Trumps home raided by fbi

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If you're talking about scotus, I can't see them touching this case.
Of course we’re talking about SCOTUS. And the question is not whether you forswe them taking the case. Maybe they won’t. But it’s possible they will.

It might be difficult to overrule a decision that Congress can have a subpoena denies. But if you’re suggesting that there is no valid legal line of legal reasoning that can lead to such a decision, then you need to focus.
They're already in enough hot water over precedent.

No they aren’t. They overruled a shit ass precedent. Just like they did when they decided Brown v. Board of Education.
It is already in the law that Congress has a right to his tax returns. It is unambiguous.
Laws need to be Constitutional. What “law” says Congress can demand any citizen’s tax returns. Be specific.
There is no "working with the feds". You just hand over the documents which you stole, that you have no right to be in possession of. That's it. Trump made that behavior a felony in 2018. Now it's going to bite him on the ass.

There is zero excuse for this:

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I don't believe the artistic list you provided. It looks like someone wanted minor incidents to look like important nails in the coffin of a man who's be the target of very evil people for a very long time who historically have been proved wrong, and in President Trump's case, they never furnished any proof whatsoever he worked against America in any way. The pee with prostitutes claim was a lie, because President Trump was here and not there, and the false claim was proven the invention of Hillary Clinton's war room liars. The Russia Collusion was also a dead end for the Democrats, because 19 of their best lawyers found no validity to their claim that President Trump colluded with the Russians. Months later, the admission was made that in fact, Hillary Rodham Clinton did contact the Russians in the manner her war room lyingly claimed that Donald Trump did, when he was nowhere in sight like Hillary Rodham Clinton herself was, demanding information that would sink her political opponent.
Or, and try to follow along, apply the same advice you liberoids always insist on offering whenever (in all prior incidents) a cop shot an unarmed person: the cop should practice restraint.

And the cop was not “right next” to the door. She posed no threat. And she was physically closer to at least two other cops (on her side of the door) who weren’t attacked by her or the mob at all.
Go to the Washington Post link that I posted, and watch the video. In the very beginning of the video there are men screaming at the cops in their faces, and punching the glass right next to their heads. You watch that, then come back and tell me that the cops had no reason to fear for their lives. Which is the excuse every cop uses when they use deadly force, and no Republican has any issues with that.
Go to the Washington Post link that I posted, and watch the video. In the very beginning of the video there are men screaming at the cops in their faces, and punching the glass right next to their heads. You watch that, then come back and tell me that the cops had no reason to fear for their lives. Which is the excuse every cop uses when they use deadly force, and no Republican has any issues with that.
I am quite sure I provided a link to the video. The cop with the gun was hiding behind a corner. The door was a few feet away. Ashli was further than that. And practically next to Ashli on her side of the door were two uniformed cops who weren’t being attacked by any of the mob.

There was zero need to shoot Ashli. Obviously cops had no reason to fear for their lives. (At that spot anyway.)

I’ll be more honest than you seem to care to be. I happen to believe that there was a cop being crushed between a different door and that different door post whose life had been out into danger. And I am entirely for the prosecution of any protestor doing that to that cop or to any other individual.

But there was no valid reason to have shot Ashli.
A pity she didn't heed police warnings to get back.
It's a pity they overlooked the fact that she was trying to warn her fellow curious Republicans to get back. As a war hero, her instinct was to obey and assist the cops who were trying to push back on the crowd another cop invited in, unlocked a door and pointed the way to protesters outside the previously locked doors. They merely accepted the cop's hospitality for them to enter. It kind of smacks of a conspiracy against the Republican protesters so Nancy Pelosi could make false claims against Republicans for "breaking into the Capitol building." That borders on criminal solicitation mischief on the part of the Speaker and her cop minions. :cranky: And I think you and your fellow Democrat operatives know that too.
I am quite sure I provided a link to the video. The cop with the gun was hiding behind a corner. The door was a few feet away. Ashli was further than that. And practically next to Ashli on her side of the door were two uniformed cops who weren’t being attacked by any of the mob.

There was zero need to shoot Ashli. Obviously cops had no reason to fear for their lives. (At that spot anyway.)

I’ll be more honest than you seem to care to be. I happen to believe that there was a cop being crushed between a different door and that different door post whose life had been out into danger. And I am entirely for the prosecution of any protestor doing that to that cop or to any other individual.

But there was no valid reason to have shot Ashli.

