Trumps home raided by fbi

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The documents that they know were removed from the White House. Stop playing dumb.

That's FDA grade A bullshit. NOBODY supervised the packing out of the Trumps from the White House. At THAT LEVEL -- 98% of classified info that Trump is privvy to IS IN HIS HEAD. This is true for MOST PEOPLE who have Special Access or code name clearances -- especially a President or ex President.

RIght NOW -- not even the JUDGE who issued the warrant(s) knows of any specific docs stolen. And certainly NOBODY in the MEDIA or on USMB has that knowledge. But we DAMN WELL BETTER BE PRIVVY to the TEXT of the warrant(s) - AT LEAST -- or this massive hissy fit from the implanted partisans is gonna BOIL OUT OF CONTROL QUICK-LIKE.
You idiot, the United States shares concurrent jurisdiction with Florida. You don't get to unilaterally cut them out.




Wow Nazi, you're a complete fucking retard.
Sure it does. The FBI just broke every standard and law by which warrants are issued. It is a clear abuse of power by Biden attacking his own immediate political opponent, while glaringly not applying it elsewhere. The Bidenistas have just bit off more than they can chew unless they come forward RIGHT NOW and declare the RAID was a slam dunk yielding clear proof of serious crimes against Trump.

Trump's not a political opponent. He hasn't even declared he's running for president again.
Oh, did I miss something that came out today or is this just some more of the Right-Wing take on Mar-a-Lago being searched. OhmyGod! :eek:
Do you not think that President Trump has constitutional rights? Because it sure sounds as though the warrant was granted under false pretenses to allow the compromised FBI to go on a fishing expedition.

Also, they removed the boxes from the premises to “review” them later? How do we know that they won’t fabricate something by which to indict Trump? The Dems’ 1/6 witch-hunt proves that they are desperate to do ANYTHING to prevent 74 million people from having an opportunity to vote for the person they wish for president.
I sure as hell don’t know where this is going, but they’d better (a) be after something pretty fucking important and (b) have an open and shut case after this. Otherwise things get much worse, very quickly.

Agree 100%. Garland has been investigating Trump for 18 months. I don't think he'd put the FBI out on this unless he had something solid.
Fucking lying pile of shit Nazi.

Many in the media are diving deeply into minutiae in order to discredit any notion that President Trump might have been onto something in March when he fired off a series of tweets claiming President Obama had “tapped” “wires” in Trump Tower just before the election.

According to media reports this week, the FBI did indeed “wiretap” the former head of Trump’s campaign, Paul Manafort, both before and after Trump was elected. If Trump officials — or Trump himself — communicated with Manafort during the wiretaps, they would have been recorded, too.}

The spying began in early 2016 as a robust opposition research tactic of the Hillary Clinton campaign and transformed into an "insurance policy" to handicap the Trump Administration after his unpredictable victory.

Clinesmith was so intent on spying on Carter Page, an unpaid advisor to the Trump campaign, that he lied to the secret FISA court and doctored an official document to misrepresent that Page had not cooperated with the CIA in past investigations involving Russian espionage.}


You flatulating imbecile, "former head of Trump’s campaign," is NOT Trump.

And Carter Page had virtually nothing to do with Trump.

Not really. You DO NOT go getting warrants on FISHING EXPEDITIONS. No legal warrant allows "what is found". This is 4th Amendment fundamentals here. You must STATE exactly WHAT you expect to find and PROVE there is credible danger that the SPECIFIC EVIDENCE is in danger of being destroyed.

But of course, if you find the RIGHT DC judge and prosecutor -- they WILL ALLOW (illegally) VERY BROAD descriptions of what is to be searched.

IGNORING the 4th Amendment is a deal breaker for this country. And this is an UNPRECEDENTED action taken by DESPERATE people. The voters will SEE THIS for what it is.

Nice made up shit. Too bad you have no proof they didn't provide probable cause for the warrant.
nothing was under seige.

the search warrant was legally obtained.

Don't you get tired of playing the same ole song, over and over again?

how many times can the boy call wolf? No one is listening to his phony bull shit whines but his loyalist followers.
No, nobody is listening to YOUR proven bullshit moron. Zero reason for this illegal action because the FBI has been forced to admit that Trump has fully cooperated with everything requested. Period. Now you best just shut your lying mouth and watch the utter destruction of your party in November due to this crap.
Dang, Flak. Is that why I started reading this thread sometime after 7Pm and can't catch up?
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THIS STORY is a ball-buster for these power hungry Sandinista wanna be revolutionaries who are DESPERATE to excommunicate Trump from politics. Deserves to generate 80 PAGES a day UNTIL the CITIZENS HAVE ANSWERS on when they will STOP MISUSING the power they were given.

Oh, did I miss something that came out today or is this just some more of the Right-Wing take on Mar-a-Lago being searched. OhmyGod! :eek:

Apparently you've been too busy here to listen to every legal, constitutional and governmental expert absolutely RIPPING APART what the FBI did last night.

NO ONE'S house is ever raided just to get a few simple papers that the National Archive is interested in preserving.

So I guess you missed the other thing too:

Do you not think that President Trump has constitutional rights? Because it sure sounds as though the warrant was granted under false pretenses to allow the compromised FBI to go on a fishing expedition.

Also, they removed the boxes from the premises to “review” them later? How do we know that they won’t fabricate something by which to indict Trump? The Dems’ 1/6 witch-hunt proves that they are desperate to do ANYTHING to prevent 74 million people from having an opportunity to vote for the person they wish for president.
If Trump thinks his rights were violated he's free to sue the government.

Although when average citizens do that, SCOTUS tells them to get lost, they don't care.
Agree 100%. Garland has been investigating Trump for 18 months. I don't think he'd put the FBI out on this unless he had something solid.
I've mentioned this before here: I have to wonder if this investigation and the Jan 6 investigation are bumping into each other. I wonder why Garland would approve of this if it muddies the water for Jan 6.

This is all weird. Doesn't feel right to me.
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