Trumps home raided by fbi

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Garland and Company already proved it was legitimate TO THE JUDGE WHO SIGNED THE WARRANT, Dolt.

Oh, you mean Trump hater Bruce Reinhardt? He has quite the Twitter history. Hey, but he WAS Jeffery Epstein's defense attorney, meaning he's tight with the Reich elite who were all clients of Epstein.

Yeah, I'm sure Garland shopped for months to find a judge of this quality.

Trump COULD publish the warrant and the list of documents the FBI took with them. He has both of those documents. But Trump loves to play victim.

Turns out the Gestapo didn't leave a copy of the warrant with the Groundskeeper. See, neither Trump nor his attorneys were present with Garlands Goons conducted their illegal and unconstitutional search.

Everybody is so mean to him. They won’t let him break the law at all. They keep coming after him for it every time he does it. It’s just so unfair!
What law did he break?

Oh that's right, to you Nazis there is only one law - serve the Reich without question or hesitation.

Don't you wish McConnell would have just seated him on the Supreme Court, and he wouldn't be prosecuting Trump today, now would he???


The most corrupt AG in history - wow you really are filth.

The Trump Cult are the ones carrying the NAZI flags, Skippy!! They're also the ones doing the attacking in a desperate attempt to hold onto power - see January 6th.


The only one actually seen at Charlottesville was proven to be carried by an OWS Soros soldier.

I've busted you on this lie dozens of times. But you Nazi filth have zero integrity.

Why is it that everyone who is involved in investigating or prosecuting Trump is "biased", "racist" and a "witch hunt". The real reason Trump was so desperate to hang onto power is because he knew that if he didn't, he'd be fighting prosecution for the rest of his life.

Trump is a danger to the Reich.

You filthy Nazis are corrupt to the bone - that was true long before Trump entered politics. He just drove you so insane that you've let your mask slip.

Did you type that with a straight face???? Trump has stone walled every document request all the way to the Supreme Court and beyond.
Congress is still waiting for his tax returns.
Why do you even bother typing lies? You never post a link proving your lies. Maybe you should stop posting lies?
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

Trump was working with the Feds for document turnover. The raid was illegal.
What’s up with this
Trump-appointed FBI Director Republican Christopher Wray knows, and so does Trump.

Wray is not authorized to release the warrant, but Trump can.

Why Trump thinks it is in his interest to conceal it is speculative. He may find it more useful to conceal it and play his victim card, whining that people are just being mean to him.

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She posed no threat. And even if her behavior included some criminality (as I believe it did), that’s still no valid excuse for the cop to have shot her.

If only he had acted properly — like all the other cops did.

She sure look like she was posing a threat to me, just like all of the other crazies trying to get into the House Chamber so they could attack the government leaders.

When told to stop she didn't, she just kept coming. If only she had complied with police orders, but she didn't.

When you participate in a coup attempt, and you fail, you are risking your life. She didn't have to be there. That was her choice. And she could have stopped her illegal activities, but she made and choices and she took her chances. Too bad for her.
That's total bullshit.
That's total bullshit. Trump complied. Trump was working with the Feds to turnover documents...
Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.
Why do you even bother typing lies? You never post a link proving your lies. Maybe you should stop posting lies?
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

Trump was working with the Feds for document turnover. The raid was illegal.

He's been out of office for more than a year and a half, and he hasn't given them back their documents, even though they've been asking for months????

How long a delay are you suggesting before labelling this as "stonewalling"? Two years? Three? Trump still hasn't handed over his Tax Returns, even though the SC ordered him to do so BEFORE he left office. Trump promised to hand over his tax returns as soon as the audit was completed. This has to be the longest audit in IRS history.
Why do you even bother typing lies? You never post a link proving your lies. Maybe you should stop posting lies?
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

Trump was working with the Feds for document turnover. The raid was illegal.
Trump cooperating with the feds. Got any other good jokes?
Why do you even bother typing lies? You never post a link proving your lies. Maybe you should stop posting lies?
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

Trump was working with the Feds for document turnover. The raid was illegal.

You have no way of knowing what took place since that meeting. You are just assuming things based upon your political loyalties
You cannot convince me that They didn’t factor in Tucker being on vacation for the week when they chose the date for the raid
That's total bullshit. Trump complied. Trump was working with the Feds to turnover documents...
Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

Turns out, that Trump was HIDING an entire treasure trove of documents from the feds, and that the raid occurred after an "informant" notified the FBI what Trump was hiding and where these documents could be found.

So the FBI Director, who was appointed by Donald Trump, obtained a warrant to search Mar-a-lago from a Federal Judge appointed by Donald Trump, on evidence provided by a current Donald Trump employee. If Trump is charged for this crime, it will be under a statute which was signed into law by Donald Trump, in the wake of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

The irony meter is just off the charts here.
Why do you even bother typing lies? You never post a link proving your lies. Maybe you should stop posting lies?
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added.

Trump was working with the Feds for document turnover. The raid was illegal.
Sure. Just like he was working with various agencies to turn over his tax records. Has THAT happened yet?
Turns out, that Trump was HIDING an entire treasure trove of documents from the feds, and that the raid occurred after an "informant" notified the FBI what Trump was hiding and where these documents could be found.

So the FBI Director, who was appointed by Donald Trump, obtained a warrant to search Mar-a-lago from a Federal Judge appointed by Donald Trump, on evidence provided by a current Donald Trump employee. If Trump is charged for this crime, it will be under a statute which was signed into law by Donald Trump, in the wake of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

The irony meter is just off the charts here.
All correct except that the magistrate judge was not appointed by Trump. He was appointed by a panel of other judges...were they appointed by Trump?

I don't know
All correct except that the magistrate judge was not appointed by Trump. He was appointed by a panel of other judges...were they appointed by Trump?

I don't know

about 1/4 of them were. the rest are spread out among Obama, Bush II and Clinton
You're awfully selective in which testimony you believe, under oath or not.
Not at all. But are you suddenly suggesting that YOU alone can choose to reject which testimony is deemed credible? His answer was based on official records. I don’t think the cops had any reason to deny that any of the protestors inside the Capitol had weapons. It seems pretty honest to me to admit that, under the circumstances. A motive to lie might have been expected to yield a different answer.

So, unlike you, I make my judgments based not on the answers alone but upon all of the circumstances.

You should consider being open-minded, too. 😎
If she had complied, she would be alive.
Thoughts and prayers. 🙏
If the cop hadn’t shot her without good cause, she’s be alive.

Shove it.
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