland is doing anything he can to stop the coming investigations into what your Reich has been doing for the last two years.
90 pages Now for some fun stuff..for you 2A&Trump supporting conservatives.

90 pages Now for some fun stuff..for you 2A&Trump supporting conservatives.

They are fucking idiots in any other country in the world...

How fucking money was he getting away with?

Those two risked how much on a few hundred bucks... Utterly stupid...

Let the guy off and have plenty of cameras... He would be picked up again...

This is armed robbery of a connivence store, the dumbest risk/reward for a criminal..
Whatever that means.

No, all it has to do with is pointing out the glaringly titanic lack of equal justice under the law and the double standards in Washington when applied to each party which flies in the face of all western jurisprudence.
Look, I am real sorry, republican lawyers and congress critters were so shitty and ineffective, but hey, I did not hire or elect them. That was then. This is now, and like I said, it does not affect a court. I suspect the Right-Wing will have to raise better, smarter lawyers and congress critters, or they might as well immigrate. This crap sounds good on the internet and plays well on the court house steps and on a FOX NEWS segment, but does not work in court, where it counts. Period.
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What makes you think the Nazis would intend to put him on trial?

The goal of the Nazi party is to bar Trump from running in 2024.
To bar him would they not need to obtain a conviction?

Or do you mean harm his chances?

However, my comment was on his assertion that a jury may convict him so a trial is implicit in that possibility. If they do not bring this to trial it certainly would be bad for the democrats. It does not look good when the feds invade the property of the most visible political opponent you have and then fail to go to trial.
Crooked Hillary and Hunter were (are) blatant crooks that should both be in prison but are protected by the filthy Leftest regime running this banana republic now.
So, you’re story is, for four years Trump and the gop were too incompetent to do anything about Hillary and Hunter.m. Get a life. Repugnants are loser idiots. Geesus, you’ve yet to show Obama isn’t a US citizen.


No, he doesn't have clearance to reclassify them as a FORMER president.

And he has above top secret documents....a risk to our National Security.... That he has refused to turn over, the past 2 years.
Bull. Shit. Trump has fully cooperated for 9 months of this searching for documents bullshit. You’re just a pathetic liar defending a corrupt organization that needs to be razed and rebuilt from the ground up.
It would not surprise me if they don't plant evidence. First of all:
  1. A president has unmitigated access to and control over determining the classification level of any document.
  2. A president doesn't handle or pack anything he takes with him leaving office, the WH staff do all of that.
  3. This apparently is over some document the national archives wants for itself which means all they had to do was ask for it. You don't raid people homes blowing up safes.
  4. The sole purpose of this is for the Deep State to make one last grasp at trying to bar Trump from seeking reelection because they know their power is at stake and Trump has done nothing but gain in popularity witgh the people of the United States.
What actually scares me are the reports that high level democrats are talking assassination if this doesn't take Trump out. Everything they have tried has failed to keep him from re-election. The deep state in now desperate to maintain power. IF trump is re-elected with all three branches of government to back him up the corruption will be exposed, and their unfettered power decimated.
The Nazis are after the ONLY thing that's important to you - RAW POWER.

The Nazi party faces annihilation in November - now more than ever - and is desperate. Corrupt pile of shit Garland is doing anything he can to stop the coming investigations into what your Reich has been doing for the last two years.
We sure dodged a bullet keeping him off the SCOTUS!
There is a signed warrant by a federal judge. Given what a brazen move this is it stands to reason he was provided enough evidence to feel the search was warranted. Something like this could be a career ender or worse if not taken seriously.

And there were 4 FISA warrants given to the FBI based on fake information, all 4 were signed off on by a Federal Judge too...... No one's career was ended over that.....
What actually scares me are the reports that high level democrats are talking assassination if this doesn't take Trump out. Everything they have tried has failed to keep him from re-election. The deep state in now desperate to maintain power. IF trump is re-elected with all three branches of government to back him up the corruption will be exposed, and their unfettered power decimated.
The washington mob is doing everything possible to keep trump from getting elected and therefor avoid the need for assassination
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