Trumps Incompetence Is Being Laid Bare For All Americans To See Just In Time For The Holidays

President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
So the democrats cause the problem while the Republicans had control of the congress and presidency. That's going to be a hard sell.
Flopper, it is not all that difficult to wrap your brain around.

The POTUS does not control every aspect of the US economy.

Trump warned that the Federal Reserve would kill the stock market if they raised interest rates too much, and they have almost doubled it.

Trump also warned that failing to make the tax cuts permanent would hurt economic growth, both of these were easy calls.

Sabotaging Trumps economy then blaming him for it is classic Dimocrat shenanigans though.
When a party controls the government, they own the successes and failures that grow out of that control. You can take responsibility for all successes but voters will hold you responsible for all the failures.

If one is going to blame past presidents and past Congresses for today’s economic problems, then he must credit past presidents and past Congresses for what’s good about today’s economy.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
Compare how an 18 yr old
Changes with Learning experience

The direction of the change is to conservative So that means liberalism is based on stupidity..
Wait a minute! You guys said that the booming stock market was Obama's doing, that Trump had nothing to do with it!!! But, oh, now that there's an adjustment, it's all Trump's fault?! By the way, the stock market is still over 4,000 points higher than it was the day Trump was elected (18,332 to 22,445).
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
So the democrats cause the problem while the Republicans had control of the congress and presidency. That's going to be a hard sell.

Not to Rump nation it won't be, if you haven't noticed they are already blaming the dims for what's happening now!

You trusted these people to handle the U.S. economy? Really?

It’s been particularly instructive watching CNBC, whose corporate stooges led with the loudest whoops for that supposedly booming market through 2017, as all of these paper gains—affecting tens of millions of individual retirement portfolios—have now suddenly evaporated into thin air. All of them, at the time, seemed genuinely okay with the fact that a proven incompetent con man, who built his entire life ripping people off, was at the helm of the U.S. economy. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump's incompetence is being laid bare for all Americans to see, just in time for the holidays
Trump has given us the strongest economy.y in decades

The Democrats then declare if they retake the House they will reverse it all by:
- Raising Taxes

- Pass more job-crushing regulations

- Eliminate all incentives that brought manufacturing jobs back to the US

...and declare they will spend the next 2 years of government service using the power of the US government to expand the witch hunt to go after anyone and everyone who supported Trump

....then they retake the House......

The collapse of the stock Market is the results of the realization that Trump's MAGA effort has now been replaced by DNC hate and desire for revenge, all consumer confidence and confidence in the stick market success being sucked out by the Democrsts' promise to destroy the country in the process of taking down Trump for the good of the Democratic Party...

As it collapses, though, Trump and Conservatives can rest easy knowing Obama recently came out and said this economy is HIS! :p

Yes, yes, it's all imploding, everything is terrible.

Just another day in the course of TDS. I say: Whatever.
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

Jan 2018: $572,840 - Dec 2018: $498,334; thank you Donald Trump.

You right wingers elected bozo to run the country, and still don't have the ego strength to admit you made the biggest mistake ever.

It was a biggest fuck you . It was no mistake Trump exposed the left for what they are...big pussys..

Compare how an 18 yr old
Changes with Learning experience

The direction of the change is to conservative So that means liberalism is based on stupidity..

Wrong. An 18 year old changes toward learning there are bigger things in life than just themselves.

The ones that don't care and remain selfish assholes become conservatives.
The deep state caught doing high treason crimes and they are in a panic to try to blackmail to try to stop the real investigation that could bring out the
Nooses to a lot of the deep state
Wisdom comes with age

Time to learn which is best

When the direction is at 18 one is more liberal and then at 50 more conservative . That proves conservatives are the wise
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
Please, for your own pitiful welfare, turn off Fox "News," and try to salvage what little brain you have left. A brain that has been washed like yours has is a serious affliction, with no known cure. GET HELP NOW!!! Bigly!!!
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
Please, for your own pitiful welfare, turn off Fox "News," and try to salvage what little brain you have left. A brain that has been washed like yours has is a serious affliction, with no known cure. GET HELP NOW!!! Bigly!!!

Never watch Fox News. All I did was point out exactly what President Trump said, obviously hit a cord with you.
Trump is exposing the crookedness of democrats and RINOS. These simply are traitors for money

Bought off
Wait a minute! You guys said that the booming stock market was Obama's doing, that Trump had nothing to do with it!!! But, oh, now that there's an adjustment, it's all Trump's fault?! By the way, the stock market is still over 4,000 points higher than it was the day Trump was elected (18,332 to 22,445).
Well, this months stock market debacle is certainly not Obama's fault. The market does a pretty good job of predicting the economy in 6 to 12 month. We are overdue for recession. 2019 could well be the year considering what Trump has done.

You trusted these people to handle the U.S. economy? Really?

It’s been particularly instructive watching CNBC, whose corporate stooges led with the loudest whoops for that supposedly booming market through 2017, as all of these paper gains—affecting tens of millions of individual retirement portfolios—have now suddenly evaporated into thin air. All of them, at the time, seemed genuinely okay with the fact that a proven incompetent con man, who built his entire life ripping people off, was at the helm of the U.S. economy. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump's incompetence is being laid bare for all Americans to see, just in time for the holidays
You mean the trump tax breaks didn’t work?
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

How bout that Trump stock market?

Train wreck!
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

How bout that Trump stock market?

Train wreck!
What really upset me was not the market fall. I've been expecting that ever since Trump declared war on international commerce. It was the administration's assuring us that the banks are healthy. He opened up a question most market observers weren't asking. The market's immediate reaction was what does the administration know that we don't know. This and other blunders such as an attack on the federal reserve chairmen, and assurances of progress, in talks with China where there is none, leads me to believe that the country will be in deep shit if we really go into a recession.
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Shoppers delivered the strongest holiday sales increase for U.S. retailers in six years, according to early data.

Total U.S. retail sales, excluding automobiles, rose 5.1% between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24 from a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending with all forms of payment. Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show
Hail to the Chief
he's the POTUS--against all odds
he's rich
gets lots of sex
and you are posting on USMB
He’s not good. What happens when there are no more adults in the room?

Mattis, kelly tillerson. They’re all leaving his sinking ship.

Can’t you people tell it’s not going well?

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