Trumps home raided by fbi

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Trump's lawyers must feel like this:

It's certainly how I feel every time Donald Trump claims this latest investigation is the "greatest witch hunt of all time". Even though every one of these "witch hunts" results in hundreds of criminal charges.

Do you remember the time the FBI Flew down to Arkansas and served a search warrant on the Clinton Foundation offices and left with a planeload of documents? Probably not, but that's because the Clintons didn't publicize the latest of the 25+ investigations which happened when Trump was in office.

When asked about it in an interview, Hillary shrugged and said "Let them investigate". No hysteria. No cries of "witch hunt", although after 25+ investigations without a single charge against ANYONE, the term is more than applicable. Hillary didn't seem stressed or worried by what might be found, and just like every other investigation based of Republican rumours of corruption, nothing came of this one either.
Go up to a cop standing in front of a door and punch the door right next to his head. See what his level of restraint is.
Or, and try to follow along, apply the same advice you liberoids always insist on offering whenever (in all prior incidents) a cop shot an unarmed person: the cop should practice restraint.

And the cop was not “right next” to the door. She posed no threat. And she was physically closer to at least two other cops (on her side of the door) who weren’t attacked by her or the mob at all.
It's certainly how I feel every time Donald Trump claims this latest investigation is the "greatest witch hunt of all time". Even though every one of these "witch hunts" results in hundreds of criminal charges.

Do you remember the time the FBI Flew down to Arkansas and served a search warrant on the Clinton Foundation offices and left with a planeload of documents? Probably not, but that's because the Clintons didn't publicize the latest of the 25+ investigations which happened when Trump was in office.

When asked about it in an interview, Hillary shrugged and said "Let them investigate". No hysteria. No cries of "witch hunt", although after 25+ investigations without a single charge against ANYONE, the term is more than applicable. Hillary didn't seem stressed or worried by what might be found, and just like every other investigation based of Republican rumours of corruption, nothing came of this one either.
Nobody cares how you feel, troll.

And these aren’t different investigations. Stop lying. It’s al been one prolonged continuing and unabated witch hunt. You know it. We all know it.
Not at all. But are you suddenly suggesting that YOU alone can choose to reject which testimony is deemed credible? His answer was based on official records. I don’t think the cops had any reason to deny that any of the protestors inside the Capitol had weapons. It seems pretty honest to me to admit that, under the circumstances. A motive to lie might have been expected to yield a different answer.

So, unlike you, I make my judgments based not on the answers alone but upon all of the circumstances.

You should consider being open-minded, too. 😎

If the cop hadn’t shot her without good cause, she’s be alive.

Shove it.

You should take a little of your own advice to heart. NO ONE has testified that the insurrectionists were unarmed. The testimony before Congress that the FBI didn't arrest anyone on weapons charges at the Capitol on January 6th, is not evidence that there were no weapons at the Capitol. There were very few FBI officers at the Capitol that day, and none INSIDE the building.

There are numerous arrests on weapons charges against those who were arrested at the Capitol and a LOT of testimony UNDER OATH, at the January 6th Hearings, that the mob was armed, and both Trump and the Secret Service KNEW they were armed, which is why they refused to take Trump to the Capitol.

You can't pick and choose which testimony you believe. All of it is given under oath, and on penalty of perjury. Roger Stone was imprisoned for lying to Congress, among other things. Right wing media has carefully cherry picked testimony of those who didn't see weapons or charge anyone with weapons into the fiction that the protestors were unarmed.

You cling to these lies like a terrier with a rat, refusing to let go, long after the lies have been thoroughly debunked.
She sure look like she was posing a threat to me, just like all of the other crazies trying to get into the House Chamber so they could attack the government leaders.

When told to stop she didn't, she just kept coming. If only she had complied with police orders, but she didn't.

When you participate in a coup attempt, and you fail, you are risking your life. She didn't have to be there. That was her choice. And she could have stopped her illegal activities, but she made and choices and she took her chances. Too bad for her.
Go back to watching your butterflies and unicorns engaging in violence. Nobody cares what a troll like you claims things look like to you.
It's certainly how I feel every time Donald Trump claims this latest investigation is the "greatest witch hunt of all time". Even though every one of these "witch hunts" results in hundreds of criminal charges.

Do you remember the time the FBI Flew down to Arkansas and served a search warrant on the Clinton Foundation offices and left with a planeload of documents? Probably not, but that's because the Clintons didn't publicize the latest of the 25+ investigations which happened when Trump was in office.

