Trumps home raided by fbi

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He's been out of office for more than a year and a half, and he hasn't given them back their documents, even though they've been asking for months????
How long a delay are you suggesting before labelling this as "stonewalling"? Two years? Three? Trump still hasn't handed over his Tax Returns, even though the SC ordered him to do so BEFORE he left office. Trump promised to hand over his tax returns as soon as the audit was completed. This has to be the longest audit in IRS history.
Obama has 30,000,000 documents, many of which he shouldn't have. Its apparently not a big deal. Its a fucking presidential library repository.
Its something to negotiate, not to send 40 armed FBI agents to look for. That was a MAJOR overreaction by Garland and Wray that will bite them and the FBI on the ass when the GOP takes the House back in January.
There is no "working with the feds". You just hand over the documents which you stole, that you have no right to be in possession of. That's it. Trump made that behavior a felony in 2018. Now it's going to bite him on the ass.
There is zero excuse for this:
1. There is zero excuse for invading an ex-presidents' home by 40 armed FBI agents, period.
2. Especially looking for a papers that may not even exist and that should have been subpoenaed BEFORE any raid was considered.
3. A few missing papers for an "archive" is NOT justification to invade someone's home.
He has a history of ignoring them, dope. Hence the warrant.
Wrong. He was working with the FBI for any documents they wanted. The FBI even searched for the documents thru the boxes they just took!
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added."
Wrong. he was working with the FBI for any documents. The FBI even searched for the documents thru the boxes they just took!
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added."

And they were informed there were still more classified documents.
You're deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

A violent mob was trying to break into the House chamber where some lawmaker & staff were still holed up. Rather than heed police warnings to get back, Ashes Targetpractice was shot because she was the first one to breach the police barricade between that violent mob and the House chamber.
Woah, did I just step in shit?


Oh, nope - it's just Farouk....
1. There is zero excuse for invading an ex-presidents' home by 40 armed FBI agents, period.
2. Especially looking for a papers that may not even exist and that should have been subpoenaed BEFORE any raid was considered.
3. A few missing papers for an "archive" is NOT justification to invade someone's home.

I say again, Trump's security should have opened fire on the armed robbers from the Gestapo.
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