Trumps Incompetence Is Being Laid Bare For All Americans To See Just In Time For The Holidays

[QUOTE="francoHFW, post: 21461792, member: 32338”]t’s
Course, everything you know about Hillary is a lie and a phony scandal.[/QUOTE]
It’s about time you put aside the tedious comparisons with Hillary and your moral standard.
Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats that only listens to fake news and suffering from the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome would define a greatly improved economy, more secure borders, fewer taxes, less regulations, better trade deals, stronger military and less interventionism as "incompetency".

Of course these are the same clowns that thought Obama's increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased taxes, failed health care and dismal economic growth was competent so go figure.
smarter than you

i'm willing to bet the OP doesn't have every aspect of his life under investigation for conspiracy to defraud the US among many other possible criminal acts.
many serial killers have high IQs--
he's got more $$$$$ and probably has had more sex than you and the OP together
good for him

Get up off your knees, and wipe that white stuff off your chin.
Hail to the Chief
he's the POTUS--against all odds
he's rich
gets lots of sex
and you are posting on USMB
He’s not good. What happens when there are no more adults in the room?

Mattis, kelly tillerson. They’re all leaving his sinking ship.

Can’t you people tell it’s not going well?
who cares?
I care that it's not going well. He's a nut. Everyone on his team is protecting us from him.
Shoppers delivered the strongest holiday sales increase for U.S. retailers in six years, according to early data.

Total U.S. retail sales, excluding automobiles, rose 5.1% between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24 from a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending with all forms of payment. Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show
And still the economy isn’t solid
Actually it is....haven't seen one bad economic indicator. Can you name something besides the Circus known as stock market to add to your argument. Jobs up ...wages up...spending up.....I would bet saving is up...….

Let's start with the latest, the Dow's worst Christmas Eve close ever. Analysts say this is now more than just a correction, possibly a bear market. At the same time, we often say the stock market does not equal the economy. So should people be worried?

You are absolutely right to emphasize the fact that the stock market is not the economy. Nonetheless, there are a number of unforced errors that affect both the stock market and the economy - and we're seeing that in the numbers recently - including a lot of concern over the ongoing trade war, for example. We still have tariffs, of course, steel and aluminum tariffs, on products coming in from Canada, from Mexico, from lots of other countries. So those kinds of factors filter through both to manufacturers who operate in the United States, farmers who are trying to sell their products abroad to China and other nations, as well as, of course, to the investors who hold stock in the companies that make those kinds of products.

OK. So on the one hand, there are worrisome signs with stocks, with trade and manufacturing, with tariffs. On the other hand, unemployment is around a 50-year low right now. So how do you balance those two things, and what does it mean for the overall picture of the economy?

So right now the headline numbers for the economy - including unemployment, including GDP growth, things like consumer spending - they still look relatively strong. In some cases, historically strong, as you point out. The question is, I guess, how sustainable those numbers will be. We are in one of the longest expansions on record. So statistically speaking, you know, we are sort of overdue for a turn of some sort.

One of the most significant laws that the last Congress passed was this massive tax cut. How does that factor into the economic picture when you look at it today?

Well, right now it looks like the tax cut gave us a nice, sort of one-time fiscal stimulus - both the tax cut and, of course, the increase in government spending that was passed earlier this year. And as a result, we've seen more money in consumers' pockets, their ability to spend more money. The question is how sustainable those consequences will be. And if you look at basically every single outside forecaster - outside of the White House, that is - they all say that the consequences of that one-time stimulus will fade.
Shoppers delivered the strongest holiday sales increase for U.S. retailers in six years, according to early data.

Total U.S. retail sales, excluding automobiles, rose 5.1% between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24 from a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending with all forms of payment. Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show
And still the economy isn’t solid
Actually it is....haven't seen one bad economic indicator. Can you name something besides the Circus known as stock market to add to your argument. Jobs up ...wages up...spending up.....I would bet saving is up...….

Doesn't it seem striking that more than half of the economists in the survey think that within a couple years the U.S. could be in a recession?