When asked about it in an interview, Hillary shrugged and said "Let them investigate". No hysteria. No cries of "witch hunt", although after 25+ investigations without a single charge against ANYONE, the term is more than applicable. Hillary didn't seem stressed or worried by what might be found, and just like every other investigation based of Republican rumours of corruption, nothing came of this one either.
Only thing missing from your bs is circus music and clowns.
Trump was working with the Feds to turnover documents...
There is no "working with the feds". You just hand over the documents which you stole, that you have no right to be in possession of. That's it. Trump made that behavior a felony in 2018. Now it's going to bite him on the ass.

There is zero excuse for this:

You should take a little of your own advice to heart. NO ONE has testified that the insurrectionists were unarmed. The testimony before Congress that the FBI didn't arrest anyone on weapons charges at the Capitol on January 6th, is not evidence that there were no weapons at the Capitol. There were very few FBI officers at the Capitol that day, and none INSIDE the building.

There are numerous arrests on weapons charges against those who were arrested at the Capitol and a LOT of testimony UNDER OATH, at the January 6th Hearings, that the mob was armed, and both Trump and the Secret Service KNEW they were armed, which is why they refused to take Trump to the Capitol.

You can't pick and choose which testimony you believe. All of it is given under oath, and on penalty of perjury. Roger Stone was imprisoned for lying to Congress, among other things. Right wing media has carefully cherry picked testimony of those who didn't see weapons or charge anyone with weapons into the fiction that the protestors were unarmed.

You cling to these lies like a terrier with a rat, refusing to let go, long after the lies have been thoroughly debunked.
Such testimony was given. Seems that despite your regular viewing of the soap opera, “Asthe Pelous Schemes,” you failed to learn all that much.

Why are you still breathing? Weren’t you given a direction to cease and desist?
You cannot convince me that They didn’t factor in Tucker being on vacation for the week when they chose the date for the raid
This is one of the problems being sealed in a right wing media bubble. You end up thinking that Tucker Carlson is an important person, a major player or something. He's the host of a night time opinion show that at best reaches 3 million people out of 350 million people per night. Rachel Maddow does similar numbers and I don't see anyone saying that she's a major player in American politics, no matter how good her show is.
Not at all. But are you suddenly suggesting that YOU alone can choose to reject which testimony is deemed credible? His answer was based on official records. I don’t think the cops had any reason to deny that any of the protestors inside the Capitol had weapons. It seems pretty honest to me to admit that, under the circumstances. A motive to lie might have been expected to yield a different answer.

So, unlike you, I make my judgments based not on the answers alone but upon all of the circumstances.

You should consider being open-minded, too. 😎

If the cop hadn’t shot her without good cause, she’s be alive.

Shove it.
But they've already proven that there were armed people amongst the crowd in the Capitol. Also, what is your definition of armed? Just with firearms? Blunt instruments, knives, flagpoles, etc. are weapons. Are you only talking about guns when you say armed, or are you talking about all weapons?
But they've already proven that there were armed people amongst the crowd in the Capitol. Also, what is your definition of armed? Just with firearms? Blunt instruments, knives, flagpoles, etc. are weapons. Are you only talking about guns when you say armed, or are you talking about all weapons?
Not what I discussed. I specifically referenced inside the Capitol building.

Armed means guns.

A pillow (under certain circumstances) can be a deadly weapon. But when we’ve been talking about nobody with arms inside the Capitol Building, obviously we’re talking about guns.

Cops of course had them. Not one of the protestors inside the Capitol building did.
All correct except that the magistrate judge was not appointed by Trump. He was appointed by a panel of other judges...were they appointed by Trump?

I don't know
The Magistrate Judge was chosen precisely because of being chosen by other judges, to protect the independence of the decision. No one can say it was a trump judge, no one can say it was an Obama judge. Another very smart move by Merrick Garland, who I'm sure right about now Republicans are wishing was on the Supreme Court instead of the Attorney General's office. :lol:
Not what I discussed. I specifically referenced inside the Capitol building.

Armed means guns.

A pillow (under certain circumstances) can be a deadly weapon. But when we’ve been talking about nobody with arms inside the Capitol Building, obviously we’re talking about guns.

Cops of course had them. Not one of the protestors inside the Capitol building did.

A pity she didn't heed police warnings to get back.
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