Trumps home raided by fbi

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I do know they were unarmed. You should too. It was testifies to.

There were cops outside that door standing practically next to Ashli too. They weeent touched by the few members of rhe mob. Don’t be needlessly obtuse.
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Republicans haven't made a peep anytime a cop shoots someone claiming they feared for their life. But now, when its a mob shouting "FUCK THE BLUE" while smashing door glass to get inside to assault lawmakers and anyone who gets in their way, that's not a legitimate fear for their lives?

Just the beginning of this video is justification under "fear for their lives". Or "stand your ground", another Republican wet dream.
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Not what your idiot pal Fart Fume Indiana said.

He was flatly wrong. And so of course you’re here to defend him by deflection. You libtards are predictable and plodding trolls. But not effectual.
Don’t blame the officer for being Johnny on the spot. Your girl was just an obvious threat.
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Republicans haven't made a peep anytime a cop shoots someone, claiming they feared for their life. But now, when its a mob shouting "FUCK THE BLUE" while smashing door glass to get inside to assault lawmakers and anyone who gets in their way, that's not a legitimate fear for their lives?

Just the beginning of this video is justification under "fear for their lives". Or "stand your ground", another Republican wet dream.
Again. The cops on Ashli’s side of the door weren’t touched. There goes your canard.
Hey fuckwad, he didn’t get the warrant, nor is he even in Florida you flaming faggot. The onus to prove this was legitimate is on Garland and company idiot. Stay behind the dumpster with your boyfriend asshole. Cry harder.

Garland and Company already proved it was legitimate TO THE JUDGE WHO SIGNED THE WARRANT, Dolt.

Trump COULD publish the warrant and the list of documents the FBI took with them. He has both of those documents. But Trump loves to play victim.

Everybody is so mean to him. They won’t let him break the law at all. They keep coming after him for it every time he does it. It’s just so unfair!

We already know what's going on. Nazi goons are attacking the political opposition in a desperate attempt to hold on to power.

Will you join me in DEMANDING that Merrick Garland immediately resign? Do you have even a hint of integrity?

Don't you wish McConnell would have just seated him on the Supreme Court, and he wouldn't be prosecuting Trump today, now would he???

The Trump Cult are the ones carrying the NAZI flags, Skippy!! They're also the ones doing the attacking in a desperate attempt to hold onto power - see January 6th.

Why is it that everyone who is involved in investigating or prosecuting Trump is "biased", "racist" and a "witch hunt". The real reason Trump was so desperate to hang onto power is because he knew that if he didn't, he'd be fighting prosecution for the rest of his life.
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Then they should have subpoenaed them. Trump complied with every subpoena request for documents.

Did you type that with a straight face???? Trump has stone walled every document request all the way to the Supreme Court and beyond.

Congress is still waiting for his tax returns.
She posed no threat. And even if her behavior included some criminality (as I believe it did), that’s still no valid excuse for the cop to have shot her.

If only he had acted properly — like all the other cops did.
If she had complied, she would be alive.
Thoughts and prayers. 🙏
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