Yes. It is striking. In a sense, it's not all that surprising, given that we're about to break the record for longest expansion ever (Thanks Obama) recorded in history. So of course, at some point, the economy is going to turn. That's what business cycles do. That's why they're called cycles.

The BIG question is how worried should we be? What will ultimately push us into a downturn, and how equipped are we to handle that downturn when it inevitably comes?

And honestly, that's what I'm much more worried about, given how much political dysfunction we've seen so far in the White House.

It's easy to take over Obama's well running Economy and jump start it with irresponsible de regulations and unnecessary tax breaks.
[QUOTE="francoHFW, post: 21461792, member: 32338”]t’s
Course, everything you know about Hillary is a lie and a phony scandal.
It’s about time you put aside the tedious comparisons with Hillary and your moral standard.[/QUOTE]
It's about time you realize that fox Rush heritage etc etc is totally full of s*** and you are a brainwashed functional moron if you vote GOP. And our institutions like law enforcement and the judiciary are not a conspiracy against you stupid fools.
Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats that only listens to fake news and suffering from the mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome would define a greatly improved economy, more secure borders, fewer taxes, less regulations, better trade deals, stronger military and less interventionism as "incompetency".

Of course these are the same clowns that thought Obama's increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased taxes, failed health care and dismal economic growth was competent so go figure.
What planet do you live on, brainwashed functional moron? Thanks for the 2008 corrupt GOP World economic meltdown, and now screwing up Obama's economy with debt, trade wars ridiculous tariffs stupid foreign policy, in a word chaos everywhere. Great job scumbag Trump GOP and silly dupes like you.
Shoppers delivered the strongest holiday sales increase for U.S. retailers in six years, according to early data.

Total U.S. retail sales, excluding automobiles, rose 5.1% between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24 from a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending with all forms of payment. Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show
And still the economy isn’t solid
Actually it is....haven't seen one bad economic indicator. Can you name something besides the Circus known as stock market to add to your argument. Jobs up ...wages up...spending up.....I would bet saving is up...….
Employment and wages are lagging indicators which means they turn down after the economic contraction is well underway. People tend to be very concerned about the stock market because it's a leading indicator which often predicts major changes in the economy.
Shoppers delivered the strongest holiday sales increase for U.S. retailers in six years, according to early data.

Total U.S. retail sales, excluding automobiles, rose 5.1% between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24 from a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending with all forms of payment. Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show
And still the economy isn’t solid
Actually it is....haven't seen one bad economic indicator. Can you name something besides the Circus known as stock market to add to your argument. Jobs up ...wages up...spending up.....I would bet saving is up...….
Employment and wages are lagging indicators which means they turn down after the economic contraction is well underway. People tend to be very concerned about the stock market because it's a leading indicator which often predicts major changes in the economy.
So ya got nothing then......
Shoppers delivered the strongest holiday sales increase for U.S. retailers in six years, according to early data.

Total U.S. retail sales, excluding automobiles, rose 5.1% between Nov. 1 and Dec. 24 from a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending with all forms of payment. Overall, U.S. consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season, according to Mastercard. U.S. Holiday Retail Sales Are Strongest in Years, Early Data Show
And still the economy isn’t solid
Actually it is....haven't seen one bad economic indicator. Can you name something besides the Circus known as stock market to add to your argument. Jobs up ...wages up...spending up.....I would bet saving is up...….
Employment and wages are lagging indicators which means they turn down after the economic contraction is well underway. People tend to be very concerned about the stock market because it's a leading indicator which often predicts major changes in the economy.

That was a very convoluted way of saying, "No"!

You trusted these people to handle the U.S. economy? Really?

It’s been particularly instructive watching CNBC, whose corporate stooges led with the loudest whoops for that supposedly booming market through 2017, as all of these paper gains—affecting tens of millions of individual retirement portfolios—have now suddenly evaporated into thin air. All of them, at the time, seemed genuinely okay with the fact that a proven incompetent con man, who built his entire life ripping people off, was at the helm of the U.S. economy. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump's incompetence is being laid bare for all Americans to see, just in time for the holidays

You trusted these people to handle the U.S. economy? Really?

