Trumps home raided by fbi

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Nobody knows the info that included in the warrant, assclown....It's sealed.

.It's all speculation, opinion, and recriminations from you police state bootlickers.
No, dipshit. We already knew that Trump already took classified information to Florida LAST YEAR.

It’s already been established way before the FBI went in yesterday.
To bar him would they not need to obtain a conviction?

They think no, they think that they can use obscure wording in the 14th so that just indicting him is enough.

Or do you mean harm his chances?

However, my comment was on his assertion that a jury may convict him so a trial is implicit in that possibility. If they do not bring this to trial it certainly would be bad for the democrats. It does not look good when the feds invade the property of the most visible political opponent you have and then fail to go to trial.

This doesn't "harm" his chances, quite the opposite..

The Nazis have awakened a sleeping giant.

They have turned the majority of the nation against them.

When moving to polarize and divide the nation, make sure you know which way you're pushing people.
It’s time for us in the Florida Legislature to call an emergency legislative session & amend our laws regarding federal agencies

Sever all ties with DOJ immediately

Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested upon sight

Rep. Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini)
August 9, 2022
What actually scares me are the reports that high level democrats are talking assassination if this doesn't take Trump out. Everything they have tried has failed to keep him from re-election. The deep state in now desperate to maintain power. IF trump is re-elected with all three branches of government to back him up the corruption will be exposed, and their unfettered power decimated.
Is there a link to where you heard that? Not that I don’t think Dems have sunken so low they would rule it out, but something like that needs a source.
So, you’re story is, for four years Trump and the gop were too incompetent to do anything about Hillary and Hunter.m. Get a life. Repugnants are loser idiots. Geesus, you’ve yet to show Obama isn’t a US citizen.

The Wall Street Journal asked about campaign promises to appoint a special prosecutor to pursue criminal charges against his Democratic rival over her use of a private email server to conduct official business as secretary of state.

“It’s not something I’ve given a lot of thought, because I want to solve healthcare, jobs, border control, tax reform,” Trump said. The statement is likely to anger the president-elect’s core supporters, many of whom chanted: “Lock her up, lock her up,” at rallies during the campaign.}

Judge who OK’d Mar-a-Lago raid Obama donor once linked to Jeffrey Epstein

The Florida federal magistrate judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort donated to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign — months after he left the local US Attorney’s office to rep employees of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had received immunity in the long-running sex-trafficking investigation of the financier.
It’s time for us in the Florida Legislature to call an emergency legislative session & amend our laws regarding federal agencies

Sever all ties with DOJ immediately

Any FBI agent conducting law enforcement functions outside the purview of our State should be arrested upon sight

Rep. Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini)
August 9, 2022
There are a lot of bad takes on this, but this is hands down the stupidest one so far.

UPDATE: Stasi-FBI Swooped Through President Trump’s Home — Grabbing Boxes without Going Through Them or Knowing What’s In Them — TO GO THROUGH LATER AND MANUFACTURE A CRIME​

Given the FBIs reputation (think the “Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot”) for planting evidence and plans why wouldn’t people believe they’ll simply fabricate something here as well?
Funny how, no change of venue could be sold to the judge. Judge must have thought the jury pool was legitimate. The prosecution and defense, must have agreed. Are you sure you shouldn't be bitching about Right-Wing movers and shakers, picking legal counsel on how the lawyers sold them, instead of picking the ones that could sell to juries, they got to help pick? Just sayin.....
What's funny about that? Obama appointed the judge.

Otherwise, you're spewing gibberish.
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