Welshy, police had to use any means necessary to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber until all member of Congress & staff could be safely evacuated. Her death is on the hands of the violent mob, not the police.
It is obvious that Trump has some pretty damning evidence of malfeasance (or outright traitorous) activities within the DOJ and FBI. I'm not sure I agree that he'd turn it over to the GOP when they take the House and Senate because I think Trump sees the GOPe as a bunch of feckless career politicians on the take. He'll wait until he's back in office and appoint a pit bull to go after the perpetrators.
My guess is that the security cameras caught the FBIs doing things they weren't supposed to (like sniffing Melania's panty drawer). If they ever get a copy of the warrant (assuming there ever was one which I'm now having doubts about), they can determine if the FBIs went into places not specified and/or got boxes not specified. One has to wonder about the empty safe and whether that was a feed to an informant that didn't get put in the warrant (assuming there was one) but the FBIs thought had evidence of their crimes stored there.
It's a pity they overlooked the fact that she was trying to warn her fellow curious Republicans to get back. As a war hero, her instinct was to obey and assist the cops who were trying to push back on the crowd another cop invited in, unlocked a door and pointed the way to protesters outside the previously locked doors. They merely accepted the cop's hospitality for them to enter. It kind of smacks of a conspiracy against the Republican protesters so Nancy Pelosi could make false claims against Republicans for "breaking into the Capitol building." That borders on criminal solicitation mischief on the part of the Speaker and her cop minions. :cranky: And I think you and your fellow Democrat operatives know that too.


That's a pretty demented post. What's your evidence she tried to get that violent mob to get back? What's your evidence she was a war hero?

FBI Raid Took Place Days After Historians Warned Joe Biden of Another Civil War

Trump-appointed FBI Director Republican Christopher Wray knows, and so does Trump.

Wray is not authorized to release the warrant, but Trump can.

Why Trump thinks it is in his interest to conceal it is speculative. He may find it more useful to conceal it and play his victim card, whining that people are just being mean to him.

Ah Schitlapper, lying as always.

Joe Biden supporter Chris Wray was in the line of succession when democrat stooge James Comey was fired for corruption, in disgrace. Wray is a swamp creature who has spent his career in DC serving the elite. I do fault Trump for not firing the entire top 10% in what used to be the FBI. The corruption was too deep to be rooted out with one bought cop.

The FBI has been in decline for decades. It is nothing but the Gestapo now, serving the interests of the fascist democrat party with utter contempt for the rule of law.
She sure look like she was posing a threat to me, just like all of the other crazies trying to get into the House Chamber so they could attack the government leaders.

You would kill anyone who voted for Donald Trump.

Babbitt questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, hence you supported her summary execution.
When told to stop she didn't, she just kept coming. If only she had complied with police orders, but she didn't.

The video shows that BLM activist Michael Byrd never spoke a word to Babbitt, he silently gunned her down.

Obviously, you seek to have any who question or oppose the democrat Reich in any way, gunned down in similar fashion.
When you participate in a coup attempt, and you fail, you are risking your life. She didn't have to be there. That was her choice. And she could have stopped her illegal activities, but she made and choices and she took her chances. Too bad for her.

An unarmed protest is not a coup attempt.

The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory was a coup attempt, the Nazi Party attempted to overthrow the executive branch of the United States Government using manufactured documents which they themselves had produced in conjunction with the Kremlin.

Protesting is in fact a Constitutional Right - not that you Communist Chinese or your Nazi democrat allies recognize civil rights.
Only cult here is you. More nonsense abuse of power from your side. Same as under Obama. Using govt agencies as weapons. You and your ilk are a Cancer on this country.

Bunch of traitors. Same shit as lame as, fitting symbol of the DNC, impeachments.
Shiet; Don't be fooled, it still is Obama. This is his illegal 3rd term.
You would kill anyone who voted for Donald Trump.

Babbitt questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, hence you supported her summary execution.

The video shows that BLM activist Michael Byrd never spoke a word to Babbitt, he silently gunned her down.

Obviously, you seek to have any who question or oppose the democrat Reich in any way, gunned down in similar fashion.

An unarmed protest is not a coup attempt.

The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory was a coup attempt, the Nazi Party attempted to overthrow the executive branch of the United States Government using manufactured documents which they themselves had produced in conjunction with the Kremlin.

Protesting is in fact a Constitutional Right - not that you Communist Chinese or your Nazi democrat allies recognize civil rights.

You're deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

A violent mob was trying to break into the House chamber where some lawmaker & staff were still holed up. Rather than heed police warnings to get back, Ashes Targetpractice was shot because she was the first one to breach the police barricade between that violent mob and the House chamber.
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