It’s been particularly instructive watching CNBC, whose corporate stooges led with the loudest whoops for that supposedly booming market through 2017, as all of these paper gains—affecting tens of millions of individual retirement portfolios—have now suddenly evaporated into thin air. All of them, at the time, seemed genuinely okay with the fact that a proven incompetent con man, who built his entire life ripping people off, was at the helm of the U.S. economy. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump's incompetence is being laid bare for all Americans to see, just in time for the holidays

The whiny middle school girl who was ushered into the White House by Putin and an army of fake news now sitting in the WH sucking on his thumb and complaining that no one loves him...The Dems are preparing to light his large orange ass up...
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
The trade wars, wealth destroying tariffs, and his total destabilization of the post-WW2 order has absolutely nothing to do with it :lmao:

He has carried out Putin's plan with great zeal....!
Seems to be doing a pretty good job with record low unemployment for all. 4 million off welfare trade deals working out pretty good in our favor with Canada the eu and now china bending .

Iran being treated like a terrorist nation instead of kissing their ass etc
Seems to be doing a pretty good job with record low unemployment for all. 4 million off welfare trade deals working out pretty good in our favor with Canada the eu and now china bending .

Iran being treated like a terrorist nation instead of kissing their ass etc
Yeah who cares if last years markets are the lowest in 10 years Way to go slimebags
Seems to be doing a pretty good job with record low unemployment for all. 4 million off welfare trade deals working out pretty good in our favor with Canada the eu and now china bending .

Iran being treated like a terrorist nation instead of kissing their ass etc
Yeah who cares if last years markets are the lowest in 10 years Way to go slimebags

While the world thinks he is crazy and.....Putin Laughs....

"Boy, did I help elect an idiot, or what?"
A real smart Republican
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential candidate and incoming U.S. senator from Utah, sharply criticized President Donald Trump and suggested the U.S. leader had caused dismay around the world.

In a Washington Post essay published on Tuesday evening, Romney criticized a number of Trump's actions in December.

"The appointment of senior persons of lesser experience, the abandonment of allies who fight beside us, and the president’s thoughtless claim that America has long been a 'sucker' in world affairs all defined his presidency down," he wrote.

He added that "Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world."

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Romney suggested that "on balance, (Trump's) conduct over the past two years ... is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office."

Romney is staking out an independent position two days before he takes office on Thursday. It is unclear whether Trump will face a serious challenge in 2020 to securing the Republican Party's presidential nomination.

Trump last February endorsed Romney’s run for a Senate seat in Utah.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Romney excoriated Trump as a "fraud" who was “playing the American public for suckers." Trump responded that Romney had “choked like a dog” in his unsuccessful 2012 campaign against Democratic President Barack Obama.

Despite Romney’s prior criticism, after Trump won the presidency in November 2016, he briefly considered tapping Romney as secretary of state.

In his essay on Tuesday, Romney said he "will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions."
A real smart Republican
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential candidate and incoming U.S. senator from Utah, sharply criticized President Donald Trump and suggested the U.S. leader had caused dismay around the world.

In a Washington Post essay published on Tuesday evening, Romney criticized a number of Trump's actions in December.

"The appointment of senior persons of lesser experience, the abandonment of allies who fight beside us, and the president’s thoughtless claim that America has long been a 'sucker' in world affairs all defined his presidency down," he wrote.

He added that "Trump’s words and actions have caused dismay around the world."

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Romney suggested that "on balance, (Trump's) conduct over the past two years ... is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office."

Romney is staking out an independent position two days before he takes office on Thursday. It is unclear whether Trump will face a serious challenge in 2020 to securing the Republican Party's presidential nomination.

Trump last February endorsed Romney’s run for a Senate seat in Utah.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Romney excoriated Trump as a "fraud" who was “playing the American public for suckers." Trump responded that Romney had “choked like a dog” in his unsuccessful 2012 campaign against Democratic President Barack Obama.

Despite Romney’s prior criticism, after Trump won the presidency in November 2016, he briefly considered tapping Romney as secretary of state.

In his essay on Tuesday, Romney said he "will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions."
hmm, Criticism of Trump by a Republican Senator who isn't retiring,

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